/* * Geoclue * connectivity-connman.c * * Author: Javier Fernandez * Copyright (C) 2010 Igalia S.L * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include #ifdef HAVE_CONNMAN #include #include #include "connectivity-connman.h" #define CONNMAN_SERVICE "org.moblin.connman" #define CONNMAN_MANAGER_PATH "/" #define CONNMAN_MANAGER_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Manager" #define CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Technology" #define CONNMAN_DEVICE_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Device" #define CONNMAN_NETWORK_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Network" #define CONNMAN_SERVICE_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Service" typedef void (*ConnmanFunc) (GeoclueConnman *self, const gchar *path, gpointer out); static void geoclue_connman_connectivity_init (GeoclueConnectivityInterface *iface); static int _strength_to_dbm (int strength); static char *_get_mac_for_gateway (const char *gateway); static char *_mac_strup (char *mac); static gchar *_get_gateway (GeoclueConnman *self, const gchar *service); static void _get_best_ap (GeoclueConnman *self, const gchar *network); static void _get_aps_info (GeoclueConnman *self, const gchar *network, GHashTable **out); static const GPtrArray *_get_technologies (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props); static const GPtrArray *_get_services (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props); static const GPtrArray *_get_devices (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props, const gchar *technology); static const GPtrArray *_get_networks (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props, const gchar *device, const gchar *type_filter); static void _explore_available_aps (GeoclueConnman *self, ConnmanFunc func, gpointer out); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GeoclueConnman, geoclue_connman, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GEOCLUE_TYPE_CONNECTIVITY, geoclue_connman_connectivity_init)) /* GeoclueConnectivity iface methods */ static int _get_status (GeoclueConnectivity *iface) { GeoclueConnman *connman = GEOCLUE_CONNMAN (iface); return connman->status; } static char * _get_ap_mac (GeoclueConnectivity *iface) { GeoclueConnman *connman = GEOCLUE_CONNMAN (iface); return g_strdup (connman->cache_ap_mac); } static GHashTable * _get_aps (GeoclueConnectivity *iface) { GeoclueConnman *self = GEOCLUE_CONNMAN (iface); GHashTable *ht = NULL; /* Explore the active networks to collect the APs. */ _explore_available_aps (self, (ConnmanFunc) _get_aps_info, &ht); return ht; } static char * _get_router_mac (GeoclueConnectivity *iface) { GeoclueConnman *self = GEOCLUE_CONNMAN (iface); GHashTable *props = NULL; const GPtrArray *servs = NULL; const gchar *serv = NULL; gchar *gateway = NULL; char *mac = NULL; guint i; /* Get available services and iterate over them */ /* to get the MAC of the connected router. */ servs = _get_services (self, &props); if (servs != NULL) { for (i = 0; gateway == NULL && servs->len; i++) { serv = g_ptr_array_index (servs, i); gateway = _get_gateway (self, serv); } } /* Check the result. */ if (gateway != NULL) { mac = _get_mac_for_gateway (gateway); g_free (gateway); } /* Free */ g_hash_table_destroy (props); return mac; } /* internal private GObject methods */ static void dispose (GObject *object) { GeoclueConnman *self = GEOCLUE_CONNMAN (object); g_object_unref (self->client); self->client = NULL; dbus_g_connection_unref (self->conn); self->conn = NULL; g_free (self->cache_ap_mac); self->cache_ap_mac = NULL; ((GObjectClass *) geoclue_connman_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void geoclue_connman_class_init (GeoclueConnmanClass *klass) { GObjectClass *o_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; o_class->dispose = dispose; } static int _strength_to_dbm (int strength) { /* Hackish linear strength to dBm conversion. * 0% is -90 dBm * 100% is -20 dBm */ return (strength * 0.7) - 90; } static char * _get_mac_for_gateway (const char *gateway) { char *cmd, *out, *mac, **split; cmd = g_strdup_printf ("ip neigh show %s", gateway); if (g_spawn_command_line_sync (cmd, &out, NULL, NULL, NULL) == FALSE) { g_free (out); g_free (cmd); return NULL; } g_free (cmd); /* dev eth0 lladdr 00:00:00:00:00:00 STALE */ split = g_strsplit (out, " ", -1); g_free (out); if (split == NULL) return NULL; if (g_strv_length (split) != 6) { g_strfreev (split); return NULL; } mac = g_strdup (split[4]); g_strfreev (split); return _mac_strup (mac); } static char * _mac_strup (char *mac) { guint i; g_assert (mac != NULL); for (i = 0; mac[i] != '\0' ; i++) { if (g_ascii_isalpha (mac[i])) mac[i] = g_ascii_toupper (mac[i]); } return mac; } static GeoclueNetworkStatus connmanstatus_to_geocluenetworkstatus (const gchar *status) { if (g_strcmp0 (status, "online")) { return GEOCLUE_CONNECTIVITY_OFFLINE; } else { return GEOCLUE_CONNECTIVITY_ONLINE; } } static gchar * _get_gateway (GeoclueConnman *self, const gchar *service) { DBusGProxy *proxy = NULL; GHashTable *props = NULL; gchar *gateway = NULL; const GHashTable *ht = NULL; const GValue *value = NULL; const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; /* Create proxy. */ proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (self->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, service, CONNMAN_SERVICE_INTERFACE); if (proxy == NULL) { g_warning ("%s was unable to create connection to Service iface.", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self)); return NULL; } /* Get Service properties to get the gateway