/* * Copyright 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Flora License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://floralicense.org/license/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include /* free */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "slave_life.h" #include "slave_rpc.h" #include "client_life.h" #include "package.h" #include "instance.h" #include "buffer_handler.h" #include "script_handler.h" #include "fb.h" #include "debug.h" #include "conf.h" #include "util.h" #define TYPE_COLOR "color" #define TYPE_TEXT "text" #define TYPE_IMAGE "image" #define TYPE_EDJE "script" #define TYPE_SIGNAL "signal" #define TYPE_INFO "info" #define TYPE_DRAG "drag" #define TYPE_ACCESS "access" #define INFO_SIZE "size" #define INFO_CATEGORY "category" #define ADDEND 256 int errno; static struct info { Eina_List *script_port_list; enum buffer_type env_buf_type; } s_info = { .script_port_list = NULL, .env_buf_type = BUFFER_TYPE_FILE, }; struct script_port { void *handle; const char *(*magic_id)(void); int (*update_color)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, const char *part, const char *rgba); int (*update_text)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, const char *part, const char *text); int (*update_image)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, const char *part, const char *path, const char *option); int (*update_access)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, const char *part, const char *text, const char *option); int (*update_script)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *src_id, const char *target_id, const char *part, const char *path, const char *option); int (*update_signal)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, const char *part, const char *signal); int (*update_drag)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, const char *part, double x, double y); int (*update_size)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, int w, int h); int (*update_category)(void *handle, Evas *e, const char *id, const char *category); int (*feed_event)(void *handle, Evas *e, int event_type, int x, int y, int down, double timestamp); void *(*create)(const char *file, const char *option); int (*destroy)(void *handle); int (*load)(void *handle, Evas *e, int w, int h); int (*unload)(void *handle, Evas *e); int (*init)(void); int (*fini)(void); }; struct block { char *type; int type_len; char *part; int part_len; char *data; int data_len; char *file; int file_len; char *option; int option_len; char *id; int id_len; char *target_id; int target_len; }; struct script_info { Ecore_Evas *ee; struct fb_info *fb; struct inst_info *inst; int loaded; int w; int h; int x; int y; int down; struct script_port *port; void *port_data; Eina_List *cached_blocks; }; static inline void consuming_parsed_block(int lineno, struct inst_info *inst, int is_pd, struct block *block); static inline struct script_port *find_port(const char *magic_id) { Eina_List *l; struct script_port *item; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(s_info.script_port_list, l, item) { if (!strcmp(item->magic_id(), magic_id)) return item; } return NULL; } static inline void delete_block(struct block *block) { DbgFree(block->file); DbgFree(block->type); DbgFree(block->part); DbgFree(block->data); DbgFree(block->option); DbgFree(block->id); DbgFree(block->target_id); DbgFree(block); } static void render_pre_cb(void *data, Evas *e, void *event_info) { struct inst_info *inst = data; struct script_info *info; if (instance_state(inst) != INST_ACTIVATED) { ErrPrint("Render pre invoked but instance is not activated\n"); return; } info = instance_lb_script(inst); if (info && script_handler_evas(info) == e) { return; } info = instance_pd_script(inst); if (info && script_handler_evas(info) == e) { return; } ErrPrint("Failed to do sync\n"); return; } static void render_post_cb(void *data, Evas *e, void *event_info) { struct inst_info *inst; struct script_info *info; inst = data; if (instance_state(inst) != INST_ACTIVATED) { ErrPrint("Render post invoked but instance is not activated\n"); return; } info = instance_lb_script(inst); if (info && script_handler_evas(info) == e) { fb_sync(script_handler_fb(info)); instance_lb_updated_by_instance(inst); return; } info = instance_pd_script(inst); if (info && script_handler_evas(info) == e) { fb_sync(script_handler_fb(info)); instance_pd_updated_by_instance(inst, NULL); return; } ErrPrint("Failed to sync\n"); return; } /*! * \NOTE * Exported API */ int script_signal_emit(Evas *e, const char *part, const char *signal, double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey) { Ecore_Evas *ee; struct script_info *info; ee = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(e); if (!ee) { ErrPrint("Evas