path: root/tool
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-19Fix a wrong profile nameHwankyu Jhun1-1/+1
2019-04-19Modified loading syspopup infoHwankyu Jhun3-15/+11
2019-04-18Adjust printing logsHwankyu Jhun2-2/+4
2019-04-18Modified sp_initdb toolHwankyu Jhun18-316/+1193
2018-09-04Change the appid for net-popuphyunuktak1-2/+2
2018-08-21Register net.netpopup app in wearable dbhyunuktak1-1/+2
2018-02-20Clean up file modeSemun Lee2-0/+0
2017-12-21Check return value for smack_setlabel() callSemun Lee1-2/+8
2017-10-16Fix window priorityHwankyu Jhun1-8/+8
2017-08-09Apply ASLR to sp_testMyungki Lee1-1/+1
2017-06-09Fix License descriptionHwankyu Jhun1-7/+1
2017-06-08Add -f option on sp_initdb toolHwankyu Jhun2-2/+29
2017-06-09Add a new API to retrive syspopup informationHwankyu Jhun1-1/+12
2017-05-18Register telephony-syspopup app in wearable syspopup dbWootak Jung1-1/+2
2017-01-19Fix syspopup initdb toolHwankyu Jhun1-18/+5
2017-01-18Fix memory leakHwankyu Jhun1-2/+7
2017-01-16Remove Profile Build DependencyMyungJoo Ham3-0/+378