/* * Message Port * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file message-port.cpp * @brief This is the implementation file for the MessagePort. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "message-port.h" #include "message-port-log.h" #define MAX_PACKAGE_STR_SIZE 512 #define MESSAGEPORT_BUS_NAME_PREFIX "org.tizen.messageport._" #define MESSAGEPORT_OBJECT_PATH "/org/tizen/messageport" #define MESSAGEPORT_INTERFACE_PREFIX "org.tizen.messageport._" #define DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS "org.freedesktop.DBus" #define DBUS_PATH_DBUS "/org/freedesktop/DBus" #define DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS "org.freedesktop.DBus" #define DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_RELEASED 1 /* *< Service was released from the given name */ #define DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NON_EXISTENT 2 /* *< The given name does not exist on the bus */ #define DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NOT_OWNER 3 /* *< Service is not an owner of the given name */ #define HEADER_LEN 8 #define MAX_RETRY_CNT 2 #define SOCK_PAIR_SENDER 0 #define SOCK_PAIR_RECEIVER 1 #define retvm_if(expr, val, fmt, arg...) do { \ if (expr) { \ _LOGE(fmt, ##arg); \ _LOGE("(%s) -> %s() return", #expr, __func__); \ return val; \ } \ } while (0) #define retv_if(expr, val) do { \ if (expr) { \ _LOGE("(%s) -> %s() return", #expr, __func__); \ return val; \ } \ } while (0) #define FREE_AND_NULL(ptr) do { \ if (ptr) { \ free((void *)ptr); \ ptr = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) static bool _initialized = false; static GDBusConnection *__gdbus_conn = NULL; static char *__app_id; static GHashTable *__local_port_info = NULL; static GHashTable *__remote_port_info = NULL;; static GHashTable *__sender_appid_hash = NULL;; static GHashTable *__trusted_app_list_hash = NULL; static const int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 16 * 1024; enum __certificate_info_type { UNKNOWN = 0, CERTIFICATE_MATCH, CERTIFICATE_NOT_MATCH, }; typedef struct message_port_pkt { int remote_port_name_len; char *remote_port_name; bool is_bidirection; bool is_trusted; int data_len; unsigned char *data; } message_port_pkt_s; typedef struct message_port_callback_info { messageport_message_cb callback; int local_id; char *remote_app_id; GIOChannel *gio_read; int g_src_id; } message_port_callback_info_s; typedef struct message_port_local_port_info { messageport_message_cb callback; bool is_trusted; char *port_name; int local_id; } message_port_local_port_info_s; typedef struct message_port_remote_port_info { char *sender_id; char *remote_app_id; int certificate_info; GList *port_list; } message_port_remote_app_info_s; typedef struct port_list_info { char *port_name; char *encoded_bus_name; bool is_trusted; int send_sock_fd; int watcher_id; bool exist; } port_list_info_s; static void __callback_info_free(message_port_callback_info_s *callback_info) { GError *error = NULL; if (callback_info == NULL) return; if (callback_info->remote_app_id) free(callback_info->remote_app_id); if (callback_info->gio_read != NULL) { g_io_channel_shutdown(callback_info->gio_read, FALSE, &error); if (error) { _LOGE("g_io_channel_shutdown error : %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } g_io_channel_unref(callback_info->gio_read); callback_info->gio_read = NULL; } if (callback_info->g_src_id != 0) { g_source_remove(callback_info->g_src_id); callback_info->g_src_id = 0; } free(callback_info); } static char *__get_encoded_name(const char *remote_app_id, const char *port_name, bool is_trusted) { int prefix_len = strlen(MESSAGEPORT_BUS_NAME_PREFIX); int postfix_len = 1; char *postfix = is_trusted ? "1" : "0"; unsigned char c[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0}; char *md5_interface = NULL; char *temp; int index = 0; MD5_CTX mdContext; int encoded_bus_name_len = prefix_len + postfix_len + (MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2) + 2; int bus_name_len = strlen(remote_app_id) + strlen(port_name) + 2; char *bus_name = (char *)calloc(bus_name_len, sizeof(char)); if (bus_name == NULL) { _LOGE("bus_name calloc failed"); return 0; } snprintf(bus_name, bus_name_len, "%s_%s", remote_app_id, port_name); MD5_Init(&mdContext); MD5_Update(&mdContext, bus_name, bus_name_len); MD5_Final(c, &mdContext); md5_interface = (char *)calloc(encoded_bus_name_len , sizeof(char)); if (md5_interface == NULL) { if (bus_name) free(bus_name); _LOGE("md5_interface calloc failed!!"); return 0; } snprintf(md5_interface, encoded_bus_name_len, "%s", MESSAGEPORT_BUS_NAME_PREFIX); temp = md5_interface; temp += prefix_len; for (index = 0; index < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; index++) { snprintf(temp, 3, "%02x", c[index]); temp += 2; } if (postfix && postfix_len > 0) snprintf(temp, encoded_bus_name_len - (temp - md5_interface), "%s", postfix); if (bus_name) free(bus_name); _LOGI("encoded_bus_name : %s ", md5_interface); return md5_interface; } static int __remote_port_compare_cb(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { port_list_info_s *key1 = (port_list_info_s *)a; port_list_info_s *key2 = (port_list_info_s *)b; if (key1->is_trusted == key2->is_trusted) return strcmp(key1->port_name, key2->port_name); return 