/* * alarm-manager * * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Contact: Venkatesha Sarpangala , Jayoun Lee , * Sewook Park , Jaeho Lee * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #define _BSD_SOURCE /*for localtime_r*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 31, 0) #include #else #endif /*#include "global-gconf.h"*/ #include"alarm.h" #include"alarm-internal.h" /*#include"limo-event-delivery.h"*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SIG_TIMER 0x32 #define WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID "org.tizen.alarm.ALARM" /* alarm ui application's alarm's dbus_service name instead of 21 (alarm application's app_id) value */ #define WAKEUP_ALARMBOOTING_APP_ID "org.tizen.alarmboot.ui.ALARM" /*alrmbooting ui application's dbus_service name instead of 121(alarmbooting application's app_id) value */ /* #include "tapi_misc_ext.h" #include "TelMisc.h" #include "tapi_misc_data.h" #include "tapi_power.h" */ #include "pmapi.h" __alarm_server_context_t alarm_context; bool g_dummy_timer_is_set = FALSE; GSList *g_scheduled_alarm_list = NULL; GSList *g_expired_alarm_list = NULL; #ifndef RTC_WKALM_BOOT_SET #define RTC_WKALM_BOOT_SET _IOW('p', 0x80, struct rtc_wkalrm) #endif #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT bool enable_power_on_alarm; bool alarm_boot; time_t ab_due_time = -1; bool poweron_alarm_expired = false; #endif /* 2008. 6. 3 sewook7.park When the alarm becoms sleeping mode, alarm timer is not expired. So using RTC, phone is awaken before alarm rings. */ #define __WAKEUP_USING_RTC__ #ifdef __WAKEUP_USING_RTC__ #include #include #include #include static const char default_rtc[] = "/dev/rtc1"; static const char power_rtc[] = "/dev/rtc0"; #endif /*__WAKEUP_USING_RTC__*/ static bool __alarm_add_to_list(__alarm_info_t *__alarm_info, alarm_id_t *alarm_id); static bool __alarm_update_in_list(int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_remove_from_list(int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_set_start_and_end_time(alarm_info_t *alarm_info, __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info); static bool __alarm_update_due_time_of_all_items_in_list(double diff_time); static bool __alarm_create(alarm_info_t *alarm_info, alarm_id_t *alarm_id, int pid, char *app_service_name, char *app_service_name_mod, const char *dst_service_name, const char *dst_service_name_mod, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_create_appsvc(alarm_info_t *alarm_info, alarm_id_t *alarm_id, int pid, char *bundle_data, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_delete(int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_update(int pid, char *app_service_name, alarm_id_t alarm_id, alarm_info_t *alarm_info, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_power_on(int app_id, bool on_off, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_power_off(int app_id, int *error_code); static bool __alarm_check_next_duetime(int app_id, int *error_code); static void __alarm_send_noti_to_application(const char *app_service_name, alarm_id_t alarm_id); static void __alarm_expired(); static gboolean __alarm_handler_idle(); static void __alarm_handler(int sigNum, siginfo_t *pSigInfo, void *pUContext); static void __clean_registry(); static bool __alarm_manager_reset(); static void __on_system_time_changed(keynode_t *node, void *data); static void __initialize_timer(); static void __initialize_alarm_list(); static void __initialize_scheduled_alarm_lsit(); static void __hibernation_leave_callback(); static bool __initialize_noti(); static bool __initialize_dbus(); static bool __initialize_db(); static void __initialize(); static bool __check_false_alarm(); static DBusHandlerResult __alarm_server_filter(DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data); static void __rtc_set() { #ifdef __WAKEUP_USING_RTC__ const char *rtc = default_rtc; int fd = 0; struct rtc_time rtc_tm; struct rtc_wkalrm rtc_wk; struct tm due_tm; #ifdef _SIMUL /*if build is simulator, we don't need to set RTC because RTC does not work in simulator.*/ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("because it is simulator's mode, " "we don't set RTC.\n"); return; #endif fd = open(rtc, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC open failed.\n"); return; } /* Read the RTC time/date */ int retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc_tm); if (retval == -1) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC_RD_TIME ioctl failed"); close(fd); return; } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("\n\nCurrent RTC date/time is %d-%d-%d, " "%02d:%02d:%02d.\n", rtc_tm.tm_mday, rtc_tm.tm_mon + 1, rtc_tm.tm_year + 1900, rtc_tm.tm_hour, rtc_tm.tm_min, rtc_tm.tm_sec); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("alarm_context.c_due_time is %d\n", \ alarm_context.c_due_time); if (alarm_context.c_due_time != -1) { time_t due_time = alarm_context.c_due_time - 1; gmtime_r(&due_time, &due_tm); rtc_tm.tm_mday = due_tm.tm_mday; rtc_tm.tm_mon = due_tm.tm_mon; rtc_tm.tm_year = due_tm.tm_year; rtc_tm.tm_hour = due_tm.tm_hour; rtc_tm.tm_min = due_tm.tm_min; rtc_tm.tm_sec = due_tm.tm_sec; memcpy(&rtc_wk.time, &rtc_tm, sizeof(rtc_tm)); rtc_wk.enabled = 1; rtc_wk.pending = 0; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("\n\nSetted RTC Alarm date/time is " "%d-%d-%d, %02d:%02d:%02d.\n", rtc_tm.tm_mday, rtc_tm.tm_mon + 1, rtc_tm.tm_year + 1900, rtc_tm.tm_hour, rtc_tm.tm_min, rtc_tm.tm_sec); retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_WKALM_SET, &rtc_wk); if (retval == -1) { if (errno == ENOTTY) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("\nAlarm IRQs not" "supported.\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC_ALM_SET ioctl"); close(fd); return; } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]RTC alarm is setted"); /* Enable alarm interrupts */ retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_AIE_ON, 0); if (retval == -1) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC_AIE_ON ioctl failed"); close(fd); return; } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]RTC alarm is on"); } else ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]alarm_context.c_due_time is" "less than 10 sec. RTC alarm does not need to be set\n"); close(fd); #endif /* __WAKEUP_USING_RTC__ */ } int _set_rtc_time(time_t _time) { int fd0 = 0; int fd1 = 0; int retval0 = 0; int retval1 = 0; struct rtc_time rtc_tm = { 0, }; const char *rtc0 = power_rtc; const char *rtc1 = default_rtc; struct tm *_tm = NULL; struct tm time_r = { 0, }; fd0 = open(rtc0, O_RDONLY); fd1 = open(rtc1, O_RDONLY); if (fd0 == -1) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("error to open /dev/rtc0."); perror("\t"); } if (fd1 == -1) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("error to open /dev/rtc1."); perror("\t"); } memset(&rtc_tm, 0, sizeof(struct rtc_time)); (void) gmtime_r(&_time, &time_r); /* Write the RTC time/date 2008:05:21 19:20:00 */ rtc_tm.tm_mday = time_r.tm_mday; rtc_tm.tm_mon = time_r.tm_mon; rtc_tm.tm_year = time_r.tm_year; rtc_tm.tm_hour = time_r.tm_hour; rtc_tm.tm_min = time_r.tm_min; rtc_tm.tm_sec = 0; retval0 = ioctl(fd0, RTC_SET_TIME, &rtc_tm); if (retval0 == -1) { if (fd0 != -1) close(fd0); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("error to ioctl fd0."); perror("\t"); } if (fd0 != -1) close(fd0); retval1 = ioctl(fd1, RTC_SET_TIME, &rtc_tm); if (retval1 == -1) { if (fd1 != -1) close(fd1); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("error to ioctl fd1."); perror("\t"); } if (fd1 != -1) close(fd1); return 1; } bool __alarm_clean_list() { GSList *iter = NULL; for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { free(iter->data); } g_slist_free(alarm_context.alarms); return true; } static bool __alarm_add_to_list(__alarm_info_t *__alarm_info, alarm_id_t *alarm_id) { bool unique_id = false; alarm_info_t *alarm_info = &__alarm_info->alarm_info; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; GSList *iter = NULL; /* FIXME: alarm id must be unique. */ __alarm_info->alarm_id = (int)(void *)__alarm_info; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__alarm_info->alarm_id is %d", \ __alarm_info->alarm_id); while (unique_id == false) { unique_id = true; for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { entry = iter->data; if (entry->alarm_id == __alarm_info->alarm_id) { __alarm_info->alarm_id++; unique_id = false; } } } /* list alarms */ ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: before add\n"); for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { entry = iter->data; /*ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: alarm_id(%d)\n", entry->alarm_id); */ } alarm_context.alarms = g_slist_append(alarm_context.alarms, __alarm_info); /*list alarms */ ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: after add\n"); for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { entry = iter->data; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: alarm_id(%d)\n", entry->alarm_id); } if (!