address. */ if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "GetProperties", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), &props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { /* Get the mac of the connected router. */ value = g_hash_table_lookup (props, "IPv4"); if (value != NULL) { ht = g_value_get_boxed (value); value = g_hash_table_lookup ((GHashTable *) ht, "Gateway"); if (value != NULL) { gateway = g_value_dup_string (value); } } } else { msg = "Error getting Service properties: %s"; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, "Unknown error"); } } /* Free */ g_hash_table_destroy (props); g_object_unref (proxy); return gateway; } static void _get_aps_info (GeoclueConnman *self, const gchar *network, GHashTable **out) { DBusGProxy *proxy = NULL; GHashTable *props = NULL; gchar *ap_mac = NULL; const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; int strength; g_assert (out != NULL); /* Create proxy. */ proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (self->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, network, CONNMAN_NETWORK_INTERFACE); if (proxy == NULL) { g_warning ("%s was unable to create connection to Network iface.", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self)); return; } /* Collect available APs into a HasTable. */ if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "GetProperties", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), &props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { /* Store the AP information. */ ap_mac = g_value_dup_string (g_hash_table_lookup (props, "Address")); strength = g_value_get_uchar (g_hash_table_lookup (props, "Strength")); if (ap_mac != NULL) { /* Create storage for the first case. */ if (*out == NULL) { *out = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, NULL); } g_hash_table_insert (*out, ap_mac, GINT_TO_POINTER (_strength_to_dbm (strength))); } } else { msg = "Error getting Network properties: %s"; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, "Unknown error"); } } /* Free */ g_hash_table_destroy (props); g_object_unref (proxy); } static void _get_best_ap (GeoclueConnman *self, const gchar *network) { DBusGProxy *proxy = NULL; GHashTable *props = NULL; const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; int strength; /* Create proxy. */ proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (self->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, network, CONNMAN_NETWORK_INTERFACE); if (proxy == NULL) { g_warning ("%s was unable to create connection to Network iface.", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self)); return; } /* Evaluate Network properties and update best AP. */ if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "GetProperties", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), &props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { strength = g_value_get_uchar (g_hash_table_lookup (props, "Strength")); if (strength > self->ap_strength) { g_free (self->cache_ap_mac); self->cache_ap_mac = g_value_dup_string (g_hash_table_lookup (props, "Address")); self->ap_strength = strength; } } else { msg = "Error getting Network properties: %s"; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, "Unknown error"); } } /* Free */ g_hash_table_destroy (props); g_object_unref (proxy); } static const GPtrArray * _get_networks (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props, const gchar *device, const gchar *type_filter) { DBusGProxy *proxy = NULL; const GPtrArray *nets = NULL; const GValue *value = NULL; const gchar *type = NULL; const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; /* Create proxy. */ proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (self->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, device, CONNMAN_DEVICE_INTERFACE); if (proxy == NULL) { g_warning ("%s was unable to create connection to Device iface.", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self)); return NULL; } /* Get available Networks for a specific Device. */ if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "GetProperties", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { /* Check only specific networks. */ if (type_filter != NULL) { type = g_value_get_string (g_hash_table_lookup (*props, "Type")); if (g_strcmp0 (type, type_filter)) { goto frees; } } value = g_hash_table_lookup (*props, "Networks"); nets = g_value_get_boxed (value); } else { msg = "Error getting Device properties: %s"; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, "Unknown error"); } } /* Free */ frees: g_object_unref (proxy); return nets; } static const GPtrArray * _get_devices (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props, const gchar *technology) { DBusGProxy *proxy = NULL; const GPtrArray *devs = NULL; const GValue *value = NULL; const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; /* Create proxy. */ proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (self->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, technology, CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_INTERFACE); if (proxy == NULL) { g_warning ("%s was unable to create connection to Technology iface.", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self)); return NULL; } /* Get available Devices for a specific Technology. */ if (dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "GetProperties", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { value = g_hash_table_lookup (*props, "Devices"); devs = g_value_get_boxed (value); } else { msg = "Error getting Technologies properties: %s"; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, "Unknown error"); } } /* Free */ g_object_unref (proxy); return devs; } static const GPtrArray * _get_technologies (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props) { const GPtrArray *techs = NULL; const GValue *value = NULL; const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; /* Get available technologies (Wifi, Eth, ...). */ if (dbus_g_proxy_call (self->client, "GetProperties", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { value = g_hash_table_lookup (*props, "Technologies"); techs = g_value_get_boxed (value); } else { msg = "Error getting Manager properties: %s"; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, "Unknown error"); } } return techs; } static const GPtrArray * _get_services (GeoclueConnman *self, GHashTable **props) { const GPtrArray *servs = NULL; const GValue *value = NULL; const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; /* Get available services. */ if (dbus_g_proxy_call (self->client, "GetProperties", &error, G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { value = g_hash_table_lookup (*props, "Services"); servs = g_value_get_boxed (value); } else { msg = "Error getting Manager properties: %s"; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, "Unknown error"); } } return servs; } static void _explore_available_aps (GeoclueConnman *self, ConnmanFunc func, gpointer out) { GHashTable *mgr_props = NULL; GHashTable *tech_props = NULL; GHashTable *dev_props = NULL; const GPtrArray *techs = NULL; const GPtrArray *devs = NULL; const GPtrArray *nets = NULL; const gchar *tech = NULL; const gchar *dev = NULL; const gchar *net = NULL; guint i, j, k; techs = _get_technologies (self, &mgr_props); if (techs == NULL) { goto frees; } for (i = 0; i < techs->len; i++) { tech = g_ptr_array_index (techs, i); devs = _get_devices (self, &tech_props, tech); if (devs == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < devs->len; j++) { dev = g_ptr_array_index (devs, j); nets = _get_networks (self, &dev_props, dev, "wifi"); if (nets == NULL) { continue; } for (k = 0; k < nets->len; k++) { net = g_ptr_array_index (nets, k); /* Perform specific actions. */ func (self, net, out); } } } /* Free */ frees: if (mgr_props != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy (mgr_props); } if (tech_props != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy (tech_props); } if (dev_props != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy (dev_props); } } static void _cache_ap_mac (GeoclueConnman *self) { /* Cleanup the cache. */ g_free (self->cache_ap_mac); self->cache_ap_mac = NULL; self->ap_strength = 0; /* Explore the active networks to get the best AP. */ _explore_available_aps (self, (ConnmanFunc) _get_best_ap, NULL); } static void _geoclue_connman_state_changed (DBusGProxy *proxy, const gchar *status, gpointer userdata) { GeoclueConnman *self = GEOCLUE_CONNMAN (userdata); GeoclueNetworkStatus gc_status; gc_status = connmanstatus_to_geocluenetworkstatus (status); if (gc_status != self->status) { /* Update status. */ self->status = gc_status; /* Update AP cache. */ _cache_ap_mac (self); /* Notification. */ geoclue_connectivity_emit_status_changed (GEOCLUE_CONNECTIVITY (self), self->status); } } static void _method_call_notify_cb (DBusGProxy *proxy, DBusGProxyCall *call, gpointer user_data) { GeoclueConnman *self = GEOCLUE_CONNMAN (user_data); const gchar *msg = NULL; GError *error = NULL; gchar *state = NULL; /* Collect output data. */ if (dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy, call, &error, G_TYPE_STRING, &state, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { /* Set current status. */ _geoclue_connman_state_changed (proxy, (const gchar *) state, self); } else { msg = "%s was unable to get the current network status: %s."; if (error != NULL) { g_warning (msg, G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self), error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_warning (msg, G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self), "Unknown error"); } } /* Free */ g_free (state); } static void geoclue_connman_init (GeoclueConnman *self) { GError *error = NULL; /* Get DBus connection to the System bus. */ self->conn = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (self->conn == NULL) { g_warning ("%s was unable to create a connection to D-Bus: %s", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self), error->message); g_error_free (error); return; } /* Create proxy. */ self->client = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (self->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, CONNMAN_MANAGER_PATH, CONNMAN_MANAGER_INTERFACE); if (self->client == NULL) { g_warning ("%s was unable to create connection to Connman Manager.", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self)); return; } /* Get current state (async). */ dbus_g_proxy_begin_call (self->client, "GetState", _method_call_notify_cb, self, NULL, G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_STRING); /* Be aware of State changes. */ dbus_g_proxy_add_signal (self->client, "StateChanged", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INVALID); dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal (self->client, "StateChanged", G_CALLBACK (_geoclue_connman_state_changed), self, NULL); } static void geoclue_connman_connectivity_init (GeoclueConnectivityInterface *iface) { iface->get_status = _get_status; iface->get_ap_mac = _get_ap_mac; iface->get_router_mac = _get_router_mac; iface->get_aps = _get_aps; } #endif /* HAVE_CONNMAN*/