1; } static bool __is_preloaded(const char *local_appid, const char *remote_appid) { _LOGI("IsPreloaded"); bool preload_local = false; bool preload_remote = false; pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_h handle = NULL; int ret = pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_get_usr_appinfo(local_appid, getuid(), &handle); if (ret != PMINFO_R_OK) { _LOGE("Failed to get the appinfo. %d", ret); pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_destroy_appinfo(handle); return false; } ret = pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_is_preload(handle, &preload_local); if (ret != PMINFO_R_OK) { _LOGE("Failed to check the preloaded application. %d", ret); pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_destroy_appinfo(handle); return false; } ret = pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_get_usr_appinfo(remote_appid, getuid(), &handle); if (ret != PMINFO_R_OK) { _LOGE("Failed to get the appinfo. %d", ret); pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_destroy_appinfo(handle); return false; } ret = pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_is_preload(handle, &preload_remote); if (ret != PMINFO_R_OK) { _LOGE("Failed to check the preloaded application. %d", ret); pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_destroy_appinfo(handle); return false; } if (preload_local && preload_remote) { pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_destroy_appinfo(handle); return true; } pkgmgrinfo_appinfo_destroy_appinfo(handle); return false; } static int __check_certificate(const char *local_appid, const char *remote_appid) { _LOGI("CheckCertificate"); pkgmgrinfo_cert_compare_result_type_e res; int ret = pkgmgrinfo_pkginfo_compare_usr_app_cert_info(local_appid, remote_appid, getuid(), &res); if (ret < 0) { _LOGE(":CheckCertificate() Failed"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } if (res != PMINFO_CERT_COMPARE_MATCH) { _LOGE("CheckCertificate() Failed : MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_NOT_MATCH"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_NOT_MATCH; } return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } static void on_name_appeared(GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *name, const gchar *name_owner, gpointer user_data) { _LOGI("name appeared : %s %s", __app_id, name); } static void on_name_vanished(GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *name, gpointer user_data) { _LOGI("name vanished : %s", name); port_list_info_s *pli = (port_list_info_s *)user_data; g_bus_unwatch_name(pli->watcher_id); pli->exist = false; _LOGI("name vanished socket : %d", pli->send_sock_fd); if (pli->send_sock_fd > 0) { close(pli->send_sock_fd); pli->send_sock_fd = 0; } } static int __get_local_port_info(int id, message_port_local_port_info_s **info) { message_port_local_port_info_s *mi = (message_port_local_port_info_s *)g_hash_table_lookup(__local_port_info, GINT_TO_POINTER(id)); if (mi == NULL) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; *info = mi; return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } static port_list_info_s *__set_remote_port_info(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bool is_trusted) { int ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; port_list_info_s *port_info = (port_list_info_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(port_list_info_s)); if (!port_info) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } port_info->port_name = strdup(remote_port); if (!port_info->port_name) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } port_info->is_trusted = is_trusted; port_info->encoded_bus_name = __get_encoded_name(remote_app_id, remote_port, is_trusted); if (port_info->encoded_bus_name == NULL) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } port_info->send_sock_fd = 0; out: if (ret_val != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { if (port_info) { FREE_AND_NULL(port_info->port_name); FREE_AND_NULL(port_info->encoded_bus_name); free(port_info); } return NULL; } return port_info; } static message_port_remote_app_info_s *__set_remote_app_info(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bool is_trusted) { port_list_info_s *port_info = NULL; message_port_remote_app_info_s *remote_app_info = NULL; int ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; remote_app_info = (message_port_remote_app_info_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(message_port_remote_app_info_s)); if (!remote_app_info) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } remote_app_info->remote_app_id = strdup(remote_app_id); if (remote_app_info->remote_app_id == NULL) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;; goto out; } port_info = __set_remote_port_info(remote_app_id, remote_port, is_trusted); if (port_info == NULL) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } remote_app_info->port_list = g_list_append(remote_app_info->port_list, port_info); out: if (ret_val != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { if (remote_app_info) { FREE_AND_NULL(remote_app_info->remote_app_id); FREE_AND_NULL(remote_app_info); } return NULL; } return remote_app_info; } static int __get_remote_port_info(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bool is_trusted, message_port_remote_app_info_s **mri, port_list_info_s **pli) { message_port_remote_app_info_s *remote_app_info = NULL; port_list_info_s port_info; GList *cb_list = NULL; int ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; remote_app_info = (message_port_remote_app_info_s *)g_hash_table_lookup(__remote_port_info, remote_app_id); if (remote_app_info == NULL) { remote_app_info = __set_remote_app_info(remote_app_id, remote_port, is_trusted); if (remote_app_info == NULL) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } g_hash_table_insert(__remote_port_info, remote_app_info->remote_app_id, remote_app_info); } *mri = remote_app_info; port_info.port_name = strdup(remote_port); port_info.is_trusted = is_trusted; cb_list = g_list_find_custom(remote_app_info->port_list, &port_info, (GCompareFunc)__remote_port_compare_cb); if (port_info.port_name) free(port_info.port_name); if (cb_list == NULL) { port_list_info_s *tmp = __set_remote_port_info(remote_app_id, remote_port, is_trusted); if (tmp == NULL) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } remote_app_info->port_list = g_list_append(remote_app_info->port_list, tmp); *pli = tmp; g_hash_table_insert(__remote_port_info, (*pli)->encoded_bus_name, *pli); } else { *pli = (port_list_info_s *)cb_list->data; } out: return ret_val; } static bool __is_local_port_registed(const char *local_port, bool trusted, int *local_id, message_port_local_port_info_s **lpi) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, __local_port_info); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { message_port_local_port_info_s *mi = (message_port_local_port_info_s *)value; if ((mi->is_trusted == trusted) && strcmp(mi->port_name, local_port) == 0) { *local_id = mi->local_id; if (lpi != NULL) *lpi = mi; return true; } } return false; } static int __get_sender_pid(GDBusConnection *conn, const char *sender_name) { GDBusMessage *msg = NULL; GDBusMessage *reply = NULL; GError *err = NULL; GVariant *body; int pid = 0; msg = g_dbus_message_new_method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "GetConnectionUnixProcessID"); if (!msg) { _LOGE("Can't allocate new method call"); goto out; } g_dbus_message_set_body(msg, g_variant_new("(s)", sender_name)); reply = g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync(conn, msg, G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL, &err); if (!reply) { if (err != NULL) { _LOGE("Failed to get pid [%s]", err->message); g_error_free(err); } goto out; } body = g_dbus_message_get_body(reply); g_variant_get(body, "(u)", &pid); out: if (msg) g_object_unref(msg); if (reply) g_object_unref(reply); return pid; } static int __write_socket(int fd, const char *buffer, unsigned int nbytes, unsigned int *bytes_write) { unsigned int left = nbytes; ssize_t nb; int retry_cnt = 0; *bytes_write = 0; while (left && (retry_cnt < MAX_RETRY_CNT)) { nb = write(fd, buffer, left); if (nb == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) { LOGE("__write_socket: EINTR error continue ..."); retry_cnt++; continue; } LOGE("__write_socket: ...error fd %d: errno %d\n", fd, errno); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } left -= nb; buffer += nb; *bytes_write += nb; retry_cnt = 0; } return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } static int __write_string_to_socket(int fd, const char *buffer, int string_len) { unsigned int nb; if (__write_socket(fd, (char *)&string_len, sizeof(string_len), &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { _LOGE("write string_len fail"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } if (string_len > 0) { if (__write_socket(fd, buffer, string_len, &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { _LOGE("wirte buffer fail"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } } return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } static int __read_socket(int fd, char *buffer, unsigned int nbytes, unsigned int *bytes_read) { unsigned int left = nbytes; ssize_t nb; int retry_cnt = 0; *bytes_read = 0; while (left && (retry_cnt < MAX_RETRY_CNT)) { nb = read(fd, buffer, left); if (nb == 0) { LOGE("__read_socket: ...read EOF, socket closed %d: nb %d\n", fd, nb); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } else if (nb == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) { LOGE("__read_socket: EINTR error continue ..."); retry_cnt++; continue; } LOGE("__read_socket: ...error fd %d: errno %d\n", fd, errno); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } left -= nb; buffer += nb; *bytes_read += nb; retry_cnt = 0; } return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } static int __read_string_from_socket(int fd, char **buffer, int *string_len) { unsigned int nb; if (__read_socket(fd, (char *)string_len, sizeof(*string_len), &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { LOGE("read socket fail"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } if (*string_len > 0) { *buffer = (char *)calloc(*string_len, sizeof(char)); if (*buffer == NULL) { LOGE("Out of memory."); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } if (__read_socket(fd, *buffer, *string_len, &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { LOGE("read socket