/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "resource/resource_infrared_motion_sensor.h" #include "resource/resource_led.h" // Timer duration #define TIMER_GATHER_INTERVAL (5.0f) // Motion sensor information #define SENSOR_MOTION_GPIO_NUMBER (46) // LED sensor information #define SENSOR_LED_GPIO_NUMBER (130) #define SENSOR_LED_ON "on" #define SENSOR_LED_OFF "off" // For using SmartThings SDK #define USE_ST_SDK #ifdef USE_ST_SDK #include "smartthings.h" #include "smartthings_resource.h" #include "smartthings_payload.h" // Certification file and private key file stored in the resource directory #define CERT_FILE "certificate.pem" #define PRIV_FILE "privatekey.der" // URI and key information #define SENSOR_MOTION_URI "/capability/motionSensor/main/0" #define SENSOR_MOTION_KEY "value" #define SENSOR_LED_URI "/capability/switch/main/0" #define SENSOR_LED_KEY "power" #endif /* USE_ST_SDK */ typedef struct app_data_s { Ecore_Timer *getter_timer; uint32_t motion_data; int led_data; #ifdef USE_ST_SDK smartthings_h st_master_h; smartthings_resource_h st_res_h; smartthings_status_e status; #endif /* USE_ST_SDK */ } app_data; static app_data *g_ad = NULL; #ifdef USE_ST_SDK static const char * _resource_error_to_str(smartthings_resource_error_e error) { const char *err_str = NULL; switch (error) { case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NO_DATA: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NO_DATA"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE"; break; default: err_str = "Unknown error"; break; } return err_str; } #endif static Eina_Bool _get_motion_sensor_data(void *user_data) { int ret = 0; uint32_t value = 0; app_data *ad = user_data; if (!ad) { _E("failed to get app_data"); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } ret = resource_read_infrared_motion_sensor(SENSOR_MOTION_GPIO_NUMBER, &value); if (ret != 0) { _E("cannot read data from the infrared motion sensor"); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } ad->motion_data = value; _D("Detected motion value is: %u", value); #ifdef USE_ST_SDK int error = SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE; smartthings_payload_h resp_payload = NULL; if (ad->status != SMARTTHINGS_STATUS_REGISTERED_TO_CLOUD) return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; error = smartthings_payload_create(&resp_payload); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE || !resp_payload) { _E("smartthings_payload_create() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } error = smartthings_payload_set_bool(resp_payload, SENSOR_MOTION_KEY, (bool)ad->motion_data); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) _E("smartthings_payload_set_bool() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); error = smartthings_resource_notify(ad->st_res_h, SENSOR_MOTION_URI, resp_payload); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) _E("smartthings_resource_notify() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); if (smartthings_payload_destroy(resp_payload)) _E("smartthings_payload_destroy() failed"); #endif return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static int _set_led_data(app_data *ad, int state) { int ret = 0; ad->led_data = state; ret = resource_write_led(SENSOR_LED_GPIO_NUMBER, state); if (ret != 0) { _E("cannot write led data"); return -1; } _I("LED : %d",state); return 0; } #ifdef USE_ST_SDK /* SmartThings resource functions */ static bool _handle_get_motion(smartthings_payload_h resp_payload, void *user_data) { int error = SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE; app_data *ad = user_data; retv_if(!ad, false); _D("Received a GET request for MOTION"); error = smartthings_payload_set_bool(resp_payload, SENSOR_MOTION_KEY, (bool)ad->motion_data); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) _E("smartthings_payload_set_bool() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); return true; } static bool _handle_get_led(smartthings_payload_h resp_payload, void *user_data) { app_data *ad = user_data; int error = SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE; char *str = NULL; retv_if(!ad, false); _D("Received a GET request for LED"); if (ad->led_data) str = SENSOR_LED_ON; else str = SENSOR_LED_OFF; error = smartthings_payload_set_string(resp_payload, SENSOR_LED_KEY, str); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) _E("smartthings_payload_set_string() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); _D("Power : %s", str); return true; } static bool _handle_set_led(smartthings_payload_h payload, smartthings_payload_h resp_payload, void *user_data) { app_data *ad = user_data; char *str = NULL; char *res_str = NULL; int ret = 0; int error = SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE; retv_if(!ad, false); _D("Received a SET request"); error = smartthings_payload_get_string(payload, SENSOR_LED_KEY, &str); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) _E("smartthings_payload_get_string() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); if (strncmp(str, SENSOR_LED_ON, strlen(SENSOR_LED_ON))) { ret = _set_led_data(ad, 0); res_str = SENSOR_LED_OFF; } else { ret = _set_led_data(ad, 1); res_str = SENSOR_LED_ON; } free(str); if (ret != 0) { _E("cannot set LED"); return false; } error = smartthings_payload_set_string(resp_payload, SENSOR_LED_KEY, res_str); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) _E("smartthings_payload_set_string() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); return true; } static void _request_cb(smartthings_resource_h handle, int req_id, const char *uri, smartthings_resource_req_type_e req_type, smartthings_payload_h payload, void *user_data) { smartthings_payload_h resp_payload = NULL; bool result = false; int error = SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE; _D("request on %s, type[%d], id[%d]", uri, req_type, req_id); error = smartthings_payload_create(&resp_payload); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE || ! resp_payload) _E("smartthings_payload_create() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); if (req_type == SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_REQUEST_GET) { if (!strncmp(uri, SENSOR_MOTION_URI, strlen(SENSOR_MOTION_URI))) result = _handle_get_motion(resp_payload, user_data); else if (!strncmp(uri, SENSOR_LED_URI, strlen(SENSOR_LED_URI))) result = _handle_get_led(resp_payload, user_data); else _E("No matching Resource uri to get"); } else if (req_type == SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_REQUEST_SET) { if (!strncmp(uri, SENSOR_LED_URI, strlen(SENSOR_LED_URI))) result = _handle_set_led(payload, resp_payload, user_data); else _E("No matching Resource uri to get"); } else { _E("Invalid request type - %d", req_type); smartthings_payload_destroy(resp_payload); return; } error = smartthings_resource_send_response(handle, req_id, uri, resp_payload, result); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) { _E("smartthings_resource_send_response() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); smartthings_payload_destroy(resp_payload); return; } if (req_type == SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_REQUEST_SET) { error = smartthings_resource_notify(handle, uri, resp_payload); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) _E("smartthings_resource_notify() failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); } if (smartthings_payload_destroy(resp_payload)) _E("smartthings_payload_destroy() failed"); return; } static void _resource_connection_status_cb( smartthings_resource_h handle, smartthings_resource_connection_status_e status, void *user_data) { app_data *ad = user_data; _D("status=[%d]", status); ret_if(!ad); if (status == SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED) { int error = SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE; error = smartthings_resource_set_request_cb(handle, _request_cb, ad); if (error != SMARTTHINGS_RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE) { _E("smartthings_resource_set_request_cb() is failed"); return; } } else { _E("connection failed"); } } static int _init_resource(app_data *ad) { smartthings_resource_h st_res_h = NULL; int error = 0; retv_if(!ad, -1); if (ad->st_res_h) { _I("Already initialized!"); return 0; } error = smartthings_resource_initialize(&st_res_h, _resource_connection_status_cb, ad); if (error) { _E("smartthings_resource_initialize() is failed, [%s]", _resource_error_to_str(error)); return -1; } ad->st_res_h = st_res_h; return 0; } static int _fini_resource(app_data *ad) { retv_if(!ad, -1); if (!ad->st_res_h) return 0; smartthings_resource_unset_request_cb(ad->st_res_h); smartthings_resource_deinitialize(ad->st_res_h); ad->st_res_h = NULL; return 0; } /* SmartThings master functions */ static const char *__master_error_to_str(smartthings_error_e error) { const char *err_str = NULL; switch (error) { case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_NONE: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_NONE"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_NO_DATA: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_NO_DATA"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED"; break; case SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: err_str = "SMARTTHINGS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE"; break; default: err_str = "Unknown error"; break; } return err_str; } static void _user_confirm_cb(smartthings_h handle, void *user_data) { if (smartthings_send_user_confirm(handle, true) != 0) _E("smartthings_send_user_confirm() is failed"); } static void _reset_confirm_cb(smartthings_h handle, void *user_data) { if (smartthings_send_reset_confirm(handle, true) != 0) _E("smartthings_send_reset_confirm() is failed"); } static void _reset_result_cb(smartthings_h