/* * Download Agent * * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Contact: Jungki Kwak , Keunsoon Lee * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @file download-agent-basic.c * @brief functions for basic (http) download * @author Keunsoon Lee(keunsoon.lee@samsung.com) * @author Jungki Kwak(jungki.kwak@samsung.com) ***/ #include #include "download-agent-basic.h" #include "download-agent-debug.h" #include "download-agent-client-mgr.h" #include "download-agent-utils.h" #include "download-agent-http-mgr.h" #include "download-agent-http-misc.h" #include "download-agent-dl-mgr.h" #include "download-agent-installation.h" #include "download-agent-pthread.h" static void* __thread_start_download(void* data); void __thread_clean_up_handler_for_start_download(void *arg); static da_result_t __make_source_info_basic_download( stage_info *stage, client_input_t *client_input); static da_result_t __download_content(stage_info *stage); da_result_t start_download(const char *url , da_handle_t *dl_req_id) { DA_LOG_FUNC_START(Default); return start_download_with_extension(url, dl_req_id, NULL); } da_result_t start_download_with_extension( const char *url, da_handle_t *dl_req_id, extension_data_t *extension_data) { da_result_t ret = DA_RESULT_OK; int download_id = 0; const char **request_header = DA_NULL; const char *install_path = DA_NULL; const char *file_name = DA_NULL; int request_header_count = 0; void *user_data = DA_NULL; client_input_t *client_input = DA_NULL; client_input_basic_t *client_input_basic = DA_NULL; download_thread_input *thread_info = DA_NULL; DA_LOG_FUNC_START(Default); if (extension_data) { request_header = extension_data->request_header; if (extension_data->request_header_count) request_header_count = *(extension_data->request_header_count); install_path = extension_data->install_path; file_name = extension_data->file_name; user_data = extension_data->user_data; } ret = get_available_download_id(&download_id); if (DA_RESULT_OK != ret) return ret; *dl_req_id = GET_DL_REQ_ID(download_id); client_input = (client_input_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(client_input_t)); if (!client_input) { DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC"); ret = DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC; goto ERR; } else { client_input->user_data = user_data; if (install_path) { int install_path_len = strlen(install_path); if (install_path[install_path_len-1] == '/') install_path_len--; client_input->install_path = (char *)calloc(1, install_path_len+1); if (client_input->install_path) snprintf(client_input->install_path, install_path_len+1, install_path); } if (file_name) { client_input->file_name = (char *)calloc(1, strlen(file_name)+1); if (client_input->file_name) strncpy(client_input->file_name, file_name, strlen(file_name)); } client_input_basic = &(client_input->client_input_basic); client_input_basic->req_url = (char *)calloc(1, strlen(url)+1); if(DA_NULL == client_input_basic->req_url) { DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC"); ret = DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC; goto ERR; } strncpy(client_input_basic->req_url ,url,strlen(url)); if (request_header_count > 0) { int i = 0; client_input_basic->user_request_header = (char **)calloc(1, sizeof(char *)*request_header_count); if(DA_NULL == client_input_basic->user_request_header) { DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC"); ret = DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC; goto ERR; } for (i = 0; i < request_header_count; i++) { client_input_basic->user_request_header[i] = strdup(request_header[i]); } client_input_basic->user_request_header_count = request_header_count; } } thread_info = (download_thread_input *)calloc(1, sizeof(download_thread_input)); if(!thread_info) { DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC"); ret = DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC; goto ERR; } else { thread_info->download_id = download_id; thread_info->client_input = client_input; } if(pthread_create(&GET_DL_THREAD_ID(download_id), DA_NULL, __thread_start_download, thread_info) < 0) { DA_LOG_ERR(Thread, "making thread failed.."); ret = DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_CREATE_THREAD; } else { if (GET_DL_THREAD_ID(download_id) < 1) { DA_LOG_ERR(Thread, "The thread start is failed before calling this"); // When http resource is leaked, the thread ID is initialized at error handling section of thread_start_download() // Because the thread ID is initialized, the ptrhead_detach should not be called. This is something like timing issue between threads. // thread info and basic_dl_input is freed at thread_start_download(). And it should not returns error code in this case. goto ERR; } } DA_LOG_CRITICAL(Thread, "download thread create download_id[%d] thread id[%lu]", download_id,GET_DL_THREAD_ID(download_id)); ERR: if (DA_RESULT_OK != ret) { if (client_input) { clean_up_client_input_info(client_input); free(client_input); client_input = DA_NULL; } if (thread_info) { free(thread_info); thread_info = DA_NULL; } destroy_download_info(download_id); } return ret; } da_result_t __make_source_info_basic_download( stage_info *stage, client_input_t *client_input) { da_result_t ret = DA_RESULT_OK; client_input_basic_t *client_input_basic = DA_NULL; source_info_t *source_info = DA_NULL; source_info_basic_t *source_info_basic = DA_NULL; DA_LOG_FUNC_START(Default); if (!stage) { DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "no stage; DA_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT"); ret = DA_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto ERR; } client_input_basic = &(client_input->client_input_basic); if (DA_NULL == client_input_basic->req_url) { DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "DA_ERR_INVALID_URL"); ret = DA_ERR_INVALID_URL; goto ERR; } source_info_basic = (source_info_basic_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(source_info_basic_t)); if (DA_NULL == source_info_basic) { DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC"); ret = DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC; goto ERR; } source_info_basic->url = client_input_basic->req_url; client_input_basic->req_url = DA_NULL; if (client_input_basic->user_request_header) { source_info_basic->user_request_header = client_input_basic->user_request_header; source_info_basic->user_request_header_count = client_input_basic->user_request_header_count; client_input_basic->user_request_header = DA_NULL; client_input_basic->user_request_header_count = 0; } source_info = GET_STAGE_SOURCE_INFO(stage); memset(source_info, 0, sizeof(source_info_t)); source_info->source_info_type.source_info_basic = source_info_basic; DA_LOG(Default, "BASIC HTTP STARTED: URL=%s", source_info->source_info_type.source_info_basic->url); ERR: return ret; } void __thread_clean_up_handler_for_start_download(void *arg) { DA_LOG_CRITICAL(Default, "cleanup for thread id = %d", pthread_self()); } static void *__thread_start_download(void *data) { da_result_t ret = DA_RESULT_OK; download_thread_input *thread_info = DA_NULL; client_input_t *client_input = DA_NULL; stage_info *stage = DA_NULL; int download_id = DA_INVALID_ID; DA_LOG_FUNC_START(Thread); pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, DA_NULL); thread_info = (download_thread_input*)data; if (DA_NULL == thread_info) { DA_LOG_ERR(Thread, "thread_info is NULL.."); ret = DA_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; return DA_NULL; } else { download_id = thread_info->download_id; client_input = thread_info->client_input; if(thread_info) { free(thread_info); thread_info = DA_NULL; } } pthread_cleanup_push(__thread_clean_up_handler_for_start_download, (void *)NULL); if (DA_FALSE == is_valid_dl_ID(download_id)) { ret = DA_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "Invalid Download ID"); goto ERR; } if (!client_input) { ret = DA_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "Invalid client_input"); goto ERR; } stage = Add_new_download_stage(download_id); if (!stage) { ret = DA_ERR_FAIL_TO_MEMALLOC; DA_LOG_ERR(Default, "STAGE ADDITION FAIL!"); goto ERR; } DA_LOG(Default, "new added Stage : %p", stage); GET_DL_USER_DATA(download_id) = client_input->user_data; GET_DL_USER_INSTALL_PATH(download_id) = client_input->install_path; client_input->install_path = DA_NULL; GET_DL_USER_FILE_NAME(download_id) = client_input->file_name; client_input->file_name = DA_NULL; ret = __make_source_info_basic_download(stage, client_input); /* to save memory */ if (client_input) { clean_up_client_input_info(client_input); free(client_input); client_input = DA_NULL; } if (ret == DA_RESULT_OK) ret = __download_content(stage); ERR: if (client_input) { clean_up_client_input_info(client_input); free(client_input); client_input = DA_NULL; } if (DA_RESULT_OK == ret) { DA_LOG_CRITICAL(Default, "Whole download flow is finished."); send_user_noti_and_finish_download_flow(download_id); } else { DA_LOG_CRITICAL(Default, "DA_STATE_FAILED -Return = %d", ret); send_client_da_state(download_id, DA_STATE_FAILED, ret); destroy_download_info(download_id); } pthread_cleanup_pop(0); DA_LOG_CRITICAL(Thread, "=====thread_start_download - EXIT====="); pthread_exit((void *)NULL); return DA_NULL; } da_result_t __download_content(stage_info *stage) { da_result_t ret = DA_RESULT_OK; download_state_t download_state = 0; da_bool_t isDownloadComplete = DA_FALSE; int download_id = DA_INVALID_ID; DA_LOG_FUNC_START(Default); download_id = GET_STAGE_DL_ID(stage); CHANGE_DOWNLOAD_STATE(DOWNLOAD_STATE_NEW_DOWNLOAD, stage); do { stage = GET_DL_CURRENT_STAGE(download_id); _da_thread_mutex_lock (&mutex_download_state[GET_STAGE_DL_ID(stage)]); download_state = GET_DL_STATE_ON_STAGE(stage); DA_LOG(Default, "download_state to - [%d] ", download_state); _da_thread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_download_state[GET_STAGE_DL_ID(stage)]); switch(download_state) { case DOWNLOAD_STATE_NEW_DOWNLOAD: ret = requesting_download(stage); _da_thread_mutex_lock (&mutex_download_state[GET_STAGE_DL_ID(stage)]); download_state = GET_DL_STATE_ON_STAGE(stage); _da_thread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_download_state[GET_STAGE_DL_ID(stage)]); if (download_state == DOWNLOAD_STATE_CANCELED) { break; } else { if (DA_RESULT_OK == ret) { ret = handle_after_download(stage); } } break; case DOWNLOAD_STATE_READY_TO_INSTAL: send_client_da_state(download_id, DA_STATE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE, DA_RESULT_OK); ret = process_install(stage); if (DA_RESULT_OK == ret) { CHANGE_DOWNLOAD_STATE(DOWNLOAD_STATE_FINISH,stage); } break; default: isDownloadComplete = DA_TRUE; break; } }while ((DA_RESULT_OK == ret) && (DA_FALSE == isDownloadComplete)); return ret; }