fail"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } } return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } message_port_pkt_s *__message_port_recv_raw(int fd) { message_port_pkt_s *pkt = NULL; unsigned int nb; pkt = (message_port_pkt_s *)calloc(sizeof(message_port_pkt_s), 1); if (pkt == NULL) { close(fd); return NULL; } if (__read_string_from_socket(fd, (char **)&pkt->remote_port_name, &pkt->remote_port_name_len) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { LOGE("read socket fail: port_name"); free(pkt->remote_port_name); free(pkt); close(fd); return NULL; } if (__read_socket(fd, (char *)&pkt->is_bidirection, sizeof(pkt->is_bidirection), &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { LOGE("read socket fail: is_bidirection"); free(pkt->remote_port_name); free(pkt); close(fd); return NULL; } if (__read_socket(fd, (char *)&pkt->is_trusted, sizeof(pkt->is_trusted), &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { LOGE("read socket fail: is_trusted"); free(pkt->remote_port_name); free(pkt); close(fd); return NULL; } if (__read_string_from_socket(fd, (char **)&pkt->data, &pkt->data_len) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { LOGE("read socket fail: data"); free(pkt->remote_port_name); free(pkt); close(fd); return NULL; } return pkt; } static gboolean __socket_request_handler(GIOChannel *gio, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) { int fd = 0; message_port_callback_info_s *mi; message_port_pkt_s *pkt; bundle *kb = NULL; GError *error = NULL; mi = (message_port_callback_info_s *)data; if (mi == NULL) { g_io_channel_shutdown(gio, FALSE, &error); if (error) { _LOGE("g_io_channel_shutdown error : %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } g_io_channel_unref(gio); return FALSE; } if (cond == G_IO_HUP) { _LOGI("socket G_IO_HUP"); __callback_info_free(mi); return FALSE; } else { if ((fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(gio)) < 0) { _LOGE("fail to get fd from io channel"); __callback_info_free(mi); return FALSE; } if ((pkt = __message_port_recv_raw(fd)) == NULL) { _LOGE("recv error on SOCKET"); __callback_info_free(mi); return FALSE; } kb = bundle_decode(pkt->data, pkt->data_len); if (pkt->is_bidirection) mi->callback(mi->local_id, mi->remote_app_id, pkt->remote_port_name, pkt->is_trusted, kb, NULL); else mi->callback(mi->local_id, mi->remote_app_id, NULL, pkt->is_trusted, kb, NULL); if (pkt) { if (pkt->remote_port_name) free(pkt->remote_port_name); if (pkt->data) free(pkt->data); free(pkt); } } return TRUE; } static bool send_message(GVariant *parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) { char *local_port = NULL; char *local_appid = NULL; char *remote_appid = NULL; char *remote_port = NULL; gboolean local_trusted = false; gboolean remote_trusted = false; gboolean bi_dir = false; int len = 0; bundle *data = NULL; bundle_raw *raw = NULL; message_port_local_port_info_s *mi; message_port_callback_info_s *callback_info; int local_reg_id = 0; char buf[1024]; GDBusMessage *msg; GUnixFDList *fd_list; int fd_len; int *returned_fds; int fd; g_variant_get(parameters, "(ssbbssbus)", &local_appid, &local_port, &local_trusted, &bi_dir, &remote_appid, &remote_port, &remote_trusted, &len, &raw); if (!remote_port) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : remote_port is NULL"); goto out; } if (!remote_appid) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : remote_appid is NULL"); goto out; } if (!__is_local_port_registed(remote_port, remote_trusted, &local_reg_id, &mi)) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : remote_port:(%s) trusted(%d)", remote_port, remote_trusted); goto out; } if (!local_appid) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : local_appid"); goto out; } if (!local_port) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : local_port"); goto out; } if (strcmp(remote_appid, __app_id) != 0) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : remote_appid (%s)", remote_appid); goto out; } if (strcmp(remote_port, mi->port_name) != 0) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : remote_port (%s)", remote_port); goto out; } if (!len) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : data_len"); goto out; } if (remote_trusted) { if (g_hash_table_lookup(__trusted_app_list_hash, (gpointer)local_appid) == NULL) { if (!__is_preloaded(local_appid, remote_appid)) { /* Check the certificate */ int ret = __check_certificate(local_appid, remote_appid); if (ret == MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) g_hash_table_insert(__trusted_app_list_hash, local_appid, "TRUE"); else { _LOGE("The application (%s) is not signed with the same certificate", local_appid); goto out; } } } } callback_info = (message_port_callback_info_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(message_port_callback_info_s)); if (callback_info == NULL) goto out; callback_info->local_id = mi->local_id; callback_info->remote_app_id = strdup(local_appid); callback_info->callback = mi->callback; msg = g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message(invocation); fd_list = g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list(msg); returned_fds = g_unix_fd_list_steal_fds(fd_list, &fd_len); fd = returned_fds[0]; LOGI("g_unix_fd_list_get %d fd: [%d]", fd_len, fd); if (fd > 