diff options
authorInhwan Lee <>2016-12-15 14:27:39 +0900
committerJongHeon Choi <>2016-12-20 10:38:54 +0900
commit8ea5d0a517060f492c1757a4b5e85061f8ca7333 (patch)
parentfc168cf98012b338709f2a80bf11fe24d34f6903 (diff)
add test tool for check launching time
Change-Id: I4d29972eceb263559135f8ca7c659ffdaefd0c27
3 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/README b/tools/README
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41e934b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/README
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+README file for performance test of dotnet launcher
+Performance test is a tool to calcuate launching time.
+This tool is performed on the host where the device is connected with sdb
+The test consists of two files.
+ - : main executable script
+ - : used by ""
+The files should be in the same directory in host.
+For running automatic test, you have to locate ".tpk" files in specific directory
+More detail, it describes in "USAGE" section.
+This test need below package
+ - inotify-tools
+If the package is not exist, it will try to install the package.
+The host can connect device with sdb.
+There are two modes in performance test
+ - auto test mode
+ - manual test mode
+Each mode has the following characteristics.
+[Auto test mode]
+ This mode automatically installs applications and measures and records performance.
+ This mode need ".tpk" packaged dotnet application. It should located in "tpk" directory.
+ So, files locates likes below.
+ .
+ ├──
+ ├── README
+ ├──
+ └── tpk
+ └── <tpk_application_file_name>.tpk
+ There can be several tpk files. And tpk files can be freely added or deleted by the user.
+[Manual test mode]
+ This mode measures the execution time when the user executes the installed applications.
+ After executing this mode, the user runs and terminates the application.
+ And then, result of launching time and making report file.
+[*] USAGE
+The test has two modes.
+ - automatic test
+ - manual test
+Each test can be run through shell below options.
+ -a --auto : execute automatic test
+ -m --manual : execute manual test
+In the auto test mode does not require user input.
+In the manual test mode, the user executes / terminates the application after executing the test.
+Test results are generated as files in the "result/" directory.
+The resulting file name is determined by the date and time, likes "result/result_YYYYMMDD_HHmm.log"
+Test results consist of launching time(ms) and applicatoin id.
+example of result :
+ T(ms) APP ID
+ 680 org.tizen.example.BasicSampleXamarine.Tizen
+ 710 org.tizen.example.XamarinApplication1.Tizen
+ 1460 org.tizen.example.EmailUI.Tizen
+ 770 org.tizen.example.FormsTizenGallery.Tizen
+ 2390 org.tizen.example.SNSUI.Tizen
+Some system can be occur error with some points.
+In this section, we would like to share some solutions to solve the problems.
+[>] Inotify-tools - 'max_user_watchers' error
+ Failed to watch stream.log; upper limit on inotify watches reached!
+ Please increase the amount of inotify watches allowed per user via `/proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches'.
+ execute below command for expand max_user_watchers for inotify-tool
+ echo 32768 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
+ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=32768 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
+ sudo sysctl -p
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..def3105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)
+initialize ()
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Initialize for Performance Test"
+ if [ $(sdb get-state 2>/dev/null | grep -c "device") -eq 0 ];
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "[!] device is not connected - cannot execute"
+ echo ""
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' inotify-tools 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ];
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "[!] inotify-tools package should install"
+ echo "[!] starting install inotify-tools .. "
+ sudo apt-get install inotify-tools
+ if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' inotify-tools 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ];