has no Ecore_Evas\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = ecore_evas_data_get(ee, "script,info"); if (!info) { ErrPrint("ecore_evas doesn't carry info data\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } if (!signal || strlen(signal) == 0) signal = ""; if (!part || strlen(part) == 0) part = ""; return instance_signal_emit(info->inst, signal, part, sx, sy, ex, ey, (double)info->x / (double)info->w, (double)info->y / (double)info->h, info->down); } static inline void flushing_cached_block(struct script_info *info) { struct block *block; EINA_LIST_FREE(info->cached_blocks, block) { consuming_parsed_block(-1, info->inst, (instance_pd_script(info->inst) == info), block); } } HAPI int script_handler_load(struct script_info *info, int is_pd) { int ret; Evas *e; if (!info || !info->port) { ErrPrint("Script handler is not created\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } if (info->loaded > 0) { info->loaded++; return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ret = fb_create_buffer(info->fb); if (ret < 0) return ret; info->ee = fb_canvas(info->fb); if (!info->ee) { ErrPrint("Failed to get canvas\n"); fb_destroy_buffer(info->fb); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } ecore_evas_data_set(info->ee, "script,info", info); e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) { evas_event_callback_add(e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_PRE, render_pre_cb, info->inst); evas_event_callback_add(e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_POST, render_post_cb, info->inst); if (info->port->load(info->port_data, e, info->w, info->h) < 0) { ErrPrint("Failed to add new script object\n"); evas_event_callback_del(e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_POST, render_post_cb); evas_event_callback_del(e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_PRE, render_pre_cb); fb_destroy_buffer(info->fb); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } info->loaded = 1; flushing_cached_block(info); script_signal_emit(e, instance_id(info->inst), is_pd ? "pd,show" : "lb,show", 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { ErrPrint("Evas: (nil) %dx%d\n", info->w, info->h); } ecore_evas_manual_render_set(info->ee, EINA_FALSE); ecore_evas_resize(info->ee, info->w, info->h); ecore_evas_show(info->ee); ecore_evas_activate(info->ee); fb_sync(info->fb); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HAPI int script_handler_unload(struct script_info *info, int is_pd) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Evas *e; if (!info || !info->port) return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; info->loaded--; if (info->loaded > 0) return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (info->loaded < 0) { info->loaded = 0; return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) { script_signal_emit(e, instance_id(info->inst), is_pd ? "pd,hide" : "lb,hide", 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (info->port->unload(info->port_data, e) < 0) ErrPrint("Failed to unload script object. but go ahead\n"); evas_event_callback_del(e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_POST, render_post_cb); evas_event_callback_del(e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_PRE, render_pre_cb); } else { ErrPrint("Evas(nil): Unload script\n"); } ee = fb_canvas(info->fb); if (ee) ecore_evas_data_set(ee, "script,info", NULL); fb_destroy_buffer(info->fb); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HAPI struct script_info *script_handler_create(struct inst_info *inst, const char *file, const char *option, int w, int h) { struct script_info *info; DbgPrint("Create script: %s (%s) %dx%d\n", file, option, w, h); if (!file) return NULL; info = calloc(1, sizeof(*info)); if (!info) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } info->fb = fb_create(inst, w, h, s_info.env_buf_type); if (!info->fb) { ErrPrint("Failed to create a FB (%dx%d)\n", w, h); DbgFree(info); return NULL; } info->inst = inst; info->port = find_port(package_script(instance_package(inst))); if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("Failed to find a proper port for [%s]%s\n", instance_package(inst), package_script(instance_package(inst))); fb_destroy(info->fb); DbgFree(info); return NULL; } info->w = w; info->h = h; info->port_data = info->port->create(file, option); if (!info->port_data) { ErrPrint("Failed to create a port (%s - %s)\n", file, option); fb_destroy(info->fb); DbgFree(info); return NULL; } return info; } HAPI int script_handler_destroy(struct script_info *info) { struct block *block; int ret; if (!info || !info->port) { ErrPrint("port is not valid\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } if (info->loaded != 0) { ErrPrint("Script handler is not