(alarm_info->alarm_type & ALARM_TYPE_VOLATILE)) { _save_alarms(__alarm_info); } *alarm_id = __alarm_info->alarm_id; return true; } static bool __alarm_update_in_list(int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info, int *error_code) { bool found = false; alarm_info_t *alarm_info = &__alarm_info->alarm_info; GSList *iter = NULL; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { entry = iter->data; if (entry->alarm_id == alarm_id) { found = true; __alarm_info->quark_app_unique_name = entry->quark_app_unique_name; __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name = entry->quark_dst_service_name; memcpy(entry, __alarm_info, sizeof(__alarm_info_t)); break; } } if (!found) { if (error_code) *error_code = ERR_ALARM_INVALID_ID; return false; } if (!(alarm_info->alarm_type & ALARM_TYPE_VOLATILE)) { _update_alarms(__alarm_info); } return true; } static bool __alarm_remove_from_list(int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, int *error_code) { bool found = false; alarm_info_t *alarm_info = NULL; GSList *iter = NULL; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; /*list alarms */ ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: before del : alarm id(%d)\n", alarm_id); for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { entry = iter->data; if (entry->alarm_id == alarm_id) { alarm_info = &entry->alarm_info; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: " "__alarm_remove_from_list : alarm id(%d)\n", entry->alarm_id); if (!(alarm_info->alarm_type & ALARM_TYPE_VOLATILE)) { _delete_alarms(alarm_id); } alarm_context.alarms = g_slist_remove(alarm_context.alarms, iter->data); found = true; break; } } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: after del\n"); if (!found) { if (error_code) *error_code = ERR_ALARM_INVALID_ID; return false; } return true; } static bool __alarm_set_start_and_end_time(alarm_info_t *alarm_info, __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info) { alarm_date_t *start = &alarm_info->start; alarm_date_t *end = &alarm_info->end; struct tm alarm_tm = { 0, }; if (start->year != 0) { alarm_tm.tm_year = start->year - 1900; alarm_tm.tm_mon = start->month - 1; alarm_tm.tm_mday = start->day; alarm_tm.tm_hour = 0; alarm_tm.tm_min = 0; alarm_tm.tm_sec = 0; __alarm_info->start = mktime(&alarm_tm); } else { __alarm_info->start = 0; } if (end->year != 0) { alarm_tm.tm_year = end->year - 1900; alarm_tm.tm_mon = end->month - 1; alarm_tm.tm_mday = end->day; alarm_tm.tm_hour = 23; alarm_tm.tm_min = 59; alarm_tm.tm_sec = 59; __alarm_info->end = mktime(&alarm_tm); } else { __alarm_info->end = 0; } return true; } /* static bool alarm_get_tz_info(int *gmt_idx, int *dst) { GConfValue *value1 = NULL; GConfValue *value2 = NULL; GConfClient* gConfClient = NULL; GError* err = NULL; gConfClient = gconf_client_get_default(); if(gConfClient) { value1 = gconf_client_get(gConfClient, SETTINGS_CLOCKTIMEZONE, &err); if (err) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__on_system_time_changed: gconf_client_get() failed: error:[%s]\n", err->message); g_error_free(err); err = NULL; } *gmt_idx = gconf_value_get_int(value1); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("gconf return gmt_idx =%d\n ", *gmt_idx); value2 = gconf_client_get(gConfClient, SETTINGS_DAYLIGHTSTATUS, &err); if (err) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__on_system_time_changed: gconf_client_get() failed: error:[%s]\n", err->message); g_error_free(err); err = NULL; } *dst = gconf_value_get_int(value2); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("gconf return dst =%d\n ", *dst); if(gConfClient != NULL) { g_object_unref(gConfClient); gConfClient = NULL; } } else ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("check the gconf setting failed!!!!! \n "); if(value1) { gconf_value_free(value1); value1 = NULL; } if(value2) { gconf_value_free(value2); value2 = NULL; } return true; } */ static bool __alarm_update_due_time_of_all_items_in_list(double diff_time) { time_t current_time; time_t min_time = -1; time_t due_time = 0; GSList *iter = NULL; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; struct tm *p_time = NULL ; struct tm due_time_result ; struct tm fixed_time = { 0, }; for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { entry = iter->data; alarm_info_t *alarm_info = &(entry->alarm_info); if (alarm_info->alarm_type & ALARM_TYPE_RELATIVE) { /*diff_time ó¸® */ entry->due_time += diff_time; alarm_date_t *start = &alarm_info->start; /**< start time of the alarm */ alarm_date_t *end = &alarm_info->end;; /**< end time of the alarm */ tzset(); p_time = localtime_r(&entry->due_time, &due_time_result); if (p_time != NULL) { start->year = p_time->tm_year + 1900; start->month = p_time->tm_mon + 1; start->day = p_time->tm_mday; start->hour = p_time->tm_hour; start->min = p_time->tm_min; start->sec = p_time->tm_sec; end->year = p_time->tm_year + 1900; end->month = p_time->tm_mon + 1; end->day = p_time->tm_mday; memset(&fixed_time, 0, sizeof(fixed_time)); fixed_time.tm_year = p_time->tm_year; fixed_time.tm_mon = p_time->tm_mon; fixed_time.tm_mday = p_time->tm_mday; fixed_time.tm_hour = 0; fixed_time.tm_min = 0; fixed_time.tm_sec = 0; } entry->start = mktime(&fixed_time); fixed_time.tm_hour = 23; fixed_time.tm_min = 59; fixed_time.tm_sec = 59; entry->end = mktime(&fixed_time); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("alarm_info->alarm_type is " "ALARM_TYPE_RELATIVE\n"); _update_alarms(entry); } _alarm_next_duetime(entry); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("entry->due_time is %d\n", entry->due_time); } time(¤t_time); for (iter = alarm_context.alarms; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { entry = iter->data; due_time = entry->due_time; double interval = 0; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("alarm[%d] with duetime(%u) at " "current(%u)\n", entry->alarm_id, due_time, current_time); if (due_time == 0) { /* 0 means this alarm has been disabled */ continue; } interval = difftime(due_time, current_time); if (interval <= 0) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("this may be error.. alarm[%d]\n", \ entry->alarm_id); continue; } interval = difftime(due_time, min_time); if ((interval < 0) || min_time == -1) { min_time = due_time; } } alarm_context.c_due_time = min_time; return true; } static bool __alarm_create_appsvc(alarm_info_t *alarm_info, alarm_id_t *alarm_id, int pid,char *bundle_data, int *error_code){ time_t current_time; time_t due_time; struct tm ts_ret; char due_time_r[100] = { 0 }; char proc_file[512] = { 0 }; char process_name[512] = { 0 }; char app_name[512] = { 0 }; char *word = NULL; char *proc_name_ptr = NULL; int fd = 0; int ret = 0; int i = 0; __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info = NULL; __alarm_info = malloc(sizeof(__alarm_info_t)); if (__alarm_info == NULL) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! app_pid=%d, malloc " "failed. it seems to be OOM\n", pid); *error_code = -1; /* -1 means that system failed internally. */ return false; } __alarm_info->pid = pid; __alarm_info->alarm_id = -1; /* we should consider to check whether pid is running or Not */ memset(process_name, '\0', 512); memset(proc_file, '\0', 512); snprintf(proc_file, 512, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); fd = open(proc_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { /* failure */ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! app_pid(%d) seems to be " "killed, so we failed to get proc file(%s) and do not create " "alarm_info\n", pid, proc_file); *error_code = -1; /*-1 means that system failed internally.*/ free(__alarm_info); return false; } else { ret = read(fd, process_name, 512); close(fd); if (ret <=0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Unable to get application name\n"); *error_code = -1; free(__alarm_info); return false; } while (process_name[i] != '\0') { if (process_name[i] == ' ') { process_name[i] = '\0'; break; } i++; } word = strtok_r(process_name, "/", &proc_name_ptr); while (word != NULL) { memset(app_name, 0, 512); snprintf(app_name, 512, "%s", word); word = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &proc_name_ptr); } __alarm_info->quark_app_unique_name = g_quark_from_string(app_name); } __alarm_info->quark_bundle=g_quark_from_string(bundle_data); __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name = g_quark_from_string("null"); __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name = g_quark_from_string("null"); __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name_mod = g_quark_from_string("null"); __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name_mod = g_quark_from_string("null"); __alarm_set_start_and_end_time(alarm_info, __alarm_info); memcpy(&(__alarm_info->alarm_info), alarm_info, sizeof(alarm_info_t)); time(¤t_time); if (alarm_context.c_due_time < current_time) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! alarm_context.c_due_time " "(%d) is less than current time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, current_time); alarm_context.c_due_time = -1; } due_time = _alarm_next_duetime(__alarm_info); if (__alarm_add_to_list(__alarm_info, alarm_id) == false) { free(__alarm_info); *error_code = -1; return false; } if (due_time == 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Create a new alarm: " "due_time is 0, alarm(%d) \n", *alarm_id); return true; } else if (current_time == due_time) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Create alarm: " "current_time(%d) is same as due_time(%d)", current_time, due_time); return true; }else if (difftime(due_time, current_time) < 0){ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]: Expired Due Time.