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "[!] install inotify-tools fail - cannot execute"
+ echo ""
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo 32768 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
+ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=32768 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
+ sudo sysctl -p
+ fi
+ sdb root on
+ sdb shell "devicectl display stop">/dev/null 2>&1
+ mkdir result>/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm $STREAM_LOG_FILE>/dev/null 2>&1
+install_tpk ()
+#install tpk packages
+ echo "[>] Installing package in tpk directory"
+ TPKS=($(ls tpk | grep .tpk))
+ for item in ${TPKS[*]}
+ do
+ INSTALL_MSG=$(sdb install tpk/$item | grep start)
+ INSTALL_MSG=$(echo $INSTALL_MSG | sed "s/\[/ /g")
+ INSTALL_MSG=$(echo $INSTALL_MSG | sed "s/\]/ /g")
+ PKG_IDS+=($(echo $INSTALL_MSG | awk '{print $7}'))
+ echo " [>] ($(echo $INSTALL_MSG | awk '{print $7}')) installs complete"
+ done
+get_current_tpk_apps ()
+ echo "[>] Get application list in device"
+ PKG_IDS+=$(
+ sdb shell "su - owner -c 'pkgcmd -l | grep tpk'" | while read line
+ do
+ APP_LIST_ENTITY=$(echo $APP_LIST_ENTITY | sed "s/\[/ /g")
+ APP_LIST_ENTITY=$(echo $APP_LIST_ENTITY | sed "s/\]/ /g")
+ APP_OWNER=($(echo $APP_LIST_ENTITY | awk '{print $1}'))
+ if [[ $APP_OWNER == 'user' ]]
+ then
+ echo $APP_LIST_ENTITY | awk '{print $6}'
+ fi
+ done | sort
+ )
+make_appid_list ()
+#get app ids
+ echo "[>] Get application id that installed"
+ for item in ${PKG_IDS[*]}
+ do
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(sdb shell "su - owner -c 'app_launcher -l | grep $item'")
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(echo $APP_LIST_MSG | sed "s/'/ /g")
+ APP_IDS+=($(echo $APP_LIST_MSG | awk '{print $2}'))
+ done
+initialize_first_launch ()
+ if [[ -z ${APP_IDS[0]} ]]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "[!] No tpk Packages for test"
+ echo "[!] Copy tpk files in [./tpk] directory"
+ echo ""
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo "[>] Initial launch an application"
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(sdb shell "su - owner -c 'app_launcher -s ${APP_IDS[0]}'")
+ sleep 10
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(sdb shell "su - owner -c 'app_launcher -k ${APP_IDS[0]}'")
+ sleep 5
+execute_time_stamp_auto ()
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Start performance test that applciation launching "
+ echo ""
+#execute dlogstreamer
+ sdb shell "dlogutil -c"
+ sdb shell "dlogutil -v time AUL APP_CORE|grep -E 'app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid.*[SECURE_LOG].*launch.*request|__show_cb.*[EVENT_TEST][EVENT]'" >> $STREAM_LOG_FILE &
+#execute timestamp
+execute_time_stamp_manual ()
+#execute dlogstreamer
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Start performance test that applciation launching "
+ echo ""
+ sdb shell "dlogutil -c"
+ sdb shell "dlogutil -v time AUL APP_CORE|grep -E 'app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid.*[SECURE_LOG].*launch.*request|__show_cb.*[EVENT_TEST][EVENT]'" >> $STREAM_LOG_FILE &
+#execute timestamp
+execute_time_stamp_manual_trace ()
+#execute dlogstreamer
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Start performance test that applciation launching "
+ echo ""
+ sdb shell "dlogutil -c"
+ sdb shell "dlogutil -v time AUL APP_CORE|grep -E 'app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid.*[SECURE_LOG].*launch.*request|__show_cb.*[EVENT_TEST][EVENT]'" >> $STREAM_LOG_FILE &
+#execute timestamp
+#execute ttrace
+ ~/tizen-sdk/tools/ttrace/ -b 20480 -t 10 -o result/trace.html idle app view am &
+ wait $TTRACE_PID
+ rm result/*.ftrace
+ rm result/*.raw
+execute_all_app ()
+#execute each apps
+ for item in ${APP_IDS[*]}
+ do
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(sdb shell "su - owner -c 'app_launcher -s $item'")
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(sdb shell "su - owner -c 'app_launcher -k $item'")
+ sleep $WAIT_FOR_KILL
+ done
+execute_all_app_trace ()
+#execute each apps
+ for item in ${APP_IDS[*]}
+ do
+ ~/tizen-sdk/tools/ttrace/ -b 20480 -t 13 -o result/${item}.html idle app view am & > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 1
