path: root/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package/')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package/ b/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35704c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package/
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# Copyright © 2008-2009 Raphaël Hertzog <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+package Dpkg::Source::Package::V1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = "0.01";
+use base 'Dpkg::Source::Package';
+use Dpkg;
+use Dpkg::Gettext;
+use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
+use Dpkg::Compression;
+use Dpkg::Source::Archive;
+use Dpkg::Source::Patch;
+use Dpkg::Exit;
+use Dpkg::Source::Functions qw(erasedir);
+use Dpkg::Source::Package::V3::native;
+use POSIX;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use File::Spec;
+sub init_options {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # Don't call $self->SUPER::init_options() on purpose, V1.0 has no
+ # ignore by default
+ if ($self->{'options'}{'diff_ignore_regexp'}) {
+ $self->{'options'}{'diff_ignore_regexp'} .= '|(?:^|/)debian/source/local-.*$';
+ } else {
+ $self->{'options'}{'diff_ignore_regexp'} = '(?:^|/)debian/source/local-.*$';
+ }
+ push @{$self->{'options'}{'tar_ignore'}}, "debian/source/local-options",
+ "debian/source/local-patch-header";
+ $self->{'options'}{'sourcestyle'} ||= 'X';
+ $self->{'options'}{'skip_debianization'} ||= 0;
+ $self->{'options'}{'abort_on_upstream_changes'} ||= 0;
+sub parse_cmdline_option {
+ my ($self, $opt) = @_;
+ my $o = $self->{'options'};
+ if ($opt =~ m/^-s([akpursnAKPUR])$/) {
+ warning(_g("-s%s option overrides earlier -s%s option"), $1,
+ $o->{'sourcestyle'}) if $o->{'sourcestyle'} ne 'X';
+ $o->{'sourcestyle'} = $1;
+ $o->{'copy_orig_tarballs'} = 0 if $1 eq 'n'; # Extract option -sn
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ m/^--skip-debianization$/) {
+ $o->{'skip_debianization'} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ m/^--abort-on-upstream-changes$/) {
+ $o->{'abort_on_upstream_changes'} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub do_extract {
+ my ($self, $newdirectory) = @_;
+ my $sourcestyle = $self->{'options'}{'sourcestyle'};
+ my $fields = $self->{'fields'};
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/X/p/;
+ $sourcestyle =~ m/[pun]/ ||
+ usageerr(_g("source handling style -s%s not allowed with -x"),
+ $sourcestyle);
+ my $dscdir = $self->{'basedir'};
+ my $basename = $self->get_basename();
+ my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
+ # V1.0 only supports gzip compression
+ my ($tarfile, $difffile);
+ foreach my $file ($self->get_files()) {
+ if ($file =~ /^(?:\Q$basename\E\.orig|\Q$basenamerev\E)\.tar\.gz$/) {
+ error(_g("multiple tarfiles in v1.0 source package")) if $tarfile;
+ $tarfile = $file;
+ } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basenamerev\E\.diff\.gz$/) {
+ $difffile = $file;
+ } else {
+ error(_g("unrecognized file for a %s source package: %s"),
+ "v1.0", $file);
+ }
+ }
+ error(_g("no tarfile in Files field")) unless $tarfile;
+ my $native = $difffile ? 0 : 1;
+ if ($native and ($tarfile =~ /\.orig\.tar\.gz$/)) {
+ warning(_g("native package with .orig.tar"));
+ $native = 0; # V3::native doesn't handle orig.tar
+ }
+ if ($native) {
+ Dpkg::Source::Package::V3::native::do_extract($self, $newdirectory);
+ } else {
+ my $expectprefix = $newdirectory;
+ $expectprefix .= '.orig';
+ erasedir($newdirectory);
+ if (-e $expectprefix) {
+ rename($expectprefix, "$newdirectory.tmp-keep") ||
+ syserr(_g("unable to rename `%s' to `%s'"), $expectprefix,
+ "$newdirectory.tmp-keep");
+ }
+ info(_g("unpacking %s"), $tarfile);
+ my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$tarfile");
+ $tar->extract($expectprefix);
+ if ($sourcestyle =~ /u/) {
+ # -su: keep .orig directory unpacked
+ if (-e "$newdirectory.tmp-keep") {
+ error(_g("unable to keep orig directory (already exists)"));
+ }
+ system('cp', '-ar', '--', $expectprefix, "$newdirectory.tmp-keep");
+ subprocerr("cp $expectprefix to $newdirectory.tmp-keep") if $?;
+ }
+ rename($expectprefix, $newdirectory) ||
+ syserr(_g("failed to rename newly-extracted %s to %s"),
+ $expectprefix, $newdirectory);
+ # rename the copied .orig directory
+ if (-e "$newdirectory.tmp-keep") {
+ rename("$newdirectory.tmp-keep", $expectprefix) ||
+ syserr(_g("failed to rename saved %s to %s"),
+ "$newdirectory.tmp-keep", $expectprefix);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($difffile and not $self->{'options'}{'skip_debianization'}) {
+ my $patch = "$dscdir$difffile";
+ info(_g("applying %s"), $difffile);
+ my $patch_obj = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $patch);
+ my $analysis = $patch_obj->apply($newdirectory, force_timestamp => 1);
+ my @files = grep { ! m{^\Q$newdirectory\E/debian/} }
+ sort keys %{$analysis->{'filepatched'}};
+ info(_g("upstream files that have been modified: %s"),
+ "\n " . join("\n ", @files)) if scalar @files;
+ }
+sub can_build {
+ my ($self, $dir) = @_;
+ # As long as we can use gzip, we can do it as we have
+ # native packages as fallback
+ return ($self->{'options'}{'compression'} eq "gzip",
+ _g("only supports gzip compression"));
+sub do_build {
+ my ($self, $dir) = @_;
+ my $sourcestyle = $self->{'options'}{'sourcestyle'};
+ my @argv = @{$self->{'options'}{'ARGV'}};
+ my @tar_ignore = map { "--exclude=$_" } @{$self->{'options'}{'tar_ignore'}};
+ my $diff_ignore_regexp = $self->{'options'}{'diff_ignore_regexp'};
+ if (scalar(@argv) > 1) {
+ usageerr(_g("-b takes at most a directory and an orig source ".