[Due time=%d, Current Time=%d]!!!Do not add to schedule list\n", due_time, current_time); return true; }else { localtime_r(&due_time, &ts_ret); strftime(due_time_r, 30, "%c", &ts_ret); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Create a new alarm: " "alarm(%d) due_time(%s)", *alarm_id, due_time_r); } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:alarm_context.c_due_time(%d), " "due_time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, due_time); if (alarm_context.c_due_time == -1 || due_time < alarm_context.c_due_time) { _clear_scheduled_alarm_list(); _add_to_scheduled_alarm_list(__alarm_info); _alarm_set_timer(&alarm_context, alarm_context.timer, due_time, *alarm_id); alarm_context.c_due_time = due_time; } else if (due_time == alarm_context.c_due_time) { _add_to_scheduled_alarm_list(__alarm_info); } __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif return true; } static bool __alarm_create(alarm_info_t *alarm_info, alarm_id_t *alarm_id, int pid, char *app_service_name, char *app_service_name_mod, const char *dst_service_name,const char *dst_service_name_mod, int *error_code) { time_t current_time; time_t due_time; char proc_file[256] = { 0 }; char process_name[512] = { 0 }; char app_name[256] = { 0 }; char *word = NULL; char *proc_name_ptr = NULL; __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info = NULL; __alarm_info = malloc(sizeof(__alarm_info_t)); if (__alarm_info == NULL) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! app_pid=%d, malloc " "failed. it seems to be OOM\n", pid); *error_code = -1; /* -1 means that system failed internally. */ return false; } __alarm_info->pid = pid; __alarm_info->alarm_id = -1; /* we should consider to check whether pid is running or Not */ memset(process_name, '\0', 512); memset(proc_file, '\0', 256); snprintf(proc_file, 256, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); int fd; int ret; int i = 0; fd = open(proc_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { /* failure */ __alarm_info->quark_app_unique_name = g_quark_from_string("unknown"); ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! app_pid(%d) seems to be " "killed, so we failed to get proc file(%s) and do not create " "alarm_info\n", pid, proc_file); *error_code = -1; /*-1 means that system failed internally.*/ free(__alarm_info); return false; } else { ret = read(fd, process_name, 512); close(fd); while (process_name[i] != '\0') { if (process_name[i] == ' ') { process_name[i] = '\0'; break; } i++; } /* if (readlink(proc_file, process_name, 256)!=-1) */ /*success */ word = strtok_r(process_name, "/", &proc_name_ptr); while (word != NULL) { memset(app_name, 0, 256); snprintf(app_name, 256, "%s", word); word = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &proc_name_ptr); } __alarm_info->quark_app_unique_name = g_quark_from_string(app_name); } __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name = g_quark_from_string(app_service_name); __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name_mod = g_quark_from_string(app_service_name_mod); __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name = g_quark_from_string(dst_service_name); __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name_mod = g_quark_from_string(dst_service_name_mod); __alarm_info->quark_bundle = g_quark_from_string("null"); __alarm_set_start_and_end_time(alarm_info, __alarm_info); memcpy(&(__alarm_info->alarm_info), alarm_info, sizeof(alarm_info_t)); time(¤t_time); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:pid=%d, app_unique_name=%s, " "app_service_name=%s,dst_service_name=%s, c_due_time=%d", \ pid, g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_app_unique_name), \ g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_app_service_name), \ g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name), \ alarm_context.c_due_time); if (alarm_context.c_due_time < current_time) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! alarm_context.c_due_time " "(%d) is less than current time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, current_time); alarm_context.c_due_time = -1; } due_time = _alarm_next_duetime(__alarm_info); if (__alarm_add_to_list(__alarm_info, alarm_id) == false) { free(__alarm_info); return false; } if (due_time == 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Create a new alarm: " "due_time is 0, alarm(%d) \n", *alarm_id); return true; } else if (current_time == due_time) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Create alarm: " "current_time(%d) is same as due_time(%d)", current_time, due_time); return true; }else if (difftime(due_time, current_time) < 0){ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]: Expired Due Time.[Due time=%d, Current Time=%d]!!!Do not add to schedule list\n", due_time, current_time); return true; } else { char due_time_r[100] = { 0 }; struct tm ts_ret; localtime_r(&due_time, &ts_ret); strftime(due_time_r, 30, "%c", &ts_ret); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Create a new alarm: " "alarm(%d) due_time(%s)", *alarm_id, due_time_r); } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:alarm_context.c_due_time(%d), " "due_time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, due_time); if (alarm_context.c_due_time == -1 || due_time < alarm_context.c_due_time) { _clear_scheduled_alarm_list(); _add_to_scheduled_alarm_list(__alarm_info); _alarm_set_timer(&alarm_context, alarm_context.timer, due_time, *alarm_id); alarm_context.c_due_time = due_time; } else if (due_time == alarm_context.c_due_time) { _add_to_scheduled_alarm_list(__alarm_info); } __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID) in a * platform with app-server.because __alarm_power_on(..) fuction don't * use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif return true; } static bool __alarm_update(int pid, char *app_service_name, alarm_id_t alarm_id, alarm_info_t *alarm_info, int *error_code) { time_t current_time; time_t due_time; __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info = NULL; bool result = false; __alarm_info = malloc(sizeof(__alarm_info_t)); if (__alarm_info == NULL) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! app_pid=%d, " "malloc failed. it seems to be OOM\n", pid); *error_code = -1; /*-1 means that system failed internally.*/ return false; } __alarm_info->pid = pid; __alarm_info->alarm_id = alarm_id; /* we should consider to check whether pid is running or Not */ __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name = g_quark_from_string(app_service_name); __alarm_set_start_and_end_time(alarm_info, __alarm_info); memcpy(&(__alarm_info->alarm_info), alarm_info, sizeof(alarm_info_t)); time(¤t_time); if (alarm_context.c_due_time < current_time) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! alarm_context.c_due_time " "(%d) is less than current time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, current_time); alarm_context.c_due_time = -1; } due_time = _alarm_next_duetime(__alarm_info); if (!__alarm_update_in_list(pid, alarm_id, __alarm_info, error_code)) { free(__alarm_info); ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]: requested alarm_id " "(%d) does not exist. so this value is invalid id.", alarm_id); return false; } /* ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:request_pid=%d, alarm_id=%d, * app_unique_name=%s, app_service_name=%s, dst_service_name=%s, * c_due_time=%d", pid, alarm_id, g_quark_to_string * (__alarm_info->quark_app_unique_name), g_quark_to_string * (__alarm_info->quark_app_service_name), g_quark_to_string * (__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name), alarm_context.c_due_time); */ result = _remove_from_scheduled_alarm_list(pid, alarm_id); if (result == true && g_slist_length(g_scheduled_alarm_list) == 0) { /*there is no scheduled alarm */ _alarm_disable_timer(alarm_context); _alarm_schedule(); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Update alarm: alarm(%d)\n", alarm_id); __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID) in * a platform with app-server.because __alarm_power_on(..) fuction don't * use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif if (due_time == 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Update alarm: " "due_time is 0\n"); } free(__alarm_info); return true; } if (due_time == 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Update alarm: " "due_time is 0, alarm(%d)\n", alarm_id); free(__alarm_info); return true; } else if (current_time == due_time) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Update alarm: " "current_time(%d) is same as due_time(%d)", current_time, due_time); free(__alarm_info); return true; }else if (difftime(due_time, current_time)< 0){ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]: Expired Due Time.