unloaded\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } ret = info->port->destroy(info->port_data); if (ret < 0) ErrPrint("Failed to destroy port, but go ahead: %d\n", ret); fb_destroy(info->fb); EINA_LIST_FREE(info->cached_blocks, block) { delete_block(block); } DbgFree(info); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HAPI int script_handler_is_loaded(struct script_info *info) { return info ? info->loaded > 0 : 0; } HAPI struct fb_info *script_handler_fb(struct script_info *info) { return info ? info->fb : NULL; } HAPI void *script_handler_evas(struct script_info *info) { if (!info) return NULL; if (!info->ee) return NULL; return ecore_evas_get(info->ee); } static int update_script_color(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; Evas *e; if (!block || !block->part || !block->data) { ErrPrint("Block or part or data is not valid\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_color(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->part, block->data); else ErrPrint("Evas(nil) id[%s] part[%s] data[%s]\n", block->id, block->part, block->data); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int update_script_text(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; Evas *e; if (!block || !block->part || !block->data) { ErrPrint("Block or part or data is not valid\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_text(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->part, block->data); else ErrPrint("Evas(nil) id[%s] part[%s] data[%s]\n", block->id, block->part, block->data); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int update_script_image(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; Evas *e; if (!block || !block->part) { ErrPrint("Block or part is not valid\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_image(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->part, block->data, block->option); else ErrPrint("Evas: (nil) id[%s] part[%s] data[%s]\n", block->id, block->part, block->data); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int update_access(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; Evas *e; if (!block || !block->part) { ErrPrint("Block or block->part is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_access(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->part, block->data, block->option); else ErrPrint("Evas: (nil) id[%s] part[%s] data[%s]\n", block->id, block->part, block->data); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int update_script_script(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; Evas *e; if (!block || !block->part) { ErrPrint("Block or part is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_script(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->target_id, block->part, block->data, block->option); else ErrPrint("Evas: (nil) id[%s] part[%s] data[%s] option[%s]\n", block->id, block->part, block->data, block->option); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int update_script_signal(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; Evas *e; if (!block) { ErrPrint("block is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_signal(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->part, block->data); else ErrPrint("Evas(nil) id[%s] part[%s] data[%s]\n", block->id, block->part, block->data); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int update_script_drag(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; double dx, dy; Evas *e; if (!block || !block->data || !block->part) { ErrPrint("block or block->data or block->part is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (sscanf(block->data, "%lfx%lf", &dx, &dy) != 2) { ErrPrint("Invalid format of data (DRAG data [%s])\n", block->data); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_drag(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->part, dx, dy); else ErrPrint("Evas(nil) id[%s] part[%s] %lfx%lf\n", block->id, block->part, dx, dy); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HAPI int script_handler_resize(struct script_info *info, int w, int h) { if (!info) { //|| (info->w == w && info->h == h)) { ErrPrint("info[%p] resize is ignored\n", info); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } fb_resize(script_handler_fb(info), w, h); if (info->port->update_size) { Evas *e; e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_size(info->port_data, e, NULL , w, h); else ErrPrint("Evas(nil) resize to %dx%d\n", w, h); } if (instance_lb_script(info->inst) == info) { instance_set_lb_size(info->inst, w, h); } else if (instance_pd_script(info->inst) == info) { instance_set_pd_size(info->inst, w, h); } else { ErrPrint("Script is not known\n"); } info->w = w; info->h = h; return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int