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(sdb shell "su - owner -c 'app_launcher -s $item'")
+ APP_LIST_MSG=$(sdb shell "su - owner -c 'app_launcher -t $item'")
+ sleep $WAIT_FOR_KILL
+ sleep 4
+ done
+ rm result/*.ftrace
+ rm result/*.raw
+finalize ()
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Result"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Result file : [ $RESULT_LOG_FILE ]"
+destory ()
+ echo ""
+ kill -9 $DLOG_STREAMER_PID>/dev/null 2>&1
+ kill -9 $TIMESTAMP_PID>/dev/null 2>&1
+ kill -9 $TTRACE_PID>/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm $STREAM_LOG_FILE>/dev/null 2>&1
+ sdb shell "devicectl display start">/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "[>] Finalize for Performance Test"
+ echo ""
+help ()
+ echo ""
+ echo "[!] usage : <script> [option]"
+ echo " options : -a --auto full automatic test"
+ echo " : (suboption for auto) -s --skip-install skip install tpk (execute tpk app in device)"
+ echo " : -m --manual execute application manually "
+ echo " : -ta --ttrace-auto full automatic test with ttrace"
+ echo " : -tm --ttrace-manual execute only one application manually with ttrace"
+ echo "example : ./ --auto"
+ echo ""
+trap "destory" 0
+if [[ $1 == '-a' ]] || [[ $1 == "--auto" ]]
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Start with AUTO mode"
+ initialize
+ if [[ $2 == "-s" ]] || [[ $2 == "--skip-install" ]]
+ then
+ get_current_tpk_apps
+ else
+ install_tpk
+ fi
+ make_appid_list
+ initialize_first_launch
+ execute_time_stamp_auto
+ execute_all_app
+ finalize
+elif [[ $1 == '-m' ]] || [[ $1 == "--manual" ]]
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Start with MANUAL mode"
+ echo "[>] execute installed application in your device"
+ initialize
+ execute_time_stamp_manual
+ finalize
+elif [[ $1 == '-ta' ]] || [[ $1 == "--ttrace-auto" ]]
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Start with T-trace Auto mode"
+ initialize
+ if [[ $2 == "-s" ]] || [[ $2 == "--skip-install" ]]
+ then
+ get_current_tpk_apps
+ else
+ install_tpk
+ fi
+ make_appid_list
+ initialize_first_launch
+ execute_time_stamp_auto
+ execute_all_app_trace
+ finalize
+elif [[ $1 == '-tm' ]] || [[ $1 == "--ttrace-manual" ]]
+ echo ""
+ echo "[>] Start with T-trace Manual mode"
+ echo "[>] execute installed application in your device"
+ initialize
+ execute_time_stamp_manual_trace
+ finalize
+ help
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57923a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+if [[ -z $1 ]] || [[ -z $2 ]]
+ echo "[!] Execute [./]"
+ exit 0
+echo -e "T(ms)\tAPP ID" | tee -a $RESULT_FILE
+while inotifywait -qqre modify "$LOG_FILE"; do
+ GET_LOG="$(tail -1 $LOG_FILE)"
+ GET_LOG=$(echo $GET_LOG | sed "s/(/ /g")
+ if [[ $GET_LOG == *"app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid"* ]];
+ then
+ APP_NAME=$(echo "$GET_LOG" | grep app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid | awk '{print $13}')
+ APP_NAME=$(echo $APP_NAME | tr -d '\r')
+ IS_DIGIT=$(echo $APP_NAME | sed "s/[^0-9]*//g")
+ if [[ $IS_DIGIT != $APP_NAME ]];
+ then
+ START_T=$(echo "$GET_LOG" | grep app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid | awk '{print $2}')
+ START_T=${START_T%%+0900}
+ START_T=$(echo $START_T | sed "s/:/./g")
+ IS_START=true
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $GET_LOG == *APP_CORE* ]] && [ "$IS_START" = true ]
+ then
+ END_T=$(echo "$GET_LOG" | grep SHOW | awk '{print $2}')
+ END_T=${END_T%%+0900}
+ END_T=$(echo $END_T | sed "s/:/./g")
+ IFS=. read -ra START_ARR <<<"$START_T"
+ : $[ START_MS = 10#$START_MS + 10#${START_ARR[0]} * 3600 * 1000 ]
+ : $[ START_MS = 10#$START_MS + 10#${START_ARR[1]} * 60 * 1000 ]
+ : $[ START_MS = 10#$START_MS + 10#${START_ARR[2]} * 1000 ]
+ : $[ START_MS = 10#$START_MS + 10#${START_ARR[3]} ]
+ IFS=. read -ra END_ARR <<<"$END_T"
+ END_MS=0
+ : $[ END_MS = 10#$END_MS + 10#${END_ARR[0]} * 3600 * 1000 ]
+ : $[ END_MS = 10#$END_MS + 10#${END_ARR[1]} * 60 * 1000 ]
+ : $[ END_MS = 10#$END_MS + 10#${END_ARR[2]} * 1000 ]
+ : $[ END_MS = 10#$END_MS + 10#${END_ARR[3]} ]
+ : $[ DIFF_MS = $END_MS - $START_MS ]
+ echo -e "$DIFF_MS\t$APP_NAME" | tee -a $RESULT_FILE
+ IS_START=false
+ fi