+ "argument (with v1.0 source package)"));
+ }
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/X/A/;
+ unless ($sourcestyle =~ m/[akpursnAKPUR]/) {
+ usageerr(_g("source handling style -s%s not allowed with -b"),
+ $sourcestyle);
+ }
+ my $sourcepackage = $self->{'fields'}{'Source'};
+ my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
+ my $basename = $self->get_basename();
+ my $basedirname = $basename;
+ $basedirname =~ s/_/-/;
+ # Try to find a .orig tarball for the package
+ my $origdir = "$dir.orig";
+ my $origtargz = $self->get_basename() . ".orig.tar.gz";
+ if (-e $origtargz) {
+ unless (-f $origtargz) {
+ error(_g("packed orig `%s' exists but is not a plain file"), $origtargz);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $origtargz = undef;
+ }
+ if (@argv) {
+ # We have a second-argument <orig-dir> or <orig-targz>, check what it
+ # is to decide the mode to use
+ my $origarg = shift(@argv);
+ if (length($origarg)) {
+ stat($origarg) ||
+ syserr(_g("cannot stat orig argument %s"), $origarg);
+ if (-d _) {
+ $origdir = File::Spec->catdir($origarg);
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/aA/rR/;
+ unless ($sourcestyle =~ m/[ursURS]/) {
+ error(_g("orig argument is unpacked but source handling " .
+ "style -s%s calls for packed (.orig.tar.<ext>)"),
+ $sourcestyle);
+ }
+ } elsif (-f _) {
+ $origtargz = $origarg;
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/aA/pP/;
+ unless ($sourcestyle =~ m/[kpsKPS]/) {
+ error(_g("orig argument is packed but source handling " .
+ "style -s%s calls for unpacked (.orig/)"),
+ $sourcestyle);
+ }
+ } else {
+ error(_g("orig argument %s is not a plain file or directory"),
+ $origarg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/aA/nn/;
+ $sourcestyle =~ m/n/ ||
+ error(_g("orig argument is empty (means no orig, no diff) " .
+ "but source handling style -s%s wants something"),
+ $sourcestyle);
+ }
+ } elsif ($sourcestyle =~ m/[aA]/) {
+ # We have no explicit <orig-dir> or <orig-targz>, try to use
+ # a .orig tarball first, then a .orig directory and fall back to
+ # creating a native .tar.gz
+ if ($origtargz) {
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/aA/pP/; # .orig.tar.<ext>
+ } else {
+ if (stat($origdir)) {
+ unless (-d _) {
+ error(_g("unpacked orig `%s' exists but is not a directory"),
+ $origdir);
+ }
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/aA/rR/; # .orig directory
+ } elsif ($! != ENOENT) {
+ syserr(_g("unable to stat putative unpacked orig `%s'"), $origdir);
+ } else {
+ $sourcestyle =~ y/aA/nn/; # Native tar.gz
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($dirname, $dirbase) = fileparse($dir);
+ if ($dirname ne $basedirname) {
+ warning(_g("source directory '%s' is not <sourcepackage>" .
+ "-<upstreamversion> '%s'"), $dir, $basedirname);
+ }
+ my ($tarname, $tardirname, $tardirbase, $origdirname);
+ if ($sourcestyle ne 'n') {
+ my ($origdirname, $origdirbase) = fileparse($origdir);
+ if ($origdirname ne "$basedirname.orig") {
+ warning(_g(".orig directory name %s is not <package>" .