0) { callback_info->gio_read = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd); if (!callback_info->gio_read) { _LOGE("Error is %s\n", strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf))); __callback_info_free(callback_info); return -1; } callback_info->g_src_id = g_io_add_watch(callback_info->gio_read, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP, __socket_request_handler, (gpointer)callback_info); if (callback_info->g_src_id == 0) { _LOGE("fail to add watch on socket"); __callback_info_free(callback_info); return -1; } } data = bundle_decode(raw, len); bundle_free_encoded_rawdata(&raw); if (!data) { _LOGE("Invalid argument : message"); goto out; } LOGI("call calback %s", local_appid); if (bi_dir) mi->callback(mi->local_id, local_appid, local_port, local_trusted, data, NULL); else mi->callback(mi->local_id, local_appid, NULL, false, data, NULL); out: return true; } static int __check_remote_port(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bool is_trusted, bool *exist) { _LOGI("Check a remote port : [%s:%s]", remote_app_id, remote_port); GVariant *result = NULL; GError *err = NULL; int ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; char *bus_name = NULL; message_port_remote_app_info_s *remote_app_info = NULL; port_list_info_s *port_info = NULL; int local_reg_id = 0; message_port_local_port_info_s *mi = NULL; gboolean name_exist = false; _LOGI("remote_app_id, app_id :[%s : %s] ", remote_app_id, __app_id); ret_val = __get_remote_port_info(remote_app_id, remote_port, is_trusted, &remote_app_info, &port_info); if (ret_val != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) return ret_val; /* self check */ if (strcmp(remote_app_id, __app_id) == 0) { _LOGI("__is_local_port_registed "); if (!__is_local_port_registed(remote_port, is_trusted, &local_reg_id, &mi)) *exist = false; else *exist = true; _LOGI("__is_local_port_registed : %d ", *exist); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } port_info->exist = false; bus_name = port_info->encoded_bus_name; result = g_dbus_connection_call_sync( __gdbus_conn, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS, DBUS_PATH_DBUS, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS, "NameHasOwner", g_variant_new("(s)", bus_name), G_VARIANT_TYPE("(b)"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &err); if (err || (result == NULL)) { if (err) { _LOGE("No reply. error = %s", err->message); g_error_free(err); } ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE; } else { g_variant_get(result, "(b)", &name_exist); if (!name_exist) { LOGE("Name not exist %s", bus_name); *exist = false; ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } else { if (is_trusted) { if (remote_app_info->certificate_info != CERTIFICATE_MATCH) { if (!__is_preloaded(__app_id, remote_app_id)) { if (__check_certificate(__app_id, remote_app_id) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_NOT_MATCH; goto out; } } remote_app_info->certificate_info = CERTIFICATE_MATCH; } } port_info->watcher_id = g_bus_watch_name_on_connection( __gdbus_conn, port_info->encoded_bus_name, G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_NONE, on_name_appeared, on_name_vanished, port_info, NULL); port_info->exist = true; *exist = true; ret_val = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; _LOGI("Exist port: %s", bus_name); } } out: if (result) g_variant_unref(result); return ret_val; } static bool __check_sender_validation(GVariant *parameters, const char *sender, GDBusConnection *conn) { int ret = 0; char buffer[MAX_PACKAGE_STR_SIZE] = {0, }; char *local_appid = NULL; int pid = __get_sender_pid(conn, sender); ret = aul_app_get_appid_bypid(pid, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); retvm_if(ret != AUL_R_OK, false, "Failed to get the sender ID: (%s) (%d)", sender, pid); g_variant_get_child(parameters, 0, "s", &local_appid); retvm_if(!local_appid, false, "remote_appid is NULL (%s) (%d)", sender, pid); if (strncmp(buffer, local_appid, MAX_PACKAGE_STR_SIZE) == 0) { g_hash_table_insert(__sender_appid_hash, strdup(sender), GINT_TO_POINTER(pid)); g_free(local_appid); } else { g_free(local_appid); return false; } return true; } static void __dbus_method_call_handler(GDBusConnection *conn, const gchar *sender, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *iface_name, const gchar *method_name, GVariant *parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, gpointer user_data) { _LOGI("method_name: %s", method_name); gpointer sender_pid = g_hash_table_lookup(__sender_appid_hash, sender); if (sender_pid == NULL) { if (!__check_sender_validation(parameters, sender, conn)) return; } if (g_strcmp0(method_name, "send_message") == 0) send_message(parameters, invocation); } static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable = { __dbus_method_call_handler, NULL, NULL }; static int __dbus_init(void) { bool ret = false; GError *error = NULL; __gdbus_conn = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error); if (__gdbus_conn == NULL) { if (error != NULL) { _LOGE("Failed to get dbus [%s]", error->message); g_error_free(error); } goto out; } ret = true; out: if (!