path: root/lib/include/shortcut_PG.h
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diff --git a/lib/include/shortcut_PG.h b/lib/include/shortcut_PG.h
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index 75c4f26..0000000
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- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
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- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * @ingroup SLP_PG
- * @defgroup SHORTCUT_PG Add to home (shortcut)
- * @{
-<H1>1. Shortcut</H1>
-Tizen is supporting the "add shortcut or add to home" for various applications.
-Developers may use the shortcut library (libshortcut) to implement features sending (applications) and receiving (possibly home screen) shortcuts.
-If home screen implements the shortcut service using the library, the applications are good to go for adding their shortcuts to the home screen(, and vice versa.)
-<H1>2. How to add a new shortcut to the home screen</H1>
-<H2>2.1 Add to home (From the app to home)</H2>
-The followings are two separate APIs to support "add to home" feature.
-typedef int (*result_cb_t)(int ret, int pid, void *data)
-extern int add_to_home_shortcut(const char *pkgname, const char *name, int type, const char *content_info, const char *icon, result_cb_t result_cb, void *data)
-extern int add_to_home_livebox(const char *pkgname, const char *name, int type, const char *content, const char *icon, double period, result_cb_t result_cb, void *data)
-Currently, our home screen can contain two different types of contents (that are pure shortcuts and liveboxes).
-To add a pure shortcut i.e., simply for launching an app, developers can use "add_to_home_shortcut" API to deliver their shortcuts to a home screen.
-If your application supports our livebox service and implments livebox type shortcut, then you can use "add_to_home_livebox" API to have a home screen add the livebox on its screen.
-<TR><TD>pkgname</TD><TD>Package name</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>name</TD><TD>Application name wich will be displayed on the screen</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>type</TD><TD>Basically it describes launching options whether to use a package name or URI. LAUNCH_BY_PACKAGE or LAUNCH_BY_URI</TD></TR>
-Application data used for creating a pure shortcut or creating a livebox
- Shortcut
-1. if the type is Launch by package: None
-2. if the type is Launch by URI: put the URI in the content
- Livebox: any data necessary to create a livebox. Basically, it will passed to the livebox plug-in's create function.
-<TR><TD>icon</TD><TD>Absolute path to the icon file, If you set this "NULL", the home screen will use the deafult icon file (but it is depends on the homescreen implementations)</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>period</TD><TD>&lt;Only for livebox> Update period. The period must be greater than 0.0f</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>result_cb</TD><TD>Result callback. The callback will be called after a shortcut or livebox has been added. Don't forget to check the return value.</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>data</TD><TD>Callback data</TD></TR>
-<H3>2.1.1 Supported types</H3>
-\snippet lib/include/shortcut.h Enumeration values for type of shortcuts
-<H2>2.2 Add shortcut (Home screen retrieves shortcuts from app)</H2>
-"Add shortcut " service enables home screen to retrieve all shortcuts that applications promised to support and request an app to send their shortcuts to home directly, as opposed to "add to home".
-It is initiated by home screen as opposed to "add to home" which is initiated by an application."Add shortcut " service enables home screen to retrieve all shortcuts that applications promised to support and request an app to send their shortcuts to home directly, as opposed to "add to home".
-It is initiated by home screen as opposed to "add to home" which is initiated by an application.
-<H3>2.2.1 Build the shortcut list DB</H3>
-\image html BuildShortcutList.png
-To recognize how many and what kinds of shortcuts have been registerred, each application who wants to support "add shortcut" service needs to install the XML file that defines "shortcut" information.
-The following table describes the format and information necessary to define the shortcuts application can support.
-Then, the information will be shown and used in home screen when a user selects "add shortcut" service.
-<TH><TD>Syntax of the shortcut manifest file</TD></TH>
-<manifest xmlns="" package="org.tizen.APP_PKGNAME">
- <shortcut-list>
- <shortcut appid="org.tizen.myapp" extra_key="key_string" extra_data="data_string_for_key">
- <icon>/opt/share/icons/default/small/org.tizen.myapp-shortcut.png</icon>
- <label>Default name</label>
- <label xml:lang="en-us">Name en</label>
- <label xml:lang="nl-nl">Name nl</label>
- <label xml:lang="de-de">Name de</label>
- <label xml:lang="zh-hk">Name hk</label>
- <label xml:lang="zh-cn">Name cn</label>
- <label xml:lang="ru-ru">Name ru</label>
- <label xml:lang="zh-tw">Name tw</label>
- <label xml:lang="ja-jp">Name jp</label>
- <label xml:lang="es-es">Name es</label>
- <label xml:lang="el-gr">Name gr</label>
- <label xml:lang="it-it">Name it</label>
- <label xml:lang="tr-tr">Name tr</label>
- <label xml:lang="pt-pt">Name pt</label>
- <label xml:lang="fr-fr">Name fr</label>
- <label xml:lang="ko-kr">Name kr</label>
- </shortcut>
- <shortcut appid="org.tizen.myapp" extra_key="key_string" extra_data="data_string_for_key">
- <label>Default name</label>
- </shortcut>
- ...