[Due time=%d, Current Time=%d]!!!Do not add to schedule list\n", due_time, current_time); free(__alarm_info); return true; } else { char due_time_r[100] = { 0 }; struct tm ts_ret; localtime_r(&due_time, &ts_ret); strftime(due_time_r, 30, "%c", &ts_ret); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Update alarm: alarm(%d) " "due_time(%s)\n", alarm_id, due_time_r); } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:alarm_context.c_due_time(%d), " "due_time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, due_time); if (alarm_context.c_due_time == -1 || due_time < alarm_context.c_due_time) { _clear_scheduled_alarm_list(); _add_to_scheduled_alarm_list(__alarm_info); _alarm_set_timer(&alarm_context, alarm_context.timer, due_time, alarm_id); alarm_context.c_due_time = due_time; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server1]:alarm_context.c_due_time " "(%d), due_time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, due_time); } else if (due_time == alarm_context.c_due_time) { _add_to_scheduled_alarm_list(__alarm_info); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server2]:alarm_context.c_due_time " "(%d), due_time(%d)", alarm_context.c_due_time, due_time); } __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID) * in a platform with app-server.because __alarm_power_on(..) fuction * don't use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif free(__alarm_info); return true; } static bool __alarm_delete(int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, int *error_code) { bool result = false; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:delete alarm: alarm(%d) pid(%d)\n",\ alarm_id, pid); result = _remove_from_scheduled_alarm_list(pid, alarm_id); if (!__alarm_remove_from_list(pid, alarm_id, error_code)) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm-server]:delete alarm: " "alarm(%d) pid(%d) has failed with error_code(%d)\n", alarm_id, pid, *error_code); return false; } if (result == true && g_slist_length(g_scheduled_alarm_list) == 0) { _alarm_disable_timer(alarm_context); _alarm_schedule(); } __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID) in a * platform with app-server.because __alarm_power_on(..) fuction don't * use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif return true; } static bool __alarm_power_on(int app_id, bool on_off, int *error_code) { #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT time_t min_time = 0; time_t current_time = 0; struct rtc_time rtc_tm = { 0, }; struct tm min_time_r = { 0, }; int fd = 0; int retval; enable_power_on_alarm = on_off; /*_update_power_on(on_off); */ /*currently its empty*/ fd = open(power_rtc, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("cannot open /dev/rtc0\n"); return false; } if (on_off == true) { if (_alarm_find_mintime_power_on(&min_time) == true) { ab_due_time = min_time; min_time = min_time - 60; time(¤t_time); if (min_time <= current_time) min_time = current_time + 5; gmtime_r(&min_time, &min_time_r); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__alarm_power_on : %d %d %d %d " "%d\n", \ min_time_r.tm_year,\ min_time_r.tm_mon,\ min_time_r.tm_mday,\ min_time_r.tm_hour,\ min_time_r.tm_min); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__alarm_power_on : %d %d %d %d " "%d\n", \ min_time_r.tm_year,\ min_time_r.tm_mon,\ min_time_r.tm_mday,\ min_time_r.tm_hour,\ min_time_r.tm_min); rtc_tm.tm_mday = min_time_r.tm_mday; rtc_tm.tm_mon = min_time_r.tm_mon; rtc_tm.tm_year = min_time_r.tm_year; rtc_tm.tm_hour = min_time_r.tm_hour; rtc_tm.tm_min = min_time_r.tm_min; rtc_tm.tm_sec = min_time_r.tm_sec; /*set_info.time_zone = 0; */ /*set_info.u_interval.day_of_week = 0; */ /*ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("####__alarm_power_on : %d %d %d %d %d\n",set_info.year,set_info.month,set_info.day, set_info.hour,set_info.minute); */ ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("due_time : %d \n", ab_due_time); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("\n\nSetted RTC Alarm date/time is " "%d-%d-%d, %02d:%02d:%02d.\n", rtc_tm.tm_mday, rtc_tm.tm_mon + 1, rtc_tm.tm_year + 1900, rtc_tm.tm_hour, rtc_tm.tm_min, rtc_tm.tm_sec); retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_ALM_SET, &rtc_tm); if (retval == -1) { if (errno == ENOTTY) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "\n...Alarm IRQs not supported.\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC_ALM_SET ioctl"); close(fd); return false; } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]RTC " "alarm(POWER ON) is setted"); /* Enable alarm interrupts */ retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_AIE_ON, 0); if (retval == -1) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "RTC_AIE_ON ioctl failed"); close(fd); return false; } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]RTC(POWER ON) " "alarm is on"); } else retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_AIE_OFF, 0); } else { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__alarm_power_on : off\n"); retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_AIE_OFF, 0); } close(fd); #endif /* #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT */ return true; } static bool __alarm_power_off(int app_id, int *error_code) { #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT #endif /* #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT */ return true; } static bool __alarm_check_next_duetime(int app_id, int *error_code) { #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT time_t current_time; time_t interval; time(¤t_time); interval = ab_due_time - current_time; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("due_time : %d / current_time %d\n", ab_due_time, current_time); if (interval > 0 && interval <= 60) return true; else return false; #else /* #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT */ return true; #endif } static void __alarm_send_noti_to_application(const char *app_service_name, alarm_id_t alarm_id) { char service_name[MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN]; char object_name[MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN]; DBusMessage *message; DBusMessageIter iter; if (app_service_name == NULL || strlen(app_service_name) == 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("This alarm destination is " "invalid\n"); return; } memset(service_name, 0, MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN); memcpy(service_name, app_service_name, strlen(app_service_name)); snprintf(object_name, MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN, "/org/tizen/alarm/client"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm server][send expired_alarm(alarm_id=%d)to" "app_service_name(%s), object_name(%s), interface_name(%s)]\n",\ alarm_id, service_name, object_name, "org.tizen.alarm.client"); message = dbus_message_new_method_call(service_name, object_name, "org.tizen.alarm.client", "alarm_expired"); if (message == NULL) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm server] " "dbus_message_new_method_call faild. maybe OOM!.\n"); ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm server] so we cannot " "send expired alarm to %s\n", service_name); return; } dbus_message_set_no_reply(message, TRUE); /* if(service_name[0]==':') */ /* we don't need auto activation in a case that destination_app_service_name starts with a charactor like (:) */ dbus_message_set_auto_start(message, FALSE); dbus_message_iter_init_append(message, &iter); if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &alarm_id)) { dbus_message_unref(message); ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("[alarm server] " "dbus_message_iter_append_basic faild. maybe OOM!.\n"); return; } dbus_connection_send(dbus_g_connection_get_connection (alarm_context.bus), message, NULL); dbus_connection_flush(dbus_g_connection_get_connection (alarm_context.bus)); dbus_message_unref(message); } static void __alarm_expired() { const char *destination_app_service_name = NULL; alarm_id_t alarm_id = -1; int app_pid = 0; __alarm_info_t *__alarm_info = NULL; char alarm_id_val[32]={0,}; int b_len = 0; bundle *b = NULL; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: Enter \n"); time_t current_time; double interval; time(¤t_time); interval = difftime(alarm_context.c_due_time, current_time); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: c_due_time(%d), " "current_time(%d), interval(%d)\n", alarm_context.c_due_time, current_time, interval); if (alarm_context.c_due_time > current_time) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: False Alarm\n"); goto done; } GSList *iter = NULL; __scheduled_alarm_t *alarm = NULL; for (iter = g_scheduled_alarm_list; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next(iter)) { alarm = iter->data; alarm_id = alarm->alarm_id; __alarm_info = alarm->__alarm_info; app_pid = __alarm_info->pid; if (strncmp (g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_bundle), "null", 4) != 0) { b_len = strlen(g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_bundle)); b = bundle_decode((bundle_raw *)g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_bundle), b_len); if (NULL == b) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Error!!!..Unable to decode the bundle!!