+ "-<upstreamversion> (wanted %s)"),
+ $origdirname, "$basedirname.orig");
+ }
+ $tardirbase = $origdirbase;
+ $tardirname = $origdirname;
+ $tarname = $origtargz || "$basename.orig.tar.gz";
+ unless ($tarname =~ /\Q$basename\E\.orig\.tar\.gz/) {
+ warning(_g(".orig.tar name %s is not <package>_<upstreamversion>" .
+ ".orig.tar (wanted %s)"),
+ $tarname, "$basename.orig.tar.gz");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($sourcestyle eq "n") {
+ $self->{'options'}{'ARGV'} = []; # ensure we have no error
+ Dpkg::Source::Package::V3::native::do_build($self, $dir);
+ } elsif ($sourcestyle =~ m/[nurUR]/) {
+ if (stat($tarname)) {
+ unless ($sourcestyle =~ m/[nUR]/) {
+ error(_g("tarfile `%s' already exists, not overwriting, " .
+ "giving up; use -sU or -sR to override"), $tarname);
+ }
+ } elsif ($! != ENOENT) {
+ syserr(_g("unable to check for existence of `%s'"), $tarname);
+ }
+ info(_g("building %s in %s"),
+ $sourcepackage, $tarname);
+ my ($ntfh, $newtar) = tempfile("$",
+ DIR => getcwd(), UNLINK => 0);
+ my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $newtar,
+ compression => compression_guess_from_filename($tarname),
+ compression_level => $self->{'options'}{'comp_level'});
+ $tar->create(options => \@tar_ignore, 'chdir' => $tardirbase);
+ $tar->add_directory($tardirname);
+ $tar->finish();
+ rename($newtar, $tarname) ||
+ syserr(_g("unable to rename `%s' (newly created) to `%s'"),
+ $newtar, $tarname);
+ chmod(0666 &~ umask(), $tarname) ||
+ syserr(_g("unable to change permission of `%s'"), $tarname);
+ } else {
+ info(_g("building %s using existing %s"),
+ $sourcepackage, $tarname);
+ }
+ $self->add_file($tarname) if $tarname;
+ if ($sourcestyle =~ m/[kpKP]/) {
+ if (stat($origdir)) {
+ unless ($sourcestyle =~ m/[KP]/) {
+ error(_g("orig dir `%s' already exists, not overwriting, ".
+ "giving up; use -sA, -sK or -sP to override"),
+ $origdir);
+ }
+ push @Dpkg::Exit::handlers, sub { erasedir($origdir) };
+ erasedir($origdir);
+ pop @Dpkg::Exit::handlers;
+ } elsif ($! != ENOENT) {
+ syserr(_g("unable to check for existence of orig dir `%s'"),
+ $origdir);
+ }
+ my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $origtargz);
+ $tar->extract($origdir);
+ }
+ my $ur; # Unrepresentable changes
+ if ($sourcestyle =~ m/[kpursKPUR]/) {
+ my $diffname = "$basenamerev.diff.gz";
+ info(_g("building %s in %s"),
+ $sourcepackage, $diffname);
+ my ($ndfh, $newdiffgz) = tempfile("$",
+ DIR => getcwd(), UNLINK => 0);
+ push @Dpkg::Exit::handlers, sub { unlink($newdiffgz) };
+ my $diff = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $newdiffgz,
+ compression => "gzip");
+ $diff->create();
+ $diff->add_diff_directory($origdir, $dir,
+ basedirname => $basedirname,
+ diff_ignore_regexp => $diff_ignore_regexp,
+ options => []); # Force empty set of options to drop the
+ # default -p option
+ $diff->finish() || $ur++;
+ pop @Dpkg::Exit::handlers;
+ my $analysis = $diff->analyze($origdir);
+ my @files = grep { ! m{^debian/} } map { s{^[^/]+/+}{}; $_ }
+ sort keys %{$analysis->{'filepatched'}};
+ if (scalar @files) {
+ warning(_g("the diff modifies the following upstream files: %s"),
+ "\n " . join("\n ", @files));
+ info(_g("use the '3.0 (quilt)' format to have separate and " .
+ "documented changes to upstream files, see dpkg-source(1)"));
+ error(_g("aborting due to --abort-on-upstream-changes"))
+ if $self->{'options'}{'abort_on_upstream_changes'};
+ }
+ rename($newdiffgz, $diffname) ||
+ syserr(_g("unable to rename `%s' (newly created) to `%s'"),
+ $newdiffgz, $diffname);
+ chmod(0666 &~ umask(), $diffname) ||
+ syserr(_g("unable to change permission of `%s'"), $diffname);
+ $self->add_file($diffname);
+ }
+ if ($sourcestyle =~ m/[prPR]/) {
+ erasedir($origdir);
+ }
+ if ($ur) {
+ printf(STDERR _g("%s: unrepresentable changes to source")."\n",
+ $progname);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=8