handle, bool result, void *user_data) { _I("reset result = [%d]", result); } static void _thing_status_cb( smartthings_h handle, smartthings_status_e status, void *user_data) { app_data *ad = user_data; _D("status: [%d]", status); ad->status = status; } static void _things_connection_status_cb( smartthings_h handle, smartthings_connection_status_e status, void *user_data) { _D("status = [%d]", status); if (status == SMARTTHINGS_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED) { int err = 0; bool is_es_completed = false; const char* dev_name = "motion-light-app"; int wifi_mode = SMARTTHINGS_WIFI_MODE_11B | SMARTTHINGS_WIFI_MODE_11G | SMARTTHINGS_WIFI_MODE_11N; int wifi_freq = SMARTTHINGS_WIFI_FREQ_24G | SMARTTHINGS_WIFI_FREQ_5G; err = smartthings_set_device_property( handle, dev_name, wifi_mode, wifi_freq); if (err) { _E("smartthings_set_device_property() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } err = smartthings_set_certificate_file(handle, CERT_FILE, PRIV_FILE); if (err) { _E("smartthings_set_certificate_file() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } err = smartthings_set_user_confirm_cb(handle, _user_confirm_cb, NULL); if (err) { _E("smartthings_set_user_confirm_cb() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } err = smartthings_set_reset_confirm_cb(handle, _reset_confirm_cb, NULL); if (err) { _E("smartthings_set_reset_confirm_cb() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } err = smartthings_set_reset_result_cb(handle, _reset_result_cb, NULL); if (err) { _E("smartthings_set_reset_result_cb() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } err = smartthings_set_status_changed_cb(handle, _thing_status_cb, user_data); if (err) { _E("smartthings_set_status_changed_callback() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } err = smartthings_start(handle); if (err) { _E("smartthings_start() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } err = smartthings_get_easysetup_status(handle, &is_es_completed); if (err) { _E("smartthings_get_easysetup_status() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return; } if (is_es_completed == true) { _I("Easysetup is already done"); return; } _I("Easysetup is starting now"); err = smartthings_start_easysetup(handle); if (err) { _E("smartthings_start_easysetup() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); smartthings_stop(handle); return; } } else { _E("connection failed"); } } static int _init_master(app_data *ad) { int err = 0; smartthings_h st_handle = NULL; retv_if(!ad, -1); if (ad->st_master_h) { _I("Already initialized!"); return 0; } err = smartthings_initialize(&st_handle, _things_connection_status_cb, ad); if (err) { _E("smartthings_initialize() is failed, [%s]", __master_error_to_str(err)); return -1; } ad->st_master_h = st_handle; return 0; } int _fini_master(app_data *ad) { retv_if(!ad, -1); if (!ad->st_master_h) { _I("handle is already NULL"); return 0; } smartthings_unset_user_confirm_cb(ad->st_master_h); smartthings_unset_reset_confirm_cb(ad->st_master_h); smartthings_unset_reset_result_cb(ad->st_master_h); smartthings_unset_status_changed_cb(ad->st_master_h); smartthings_stop_easysetup(ad->st_master_h); smartthings_stop(ad->st_master_h); if (smartthings_deinitialize(ad->st_master_h) != 0) { _E("smartthings_deinitialize() is failed"); return -1; } ad->st_master_h = NULL; return 0; } #endif /* USE_ST_SDK */ static void _stop_gathering(void *data) { app_data *ad = data; ret_if(!ad); if (ad->getter_timer) { ecore_timer_del(ad->getter_timer); ad->getter_timer = NULL; } } static void _start_gathering(void *data) { app_data *ad = data; ret_if(!ad); if (ad->getter_timer) ecore_timer_del(ad->getter_timer); ad->getter_timer = ecore_timer_add(TIMER_GATHER_INTERVAL, _get_motion_sensor_data, ad); if (!ad->getter_timer) _E("Failed to add a timer"); } static bool service_app_create(void *user_data) { #ifdef USE_ST_SDK app_data *ad = user_data; if (_init_master(ad)) return false; if (_init_resource(ad)) { _fini_master(ad); return false; } #endif return true; } static void service_app_control(app_control_h app_control, void *user_data) { _stop_gathering(user_data); _start_gathering(user_data); } static void service_app_terminate(void *user_data) { app_data *ad = user_data; #ifdef USE_ST_SDK _fini_resource(ad); _fini_master(ad); #endif // Turn off LED light with __set_led() _set_led_data(ad, 0); // Close Motion and LED resources resource_close_infrared_motion_sensor(); resource_close_led(); // Free app data free(ad); FN_END; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { app_data *ad = NULL; service_app_lifecycle_callback_s event_callback; ad = calloc(1, sizeof(app_data)); retv_if(!ad, -1); g_ad = ad; event_callback.create = service_app_create; event_callback.terminate = service_app_terminate; event_callback.app_control = service_app_control; return service_app_main(argc, argv, &event_callback, ad); }