\n"); } else { snprintf(alarm_id_val,31,"%d",alarm_id); if (bundle_add(b,"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/alarm_id", alarm_id_val)){ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Unable to add alarm id to the bundle\n"); } else { if ( appsvc_run_service(b, 0, NULL, NULL) < 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Unable to run app svc\n"); } else { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("Successfuly ran app svc\n"); } } bundle_free(b); } } else { if (strncmp (g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name), "null",4) == 0) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:destination is " "null, so we send expired alarm to %s(%u)\n",\ g_quark_to_string( __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name), __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name); destination_app_service_name = g_quark_to_string( __alarm_info->quark_app_service_name_mod); } else { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]:destination " ":%s(%u)\n", g_quark_to_string( __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name), __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name); destination_app_service_name = g_quark_to_string( __alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name_mod); } #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /* orginally this code had if(__alarm_info->app_id==21) in a platform with app-server. */ /*if(__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name == g_quark_from_string (WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID)) */ if (strcmp (g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name), WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID) == 0) { int fd = 0; fd = open(power_rtc, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("cannot open /dev/rtc0\n"); } else { ioctl(fd, RTC_AIE_OFF, 0); close(fd); } } #endif /* * we should consider a situation that * destination_app_service_name is owner_name like (:xxxx) and * application's pid which registered this alarm was killed.In that case, * we don't need to send the expire event because the process was killed. * this causes needless message to be sent. */ ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: " "destination_app_service_name :%s, app_pid=%d\n", destination_app_service_name, app_pid); /* the following is a code that checks the above situation. please verify this code. */ if (dbus_bus_name_has_owner( dbus_g_connection_get_connection(alarm_context.bus), destination_app_service_name, NULL) == FALSE) { __expired_alarm_t *expire_info; char appid[MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN] = { 0, }; char alarm_id_str[32] = { 0, }; expire_info = malloc(sizeof(__expired_alarm_t)); if (G_UNLIKELY(NULL == expire_info)){ ALARM_MGR_ASSERT_PRINT("[alarm-server]:Malloc failed!Can't notify alarm expiry info\n"); goto done; } memset(expire_info, '\0', MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN); strncpy(expire_info->service_name, destination_app_service_name, MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN-1); expire_info->alarm_id = alarm_id; g_expired_alarm_list = g_slist_append(g_expired_alarm_list, expire_info); if (strncmp (g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name), "null",4) == 0) { strncpy(appid,g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_app_service_name),strlen(g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_app_service_name))-6); } else { strncpy(appid,g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name),strlen(g_quark_to_string(__alarm_info->quark_dst_service_name))-6); } snprintf(alarm_id_str, 31, "%d", alarm_id); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("before aul_launch appid(%s) " "alarm_id_str(%s)\n", appid, alarm_id_str); bundle *kb; kb = bundle_create(); bundle_add(kb, "__ALARM_MGR_ID", alarm_id_str); aul_launch_app(appid, kb); bundle_free(kb); } else { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT( "before alarm_send_noti_to_application\n"); __alarm_send_noti_to_application( destination_app_service_name, alarm_id); } } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("after __alarm_send_noti_to_application\n"); /* if( !(__alarm_info->alarm_info.alarm_type & ALARM_TYPE_VOLATILE) ) { __alarm_remove_from_list(__alarm_info->pid, alarm_id, NULL); } else */ if (__alarm_info->alarm_info.mode.repeat == ALARM_REPEAT_MODE_ONCE) { /* _alarm_next_duetime(__alarm_info);*/ /* _update_alarms(__alarm_info);*/ __alarm_remove_from_list(__alarm_info->pid, alarm_id, NULL); } else { _alarm_next_duetime(__alarm_info); /* _update_alarms(__alarm_info);*/ } } done: _clear_scheduled_alarm_list(); alarm_context.c_due_time = -1; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]: Leave \n"); } static gboolean __alarm_handler_idle() { if (g_dummy_timer_is_set == true) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("dummy alarm timer has expired\n"); } else { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__alarm_handler \n"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("__alarm_handler \n"); __alarm_expired(); } _alarm_schedule(); __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID) *in a platform with app-server.because __alarm_power_on(..) fuction *don't use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif pm_unlock_state(LCD_OFF, PM_SLEEP_MARGIN); return false; } static void __alarm_handler(int sigNum, siginfo_t *pSigInfo, void *pUContext) { pm_lock_state(LCD_OFF, STAY_CUR_STATE, 0); /* we moved __alarm_expired() function to __alarm_handler_idle GSource because of signal safety. */ g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, __alarm_handler_idle, NULL, NULL); } static void __clean_registry() { /*TODO:remove all db entries */ } static bool __alarm_manager_reset() { _alarm_disable_timer(alarm_context); __alarm_clean_list(); _clear_scheduled_alarm_list(); __clean_registry(); return true; } static void __on_system_time_changed(keynode_t *node, void *data) { double diff_time; time_t _time; time_t before; _alarm_disable_timer(alarm_context); if (node) { _time = vconf_keynode_get_int(node); } else { vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_SYSTEM_TIMECHANGE, (int *)&_time); } time(&before); diff_time = difftime(_time, before); tzset(); ALARM_MGR_ASSERT_PRINT("diff_time is %f\n", diff_time); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server] System time has been changed\n"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("1.alarm_context.c_due_time is %d\n", alarm_context.c_due_time); _set_time(_time); vconf_set_dbl(VCONFKEY_SYSTEM_TIMEDIFF, diff_time); vconf_set_int(VCONFKEY_SYSTEM_TIME_CHANGED,(int)diff_time); __alarm_update_due_time_of_all_items_in_list(diff_time); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("2.alarm_context.c_due_time is %d\n", alarm_context.c_due_time); _clear_scheduled_alarm_list(); _alarm_schedule(); __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_ APP_ID) in a platform with app-server. because _alarm_power_ on(..) fuction don't use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif return; } static void __on_time_zone_changed(keynode_t *node, void *data) { double diff_time = 0; _alarm_disable_timer(alarm_context); tzset(); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server] time zone has been changed\n"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("1.alarm_context.c_due_time is %d\n", alarm_context.c_due_time); __alarm_update_due_time_of_all_items_in_list(diff_time); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("2.alarm_context.c_due_time is %d\n", alarm_context.c_due_time); _clear_scheduled_alarm_list(); _alarm_schedule(); __rtc_set(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_ APP_ID) in a platform with app-server. because _alarm_power_ on(..) fuction don't use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif return; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_set_rtc_time(void *pObject, int pid, int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, char *e_cookie, int *return_code){ guchar *cookie = NULL; gsize size; int retval = 0; gboolean result = true; gid_t call_gid; const char *rtc = power_rtc; int fd = 0; struct rtc_time rtc_tm = {0,}; struct rtc_wkalrm rtc_wk; struct tm *alarm_tm = NULL; struct tm due_tm = {0,}; if (return_code){ *return_code = ALARMMGR_RESULT_SUCCESS; } cookie = g_base64_decode(e_cookie, &size); if (NULL == cookie) { if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_NO_PERMISSION; ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Unable to decode cookie!!!