__gdbus_conn) g_object_unref(__gdbus_conn); return ret; } int __register_dbus_interface(const char *port_name, bool is_trusted) { GDBusNodeInfo *introspection_data = NULL; int registration_id = 0; static gchar introspection_prefix[] = "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ""; char *introspection_xml = NULL; int introspection_xml_len = 0; int owner_id = 0; GError *error = NULL; char *bus_name = NULL; char *interface_name = NULL; GVariant *result = NULL; bus_name = __get_encoded_name(__app_id, port_name, is_trusted); if (!bus_name) { _LOGE("Fail to get bus name"); goto out; } interface_name = bus_name; introspection_xml_len = strlen(introspection_prefix) + strlen(interface_name) + strlen(introspection_postfix) + 1; introspection_xml = (char *)calloc(introspection_xml_len, sizeof(char)); if (!introspection_xml) { _LOGE("out of memory"); goto out; } result = g_dbus_connection_call_sync( __gdbus_conn, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS, DBUS_PATH_DBUS, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS, "RequestName", g_variant_new("(su)", bus_name, G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_NONE), G_VARIANT_TYPE("(u)"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error); if (error) { _LOGE("RequestName fail : %s", error->message); goto out; } if (result == NULL) { _LOGE("fail to get name NULL"); goto out; } g_variant_get(result, "(u)", &owner_id); if (owner_id == 0) { _LOGE("Acquiring the own name is failed"); goto out; } _LOGI("Acquiring the own name : %d", owner_id); snprintf(introspection_xml, introspection_xml_len, "%s%s%s", introspection_prefix, interface_name, introspection_postfix); introspection_data = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml(introspection_xml, NULL); if (!introspection_data) { _LOGE("g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml() is failed."); goto out; } registration_id = g_dbus_connection_register_object(__gdbus_conn, MESSAGEPORT_OBJECT_PATH, introspection_data->interfaces[0], &interface_vtable, NULL, NULL, NULL); _LOGI("registration_id %d", registration_id); if (registration_id == 0) { _LOGE("Failed to g_dbus_connection_register_object"); goto out; } out: if (introspection_data) g_dbus_node_info_unref(introspection_data); if (introspection_xml) free(introspection_xml); if (bus_name) free(bus_name); if (result) g_variant_unref(result); return registration_id; } void __list_free_port_list(gpointer data) { port_list_info_s *n = (port_list_info_s *)data; FREE_AND_NULL(n->encoded_bus_name); FREE_AND_NULL(n->port_name); FREE_AND_NULL(n); } static void __hash_destory_local_value(gpointer data) { message_port_local_port_info_s *mli = (message_port_local_port_info_s *)data; if (mli->port_name) free(mli->port_name); } static void __hash_destory_remote_value(gpointer data) { message_port_remote_app_info_s *mri = (message_port_remote_app_info_s *)data; if (mri) { FREE_AND_NULL(mri->sender_id); FREE_AND_NULL(mri->remote_app_id); if (mri->port_list) g_list_free_full(mri->port_list, __list_free_port_list); } } static bool __initialize(void) { #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 35, 0) g_type_init(); #endif int pid = getpid(); int ret = 0; char buffer[MAX_PACKAGE_STR_SIZE] = {0, }; _LOGI("initialize"); ret = aul_app_get_appid_bypid(pid, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); retvm_if(ret != AUL_R_OK, false, "Failed to get the application ID: %d", ret); __app_id = strdup(buffer); retvm_if(!__app_id, false, "Malloc failed"); _LOGI("init : %s", __app_id); if (__local_port_info == NULL) { __local_port_info = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, __hash_destory_local_value); retvm_if(!__local_port_info, false, "fail to create __local_port_info"); } if (__remote_port_info == NULL) { __remote_port_info = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, __hash_destory_remote_value); retvm_if(!__remote_port_info, false, "fail to create __remote_port_info"); } if (__sender_appid_hash == NULL) { __sender_appid_hash = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); retvm_if(!__sender_appid_hash, false, "fail to create __sender_appid_hash"); } if (__trusted_app_list_hash == NULL) { __trusted_app_list_hash = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); retvm_if(!__trusted_app_list_hash, false, "fail to create __trusted_app_list_hash"); } if (!__dbus_init()) return false; _initialized = true; return true; } static bool __message_port_register_port(const int local_id, const char *local_port, bool is_trusted, messageport_message_cb callback) { message_port_local_port_info_s *mi = (message_port_local_port_info_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(message_port_local_port_info_s)); retvm_if(!mi, false, "Malloc failed"); mi->callback = callback; mi->is_trusted = is_trusted; mi->port_name = strdup(local_port); if (mi->port_name == NULL) { _LOGE("Malloc failed (%s)", local_port); free(mi); return false; } mi->local_id = local_id; g_hash_table_insert(__local_port_info, GINT_TO_POINTER(mi->local_id), mi); return true; } static int __register_message_port(const char *local_port, bool is_trusted, messageport_message_cb callback) { _SECURE_LOGI("Register a message port : [%s:%s]", __app_id, local_port); int local_id = 0; /* Check the message port is already registed */ if (__is_local_port_registed(local_port, is_trusted, &local_id, NULL)) return local_id; local_id = __register_dbus_interface(local_port, is_trusted); if (local_id < 1) { _LOGE("register_dbus_interface fail !!"