- <shortcut appid="org.tizen.myapp" extra_key="key_string" extra_data="data_string_for_key">
- <label>Default name</label>
- <icon>/opt/share/icons/default/small/org.tizen.myapp2.png</icon>
- </shortcut>
- </shortcut-list>
-Install this XML file to /opt/share/packages/YOUR_PKGNAME.xml (Note: After manifest has been applied to the binary, simply copy the content to your manifest file.)
-Shortcut listing application will list up these items on its screen and each item will be displayed using the string in label field.
-When selected, it will launch the selected app using app service with "appid" and a bundle holding data in the pair of extra_key and extra-data fields.
-Obviously, icon will be used to display visual information for given shortcut type.(that said the icon could be other than the application's default icon)
-<H3>2.2.2 Jump to the APP</H3>
-\image html JumpToApp.png
-Shortcut listing application will launch your application using app-svc with package name and param attributes.
-It will use the pkgname and param attrbute to launch your application.
-Shortcut list view will launch your "[App] Shortcut list" using followed code.
-<TH><TD>Launch your app from shortcut list viewer</TD></TH>
-service_h service;
-service_set_package(service, APPID); /* <shortcut appid="APPID" ...> */
-service_add_extra_data(service, EXTRA_KEY, EXTRA_DATA); /* <shortcut extra_key="EXTRA_KEY" extra_data="EXTRA_DATA" ...> */
-ret = service_send_launch_request(service, NULL, NULL);
-if (ret ...) { }
-When your app is launched, the app should send a selected item as a shortcut or livebox to the home screen using "add_to_home" series functions mentioned above.
-<H3>2.2.3 What each app has to do</H3>
-You can implement your shortcut list view using App or UG.
-Who is going to handle the shortcut
-<LI>Handled by App
- <LI>App should prepare a shortcut-add view as guided</LI>
-<LI>Handeld by UG
- <LI>UG should be launched as an app and provide the shortcut-add view</LI>
-In your shortcut list view, you just call the "add_to_home_shortcut" or "add_to_home_livebox" which are described in the section 2.1
-<H4> Handled by App</H4>
-\image html ShortcutApp.png
-When your application is launched by the shortcut list application (displayed on the left most of above figure).
-Your application should go back to the normal view when you receive the PAUSE event.
-If you didn't change the view of your application, the user will see this shortcut list view again even if the user
-launches your application from the app-tray(or homescreen).
-So you have to change the view from the shortcut list to the normal(or previous) view when you get the PAUSE event.
-<H4> Handled by UG</H4>
-\image html ShortcutUG.png
-In this case, the Shortcut List application will launch your UG as a process.
-When you receive PAUSE event, or need to change to other view (not in the same UG), you should destroy current UG.
-If you didn't destroy it, it will be reside on the process list. and it will not be destroyed automatically.
-Currently, UG container process only supporting the multiple instance for a process.
-So if the user tries to add a new shortcut again from the shortcut list application, your UG will be launched again if you didn't
-terminate previous UG process (when you got PAUSE event).
-<H1>3. What the home screen should do</H1>
-typedef int (*request_cb_t)(const char *pkgname, const char *name, int type, const char *content_info, const char *icon, int pid, double period, void *data)
-extern int shortcut_set_request_cb(request_cb_t request_cb, void *data)
-<TR><TD>pkgname</TD><TD>Package name to be added</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>name</TD><TD>Application name to be displayed on the screen</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>content_info</TD><TD>Used for the livebox, or homescreen by itself if it required.</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>icon</TD><TD>Absolute path of the icon file. (If it is not exists, the homescreen can use the deafult icon file)</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>pid</TD><TD>Reuquestor's Process ID</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>period</TD><TD>Update period only for the livebox</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>data</TD><TD>Callback data</TD></TR>
-<H1>4. To list up shortcuts registred in the device</H1>
-<TR><TH>shortcut-list viewer will launch your app by this way</TH></TR>
-int shortcut_get_list(const char *pkgname, int (*cb)(const char *pkgname, const char *icon, const char *name, const char *extra_key, const char *extra_data, void *data), void *data)
-If you specified the "pkgname", this API will only gathering the given Package's shortcut list.
-If you set is to NULL, this API will gathering all shortcuts.
-Every shortcut item will be passed via "cb" callback function. so it will be invoked N times if the number of registered shortcut item is N.
-pkgname and name and param is described in the XML file of each application package.
-It will returns the number of shortcut items, or return <0 as an error value.
--EIO : failed to access shortcut list DB
-> 0 : Number of shortcut items (count of callback function calling)
- *
- * @}