\n"); return true; } call_gid = security_server_get_gid("alarm"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("call_gid : %d\n", call_gid); retval = security_server_check_privilege((const char *)cookie, call_gid); if (retval < 0) { if (retval == SECURITY_SERVER_API_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "%s", "access has been denied\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Error has occurred in security_server_check_privilege()\n"); if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_NO_PERMISSION; } else { /*extract day of the week, day in the year & daylight saving time from system*/ time_t ctime; ctime = time(NULL); alarm_tm = localtime(&ctime); alarm_tm->tm_year = year; alarm_tm->tm_mon = mon; alarm_tm->tm_mday = day; alarm_tm->tm_hour = hour; alarm_tm->tm_min = min; alarm_tm->tm_sec = sec; /*convert to calendar time representation*/ time_t rtc_time = mktime(alarm_tm); /*convert to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)*/ gmtime_r(&rtc_time, &due_tm); fd = open(rtc, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC open failed.\n"); if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_SYSTEM_FAIL; return result; } /* Read the RTC time/date */ retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc_tm); if (retval == -1) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC_RD_TIME ioctl failed"); close(fd); if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_SYSTEM_FAIL; return result; } rtc_tm.tm_mday = due_tm.tm_mday; rtc_tm.tm_mon = due_tm.tm_mon; rtc_tm.tm_year = due_tm.tm_year; rtc_tm.tm_hour = due_tm.tm_hour; rtc_tm.tm_min = due_tm.tm_min; rtc_tm.tm_sec = due_tm.tm_sec; memcpy(&rtc_wk.time, &rtc_tm, sizeof(rtc_tm)); rtc_wk.enabled = 1; rtc_wk.pending = 0; retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_WKALM_BOOT_SET, &rtc_wk); if (retval == -1) { if (errno == ENOTTY) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("\nAlarm IRQs not" "supported.\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC_ALM_SET ioctl"); close(fd); if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_SYSTEM_FAIL; } else{ ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("[alarm-server]RTC alarm is setted"); /* Enable alarm interrupts */ retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_AIE_ON, 0); if (retval == -1) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("RTC_AIE_ON ioctl failed"); if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_SYSTEM_FAIL; } close(fd); } } if (cookie){ g_free(cookie); cookie = NULL; } return result; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_create_appsvc(void *pObject, int pid, int start_year, int start_month, int start_day, int start_hour, int start_min, int start_sec, int end_year, int end_month, int end_day, int mode_day_of_week, int mode_repeat, int alarm_type, int reserved_info, char *bundle_data, char *e_cookie, int *alarm_id, int *return_code) { alarm_info_t alarm_info; guchar *cookie = NULL; gsize size; int retval = 0; gid_t call_gid; gboolean result = true; alarm_info.start.year = start_year; alarm_info.start.month = start_month; alarm_info.start.day = start_day; alarm_info.start.hour = start_hour; alarm_info.start.min = start_min; alarm_info.start.sec = start_sec; alarm_info.end.year = end_year; alarm_info.end.month = end_month; alarm_info.end.day = end_day; alarm_info.mode.u_interval.day_of_week = mode_day_of_week; alarm_info.mode.repeat = mode_repeat; alarm_info.alarm_type = alarm_type; alarm_info.reserved_info = reserved_info; *return_code = 0; cookie = g_base64_decode(e_cookie, &size); if (NULL == cookie) { *return_code = -1; ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Unable to decode cookie!!!\n"); return false; } call_gid = security_server_get_gid("alarm"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("call_gid : %d\n", call_gid); retval = security_server_check_privilege((const char *)cookie, call_gid); if (retval < 0) { if (retval == SECURITY_SERVER_API_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "%s", "access has been denied\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Error has occurred in security_server_check_privilege()\n"); *return_code = -1; result = false; } else { result = __alarm_create_appsvc(&alarm_info, alarm_id, pid, bundle_data, return_code); if (false == result) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Unable to create alarm!\n"); } } if (cookie){ g_free(cookie); cookie = NULL; } return result; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_create(void *pObject, int pid, char *app_service_name, char *app_service_name_mod, int start_year, int start_month, int start_day, int start_hour, int start_min, int start_sec, int end_year, int end_month, int end_day, int mode_day_of_week, int mode_repeat, int alarm_type, int reserved_info, char *reserved_service_name, char *reserved_service_name_mod, char *e_cookie, int *alarm_id, int *return_code) { alarm_info_t alarm_info; guchar *cookie; gsize size; int retval; gid_t call_gid; alarm_info.start.year = start_year; alarm_info.start.month = start_month; alarm_info.start.day = start_day; alarm_info.start.hour = start_hour; alarm_info.start.min = start_min; alarm_info.start.sec = start_sec; alarm_info.end.year = end_year; alarm_info.end.month = end_month; alarm_info.end.day = end_day; alarm_info.mode.u_interval.day_of_week = mode_day_of_week; alarm_info.mode.repeat = mode_repeat; alarm_info.alarm_type = alarm_type; alarm_info.reserved_info = reserved_info; *return_code = 0; cookie = g_base64_decode(e_cookie, &size); call_gid = security_server_get_gid("alarm"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("call_gid : %d\n", call_gid); retval = security_server_check_privilege((const char *)cookie, call_gid); if (retval < 0) { if (retval == SECURITY_SERVER_API_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "%s", "access has been denied\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("%s", "Error has occurred\n"); *return_code = -1; } else { /* return valule and return_code should be checked */ __alarm_create(&alarm_info, alarm_id, pid, app_service_name,app_service_name_mod, reserved_service_name, reserved_service_name_mod, return_code); } g_free(cookie); return true; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_delete(void *pObject, int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, char *e_cookie, int *return_code) { guchar *cookie; gsize size; int retval; gid_t call_gid; cookie = g_base64_decode(e_cookie, &size); call_gid = security_server_get_gid("alarm"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("call_gid : %d\n", call_gid); retval = security_server_check_privilege((const char *)cookie, call_gid); if (retval < 0) { if (retval == SECURITY_SERVER_API_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("%s", "access has been denied\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("%s", "Error has occurred\n"); *return_code = -1; } else { __alarm_delete(pid, alarm_id, return_code); } g_free(cookie); return true; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_power_on(void *pObject, int pid, bool on_off, int *return_code) { return __alarm_power_on(pid, on_off, return_code); } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_power_off(void *pObject, int pid, int *return_code) { return __alarm_power_off(pid, return_code); } bool alarm_manager_alarm_check_next_duetime(void *pObject, int pid, int *return_code) { return __alarm_check_next_duetime(pid, return_code); } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_update(void *pObject, int pid, char *app_service_name, alarm_id_t alarm_id, int start_year, int start_month, int start_day, int start_hour, int start_min, int start_sec, int end_year, int end_month, int end_day, int mode_day_of_week, int mode_repeat, int alarm_type, int reserved_info, int *return_code) { alarm_info_t alarm_info; alarm_info.start.year = start_year; alarm_info.start.month = start_month; alarm_info.start.day = start_day; alarm_info.start.hour = start_hour; alarm_info.start.min = start_min; alarm_info.start.sec = start_sec; alarm_info.end.year = end_year; alarm_info.end.month = end_month; alarm_info.end.day = end_day; alarm_info.mode.u_interval.day_of_week = mode_day_of_week; alarm_info.mode.repeat = mode_repeat; alarm_info.alarm_type = alarm_type; alarm_info.reserved_info = reserved_info; *return_code = 0; __alarm_update(pid, app_service_name, alarm_id, &alarm_info, return_code); return true; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_get_number_of_ids(void *pObject, int pid, int *num_of_ids, int *return_code) { GSList *gs_iter = NULL; GQuark quark_app_unique_name; /* the fullpath of pid(pid) is converted to quark value. */ char proc_file[256] = { 0 }; char process_name[512] = { 0 }; char app_name[256] = { 0 }; char *word = NULL; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; char *proc_name_ptr = NULL; *num_of_ids = 0; *return_code = 0; /* we should consider to check whether pid is running or Not */ memset(process_name, '\0', 512); memset(proc_file, '\0', 256); snprintf(proc_file, 256, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); int fd; int ret; int i = 0; fd = open(proc_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { /* failure */ quark_app_unique_name = g_quark_from_string("unknown"); memcpy(app_name, "unknown", strlen("unknown") + 1); ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! app_pid(%d) seems to be " "killed, so we failed to get proc file(%s) \n", pid, proc_file); *return_code = -1; /* -1 means that system failed internally. */ return true; } else { ret = read(fd, process_name, 512); close(fd); while (process_name[i] != '\0') { if (process_name[i] == ' ') { process_name[i] = '\0'; break; } i++; } /*if (readlink(proc_file, process_name, 256)!