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (!__message_port_register_port(local_id, local_port, is_trusted, callback)) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return local_id; } int __message_port_send_async(int sockfd, bundle *kb, const char *local_port, bool local_trusted, bool is_bidirection) { int ret = 0; int data_len; int local_port_len = 0; unsigned int nb; bundle_raw *kb_data = NULL; if (local_port != NULL) local_port_len = strlen(local_port) + 1; if (__write_string_to_socket(sockfd, local_port, local_port_len) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { _LOGE("write local_port fail"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } if (__write_socket(sockfd, (char *)&is_bidirection, sizeof(is_bidirection), &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { _LOGE("write is_bidirection fail"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } if (__write_socket(sockfd, (char *)&local_trusted, sizeof(local_trusted), &nb) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { _LOGE("write local_trusted fail"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } bundle_encode(kb, &kb_data, &data_len); if (kb_data == NULL) { _LOGE("bundle encode fail"); ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; goto out; } if (data_len > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) { _LOGE("bigger than max size\n"); ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MAX_EXCEEDED; goto out; } if (__write_string_to_socket(sockfd, (void *)kb_data, data_len) != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { _LOGE("write kb_data fail"); ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } out: if (kb_data) free(kb_data); return ret; } static int __message_port_send_message(const char *remote_appid, const char *remote_port, const char *local_port, bool trusted_message, bool local_trusted, bool bi_dir, bundle *message) { int ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; GUnixFDList *fd_list = NULL; GError *error = NULL; int len = 0; bundle_raw *raw = NULL; char *bus_name = NULL; char *interface_name = NULL; message_port_remote_app_info_s *remote_app_info = NULL; port_list_info_s *port_info = NULL; GDBusMessage *msg = NULL; GError *err = NULL; GVariant *body = NULL; int sock_pair[2] = {0,}; ret = __get_remote_port_info(remote_appid, remote_port, trusted_message, &remote_app_info, &port_info); if (ret != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) return ret; if (port_info->exist == false) { bool exist = false; _LOGI("port exist check !!"); ret = __check_remote_port(remote_appid, remote_port, trusted_message, &exist); if (ret != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) { goto out; } else if (!exist) { ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MESSAGEPORT_NOT_FOUND; goto out; } } if (port_info->send_sock_fd > 0) { ret = __message_port_send_async(port_info->send_sock_fd, message, (local_port) ? local_port : "", local_trusted, bi_dir); } else { bus_name = port_info->encoded_bus_name; interface_name = bus_name; if (bundle_encode(message, &raw, &len) != BUNDLE_ERROR_NONE) { ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } if (MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE < len) { _LOGE("The size of message (%d) has exceeded the maximum limit.", len); ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MAX_EXCEEDED; } body = g_variant_new("(ssbbssbus)", __app_id, (local_port) ? local_port : "", local_trusted, bi_dir, remote_appid, remote_port, trusted_message, len, raw); if (strcmp(remote_appid, __app_id) != 0) { /* self send */ /* if message-port fail to get socket pair, communicate using GDBus */ if (aul_request_message_port_socket_pair(sock_pair) != AUL_R_OK) { _LOGE("error create socket pair"); } else { _LOGI("sock pair : %d, %d", sock_pair[SOCK_PAIR_SENDER], sock_pair[SOCK_PAIR_RECEIVER]); fd_list = g_unix_fd_list_new(); g_unix_fd_list_append(fd_list, sock_pair[SOCK_PAIR_RECEIVER], &err); if (err != NULL) { _LOGE("g_unix_fd_list_append [%s]", error->message); ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; g_error_free(err); goto out; } port_info->send_sock_fd = sock_pair[SOCK_PAIR_SENDER]; close(sock_pair[SOCK_PAIR_RECEIVER]); } } msg = g_dbus_message_new_method_call(bus_name, MESSAGEPORT_OBJECT_PATH, interface_name, "send_message"); if (!msg) { _LOGE("Can't allocate new method call"); ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto out; } g_dbus_message_set_unix_fd_list(msg, fd_list); g_dbus_message_set_body(msg, body); g_dbus_message_set_flags(msg, G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NO_REPLY_EXPECTED); g_dbus_connection_send_message(__gdbus_conn, msg, G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, &err); if (err != NULL) { _LOGE("No reply. error = %s", err->message); g_error_free(err); ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; goto out; } } out: if (msg) g_object_unref(msg); if (raw) bundle_free_encoded_rawdata(&raw); if (fd_list) g_object_unref(fd_list); return ret; } int __message_send_bidirectional_message(int id, const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bool trusted_message, bundle *message) { message_port_local_port_info_s *local_info; int ret = __get_local_port_info(id, &local_info); if (ret != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) return ret; _LOGI("bidirectional_message %s", local_info->port_name); return __message_port_send_message(remote_app_id, remote_port, local_info->port_name, trusted_message, local_info->is_trusted, true, message); } int messageport_unregister_local_port(int local_port_id, bool trusted_port) { GVariant *result; char *bus_name = NULL; GError *err = NULL; int ret = 0; _LOGI("unregister : %d", local_port_id); message_port_local_port_info_s *mi = (message_port_local_port_info_s *) g_hash_table_lookup(__local_port_info, GINT_TO_POINTER(local_port_id)); if (mi == NULL) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MESSAGEPORT_NOT_FOUND; if (mi->is_trusted != trusted_port) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; bus_name = __get_encoded_name(__app_id, mi->port_name, mi->is_trusted); if (bus_name == NULL) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; g_dbus_connection_unregister_object(__gdbus_conn, local_port_id); result = g_dbus_connection_call_sync( __gdbus_conn, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS, DBUS_PATH_DBUS, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS, "ReleaseName", g_variant_new("(s)", bus_name), G_VARIANT_TYPE("(u)"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &err); if (bus_name) free(bus_name); if (err) { _LOGE("RequestName fail : %s", err->message); g_error_free(err); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MESSAGEPORT_NOT_FOUND; } g_variant_get(result, "(u)", &ret); if (result) g_variant_unref(result); if (ret != DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_RELEASED) { if (ret == DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NON_EXISTENT) { _LOGE("Port Not exist"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MESSAGEPORT_NOT_FOUND; } else if (ret == DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NOT_OWNER) { _LOGE("Try to release not owned name. MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } g_hash_table_remove(__local_port_info, GINT_TO_POINTER(local_port_id)); return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } int messageport_register_local_port(const char *local_port, messageport_message_cb callback) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } return __register_message_port(local_port, false, callback); } int messageport_register_trusted_local_port(const char *local_port, messageport_message_cb callback) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } return __register_message_port(local_port, true, callback); } int messageport_check_remote_port(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bool *exist) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } int ret = __check_remote_port(remote_app_id, remote_port, false, exist); if (ret == MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MESSAGEPORT_NOT_FOUND) { *exist = false; ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } return ret; } int messageport_check_trusted_remote_port(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bool *exist) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } int ret = __check_remote_port(remote_app_id, remote_port, true, exist); if (ret == MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_MESSAGEPORT_NOT_FOUND) { *exist = false; ret = MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } return ret; } int messageport_send_message(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bundle *message) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } return __message_port_send_message(remote_app_id, remote_port, NULL, false, false, false, message); } int messageport_send_trusted_message(const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bundle *message) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } return __message_port_send_message(remote_app_id, remote_port, NULL, true, false, false, message); } int messageport_send_bidirectional_message(int id, const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bundle *message) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } return __message_send_bidirectional_message(id, remote_app_id, remote_port, false, message); } int messageport_send_bidirectional_trusted_message(int id, const char *remote_app_id, const char *remote_port, bundle *message) { if (!_initialized) { if (!__initialize()) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_IO_ERROR; } return __message_send_bidirectional_message(id, remote_app_id, remote_port, true, message); } int messageport_get_local_port_name(int id, char **name) { message_port_local_port_info_s *local_info; int ret = __get_local_port_info(id, &local_info); if (ret != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) return ret; *name = strdup(local_info->port_name); if (*name == NULL) return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE; } int messageport_check_trusted_local_port(int id, bool *trusted) { message_port_local_port_info_s *local_info; int ret = __get_local_port_info(id, &local_info); if (ret != MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE) return ret; *trusted = local_info->is_trusted; return MESSAGEPORT_ERROR_NONE;; }