=-1) */ /*success */ word = strtok_r(process_name, "/", &proc_name_ptr); while (word != NULL) { memset(app_name, 0, 256); snprintf(app_name, 256, "%s", word); word = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &proc_name_ptr); } quark_app_unique_name = g_quark_from_string(app_name); } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("called for app(pid:%d, name=%s)\n", pid, app_name); for (gs_iter = alarm_context.alarms; gs_iter != NULL; gs_iter = g_slist_next(gs_iter)) { entry = gs_iter->data; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("alarm_manager_alarm_get_number_of_ids(): " "app_name=%s,quark_app_unique_name=%s\n", app_name, g_quark_to_string(entry->quark_app_unique_name)); if (strcmp (app_name, g_quark_to_string(entry->quark_app_unique_name)) == 0 && strcmp(app_name, "unknown") != 0) { (*num_of_ids)++; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("inc number of alarms of app " "(pid:%d, name:%s) is %d\n", pid, app_name, *num_of_ids); } } *return_code = 0; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("number of alarms of app(pid:%d, name:%s) is %d\n", pid, app_name, *num_of_ids); return true; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_get_list_of_ids(void *pObject, int pid, int max_number_of_ids, GArray **arr, int *num_of_ids, int *return_code) { GSList *gs_iter = NULL; GQuark quark_app_unique_name; /* the fullpath of pid(pid) is converted to quark value. */ char proc_file[256] = { 0 }; char process_name[512] = { 0 }; char app_name[256] = { 0 }; char *word = NULL; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; int index = 0; char *proc_name_ptr = NULL; int fd; int ret; int i = 0; GArray *garray = NULL; *return_code = 0; garray = g_array_new(false, true, sizeof(alarm_id_t)); /* we should check that there is a resource leak. * Now we don't have free code for g_array_new(). */ if (max_number_of_ids <= 0) { *arr = garray; ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("called for pid(%d), but " "max_number_of_ids(%d) is less than 0.\n", pid, max_number_of_ids); return true; } /* we should consider to check whether pid is running or Not */ memset(process_name, '\0', 512); memset(proc_file, '\0', 256); snprintf(proc_file, 256, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); fd = open(proc_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { /* failure */ quark_app_unique_name = g_quark_from_string("unknown"); memcpy(app_name, "unknown", strlen("unknown") + 1); ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Caution!! app_pid(%d) seems to be " "killed, so we failed to get proc file(%s)\n", pid, proc_file); *return_code = -1; /* -1 means that system failed internally. */ return true; } else { ret = read(fd, process_name, 512); close(fd); while (process_name[i] != '\0') { if (process_name[i] == ' ') { process_name[i] = '\0'; break; } i++; } /* if (readlink(proc_file, process_name, 256)!=-1) */ /*success */ word = strtok_r(process_name, "/", &proc_name_ptr); while (word != NULL) { memset(app_name, 0, 256); snprintf(app_name, 256, "%s", word); word = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &proc_name_ptr); } quark_app_unique_name = g_quark_from_string(app_name); } ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("called for app(pid:%d, name=%s)\n", pid, app_name); for (gs_iter = alarm_context.alarms; gs_iter != NULL; gs_iter = g_slist_next(gs_iter)) { entry = gs_iter->data; if (strcmp (app_name, g_quark_to_string(entry->quark_app_unique_name)) == 0 && strcmp(app_name, "unknown") != 0) { g_array_append_val(garray, entry->alarm_id); } } *num_of_ids = index; *arr = garray; return true; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_get_appsvc_info(void *pObject, int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, char *e_cookie, gchar **b_data, int *return_code) { bool found = false; GSList *gs_iter = NULL; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; guchar *cookie = NULL; gsize size; int retval = 0; gid_t call_gid; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("called for pid(%d) and alarm_id(%d)\n", pid, alarm_id); cookie = g_base64_decode(e_cookie, &size); if (NULL == cookie) { if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_SYSTEM_FAIL; ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Unable to decode cookie!!!\n"); return true; } call_gid = security_server_get_gid("alarm"); ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("call_gid : %d\n", call_gid); retval = security_server_check_privilege((const char *)cookie, call_gid); if (retval < 0) { if (retval == SECURITY_SERVER_API_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "%s", "access has been denied\n"); } ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("%s", "Error has occurred\n"); if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_NO_PERMISSION; if (cookie) g_free(cookie); return true; } if (return_code) *return_code = 0; for (gs_iter = alarm_context.alarms; gs_iter != NULL; gs_iter = g_slist_next(gs_iter)) { entry = gs_iter->data; if (entry->alarm_id == alarm_id) { found = true; *b_data = g_strdup(g_quark_to_string(entry->quark_bundle)); break; } } if (found) { if ( *b_data && strlen(*b_data) == 4 && strncmp(*b_data,"null",4) == 0){ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Regular alarm,not svc alarm"); if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_INVALID_TYPE; } } else { if (return_code) *return_code = ERR_ALARM_INVALID_ID; } if (cookie) g_free(cookie); return true; } gboolean alarm_manager_alarm_get_info(void *pObject, int pid, alarm_id_t alarm_id, int *start_year, int *start_month, int *start_day, int *start_hour, int *start_min, int *start_sec, int *end_year, int *end_month, int *end_day, int *mode_day_of_week, int *mode_repeat, int *alarm_type, int *reserved_info, int *return_code) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("called for pid(%d) and alarm_id(%d)\n", pid, alarm_id); GSList *gs_iter = NULL; __alarm_info_t *entry = NULL; alarm_info_t *alarm_info = NULL; *return_code = 0; for (gs_iter = alarm_context.alarms; gs_iter != NULL; gs_iter = g_slist_next(gs_iter)) { entry = gs_iter->data; if (entry->alarm_id == alarm_id) { alarm_info = &(entry->alarm_info); break; } } if (alarm_info == NULL) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("alarm id(%d) was not found\n", alarm_id); *return_code = ERR_ALARM_INVALID_ID; } else { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("alarm was found\n"); *start_year = alarm_info->start.year; *start_month = alarm_info->start.month; *start_day = alarm_info->start.day; *start_hour = alarm_info->start.hour; *start_min = alarm_info->start.min; *start_sec = alarm_info->start.sec; *end_year = alarm_info->end.year; *end_year = alarm_info->end.month; *end_year = alarm_info->end.day; *mode_day_of_week = alarm_info->mode.u_interval.day_of_week; *mode_repeat = alarm_info->mode.repeat; *alarm_type = alarm_info->alarm_type; *reserved_info = alarm_info->reserved_info; *return_code = 0; } return true; } #include "alarm-skeleton.h" typedef struct AlarmManagerObject AlarmManagerObject; typedef struct AlarmManagerObjectClass AlarmManagerObjectClass; GType Server_Object_get_type(void); struct AlarmManagerObject { GObject parent; }; struct AlarmManagerObjectClass { GObjectClass parent; }; #define DBUS_NAME_FLAG_PROHIBIT_REPLACEMENT 0 #define ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT (Server_Object_get_type()) #define ALARM_MANAGER_OBJECT(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST \ ((object), ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT, AlarmManagerObject)) #define ALARM_MANAGER_OBJECT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST \ ((klass), ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT, AlarmManagerObjectClass)) #define ALARM_MANAGER_IS_OBJECT(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE \ ((object), ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT)) #define ALARM_MANAGER_IS_OBJECT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE \ ((klass), ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT)) #define ALARM_MANAGER_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS \ ((obj), ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT, AlarmManagerObjectClass)) G_DEFINE_TYPE(AlarmManagerObject, Server_Object, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void Server_Object_init(AlarmManagerObject * obj) { ; } static void Server_Object_class_init(AlarmManagerObjectClass *klass) { ; } static void __initialize_timer() { struct sigaction sig_timer; sigemptyset(&sig_timer.sa_mask); sig_timer.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sig_timer.sa_sigaction = (void *)__alarm_handler; sigaction(SIG_TIMER, &sig_timer, NULL); alarm_context.timer = _alarm_create_timer(); } static void __initialize_alarm_list() { alarm_context.alarms = NULL; alarm_context.c_due_time = -1; _load_alarms_from_registry(); __rtc_set(); /*Set RTC1 Alarm with alarm due time for alarm-manager initialization*/ /*alarm boot */ #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT /*alarm boot */ if (enable_power_on_alarm) { /* orginally first arg's value was 21(app_id, WAKEUP_ALARM_APP_ID) in a * platform with app-server. because __alarm_power_on(..) fuction don't * use first parameter internally, we set this value to 0(zero) */ __alarm_power_on(0, enable_power_on_alarm, NULL); } #endif } static void __initialize_scheduled_alarm_lsit() { _init_scheduled_alarm_list(); } static void __hibernation_leave_callback() { __initialize_scheduled_alarm_lsit(); __alarm_clean_list(); __initialize_alarm_list(); } static bool __initialize_noti() { int ret = -1; int fd = heynoti_init(); if (fd < 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("fail to heynoti_init\n"); return false; } heynoti_subscribe(fd, "HIBERNATION_LEAVE", __hibernation_leave_callback, NULL); ret = heynoti_attach_handler(fd); if(ret<0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("heynoti_attach_handler fail"); } if (vconf_notify_key_changed (VCONFKEY_SYSTEM_TIMECHANGE, __on_system_time_changed, NULL) < 0) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT( "Failed to add callback for time changing event\n"); } /*system state change noti ó¸® */ if (vconf_notify_key_changed (VCONFKEY_SETAPPL_TIMEZONE_ID, __on_time_zone_changed, NULL) < 0) { ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT( "Failed to add callback for time changing event\n"); } return true; } static DBusHandlerResult __alarm_server_filter(DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data) { if (dbus_message_is_signal (message, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS, "NameOwnerChanged")) { char *service; char *old_owner; char *new_owner; GSList *entry; __expired_alarm_t *expire_info; dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &service, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &old_owner, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &new_owner, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); for (entry = g_expired_alarm_list; entry; entry = entry->next) { if (entry->data) { expire_info = (__expired_alarm_t *) entry->data; if (strcmp(expire_info->service_name, service) == 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "__alarm_server_filter : " "service name(%s) alarm_id (%d)\n", expire_info->service_name,\ expire_info->alarm_id); __alarm_send_noti_to_application( expire_info->service_name, expire_info->alarm_id); g_expired_alarm_list = g_slist_remove(g_expired_alarm_list, entry->data); free(expire_info); } } } return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } static bool __initialize_dbus() { GError *error = NULL; GObject *obj = NULL; DBusGConnection *connection = NULL; DBusError derror; int request_name_result = 0; dbus_g_object_type_install_info(ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT, &dbus_glib_alarm_manager_object_info); connection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (!connection) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("dbus_g_bus_get failed\n"); return false; } dbus_error_init(&derror); request_name_result = dbus_bus_request_name(dbus_g_connection_get_connection(connection), "org.tizen.alarm.manager", DBUS_NAME_FLAG_PROHIBIT_REPLACEMENT, &derror); if (dbus_error_is_set(&derror)) { /* failure */ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Failed to dbus_bus_request_name " "(org.tizen.alarm.manager): %s\n", derror.message); dbus_error_free(&derror); return false; } if (!(obj = g_object_new(ALARM_MANAGER_TYPE_OBJECT, NULL))) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Could not allocate new object\n"); return false; } dbus_g_connection_register_g_object(connection, "/org/tizen/alarm/manager", G_OBJECT(obj)); /*dbus_bus_add_match (dbus_g_connection_get_connection(connection), "type='signal',member='NameOwnerChanged'",NULL); */ dbus_bus_add_match(dbus_g_connection_get_connection(connection), "type='signal',sender='" DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS "',path='" DBUS_PATH_DBUS "',interface='" DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS "',member='NameOwnerChanged'", NULL); if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (dbus_g_connection_get_connection(connection), __alarm_server_filter, NULL, NULL)) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("add __expire_alarm_filter failed\n"); return false; } alarm_context.bus = connection; return true; } #define ALARMMGR_DB_FILE "/opt/dbspace/.alarmmgr.db" sqlite3 *alarmmgr_db; #define QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_ALARMMGR "create table alarmmgr \ (alarm_id integer primary key,\ start integer,\ end integer,\ pid integer,\ app_unique_name text,\ app_service_name text,\ app_service_name_mod text,\ bundle text, \ year integer,\ month integer,\ day integer,\ hour integer,\ min integer,\ sec integer,\ day_of_week integer,\ repeat integer,\ alarm_type integer,\ reserved_info integer,\ dst_service_name text, \ dst_service_name_mod text \ )" static bool __initialize_db() { char *error_message = NULL; int ret; if (access("/opt/dbspace/.alarmmgr.db", F_OK) == 0) { ret = db_util_open(ALARMMGR_DB_FILE, &alarmmgr_db, DB_UTIL_REGISTER_HOOK_METHOD); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "====>>>> connect menu_db [%s] failed!\n", ALARMMGR_DB_FILE); return false; } return true; } ret = db_util_open(ALARMMGR_DB_FILE, &alarmmgr_db, DB_UTIL_REGISTER_HOOK_METHOD); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT( "====>>>> connect menu_db [%s] failed!\n", ALARMMGR_DB_FILE); return false; } if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(alarmmgr_db, QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_ALARMMGR, NULL, NULL,\ &error_message)) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("Don't execute query = %s, " "error message = %s\n", QUERY_CREATE_TABLE_ALARMMGR, error_message); return false; } return true; } static void __initialize() { g_type_init(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT FILE *fp; char temp[2]; int size; fp = fopen("/proc/alarm_boot", "r"); if (fp == NULL) alarm_boot = 0; else { size = fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp); if (size != 1) alarm_boot = 0; else { temp[1] = 0; alarm_boot = atoi(temp); } fclose(fp); } #endif int fd; int fd2; struct rtc_time rtc_tm; int retval; fd = open(power_rtc, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("cannot open /dev/rtc0\n"); return; } retval = ioctl(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc_tm); close(fd); fd2 = open(default_rtc, O_RDWR); if (fd2 < 0) { ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("cannot open /dev/rtc1\n"); return; } retval = ioctl(fd2, RTC_SET_TIME, &rtc_tm); close(fd2); __initialize_timer(); if (__initialize_dbus() == false) { /* because dbus's initialize failed, we cannot continue any more. */ ALARM_MGR_EXCEPTION_PRINT("because __initialize_dbus failed, " "alarm-server cannot be runned.\n"); exit(1); } __initialize_scheduled_alarm_lsit(); __initialize_db(); __initialize_alarm_list(); __initialize_noti(); } #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT static bool __check_false_alarm() { time_t current_time; time_t interval; time(¤t_time); interval = ab_due_time - current_time; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("due_time : %d / current_time %d\n", \ alarm_context.c_due_time, current_time); if (interval > 0 && interval <= 30) { return true; } else if (!poweron_alarm_expired) { /* originally, first arguement's value was 121(app_id) which means * alarm_booting ui application.and this application's dbus-service * name had a org.tizen.alarmboot.ui in a platform with app-server. * so we set "org.tizen.alarmboot.ui.ALARM" instead of 121. */ __alarm_send_noti_to_application( WAKEUP_ALARMBOOTING_APP_ID, -1); return false; } return true; } #endif int main() { GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; ALARM_MGR_LOG_PRINT("Enter main loop\n"); mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); __initialize(); #ifdef __ALARM_BOOT if (alarm_boot){ __check_false_alarm(); } #endif g_main_loop_run(mainloop); return 0; }