update_info(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd) { struct script_info *info; if (!block || !block->part || !block->data) { ErrPrint("block or block->part or block->data is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } if (!strcasecmp(block->part, INFO_SIZE)) { Evas_Coord w, h; if (sscanf(block->data, "%dx%d", &w, &h) != 2) { ErrPrint("Invalid format for SIZE(%s)\n", block->data); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } if (!block->id) { script_handler_resize(info, w, h); } else { Evas *e; e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_size(info->port_data, e, block->id, w, h); else ErrPrint("Evas(nil): id[%s] %dx%d\n", block->id, w, h); } } else if (!strcasecmp(block->part, INFO_CATEGORY)) { Evas *e; e = script_handler_evas(info); if (e) info->port->update_category(info->port_data, e, block->id, block->data); else ErrPrint("Evas(nil): id[%s] data[%s]\n", block->id, block->data); } return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static inline void consuming_parsed_block(int lineno, struct inst_info *inst, int is_pd, struct block *block) { struct script_info *info; /*! * To speed up, use the static. * But this will increase the memory slightly. */ static struct { const char *type; int (*handler)(struct inst_info *inst, struct block *block, int is_pd); } handlers[] = { { .type = TYPE_COLOR, .handler = update_script_color, }, { .type = TYPE_TEXT, .handler = update_script_text, }, { .type = TYPE_IMAGE, .handler = update_script_image, }, { .type = TYPE_EDJE, .handler = update_script_script, }, { .type = TYPE_SIGNAL, .handler = update_script_signal, }, { .type = TYPE_DRAG, .handler = update_script_drag, }, { .type = TYPE_INFO, .handler = update_info, }, { .type = TYPE_ACCESS, .handler = update_access, }, { .type = NULL, .handler = NULL, }, }; info = is_pd ? instance_pd_script(inst) : instance_lb_script(inst); if (!info) { ErrPrint("info is NIL (%d, %s)\n", is_pd, instance_id(inst)); goto free_out; } if (script_handler_is_loaded(info)) { register int i = 0; while (handlers[i].type) { if (!strcasecmp(handlers[i].type, block->type)) { handlers[i].handler(inst, block, is_pd); break; } i++; } if (!handlers[i].type) ErrPrint("%d: Unknown block type: %s\n", lineno, block->type); goto free_out; } else { info->cached_blocks = eina_list_append(info->cached_blocks, block); DbgPrint("%d: Block is cached (%p), %d, %s\n", lineno, block, eina_list_count(info->cached_blocks), instance_id(inst)); } return; free_out: delete_block(block); } HAPI int script_handler_parse_desc(const char *pkgname, const char *id, const char *descfile, int is_pd) { struct inst_info *inst; FILE *fp; int ch; int lineno; enum state { UNKNOWN = 0x10, BLOCK_OPEN = 0x11, FIELD = 0x12, VALUE = 0x13, BLOCK_CLOSE = 0x14, VALUE_TYPE = 0x00, VALUE_PART = 0x01, VALUE_DATA = 0x02, VALUE_FILE = 0x03, VALUE_OPTION = 0x04, VALUE_ID = 0x05, VALUE_TARGET = 0x06 }; const char *field_name[] = { "type", "part", "data", "file", "option", "id", "target", NULL }; enum state state; register int field_idx; register int idx = 0; struct block *block; block = NULL; inst = package_find_instance_by_id(pkgname, id); if (!inst) { ErrPrint("Instance is not exists\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_EXIST; } fp = fopen(descfile, "rt"); if (!fp) { ErrPrint("Error: %s [%s]\n", descfile, strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_IO; } DbgPrint("Start parsing %s\n", descfile); state = UNKNOWN; field_idx = 0; lineno = 1; block = NULL; while (!feof(fp)) { ch = getc(fp); if (ch == '\n') lineno++; switch (state) { case UNKNOWN: if (ch == '{') { state = BLOCK_OPEN; break; } if (!isspace(ch) && ch != EOF) { ErrPrint("%d: Syntax error: Desc is not started with '{' or space - (%c = 0x%x)\n", lineno, ch, ch); if (fclose(fp) != 0) ErrPrint("fclose: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } break; case BLOCK_OPEN: if (isblank(ch)) break; if (ch != '\n') { ErrPrint("%d: Syntax error: New line must has to be started right after '{'\n", lineno); goto errout; } block = calloc(1, sizeof(*block)); if (!block) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (fclose(fp) != 0) ErrPrint("fclose: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_MEMORY; } state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; case FIELD: if (isspace(ch)) break; if (ch == '}') { state = BLOCK_CLOSE; break; } if (ch == '=') { if (field_name[field_idx][idx] != '\0') { ErrPrint("%d: Syntax error: Unrecognized field\n", lineno); goto errout; } switch (field_idx) { case 0: state = VALUE_TYPE; if (block->type) { DbgFree(block->type); block->type = NULL; block->type_len = 0; } idx = 0; break; case 1: state = VALUE_PART; if (block->part) { DbgFree(block->part); block->part = NULL; block->part_len = 0; } idx = 0; break; case 2: state = VALUE_DATA; if (block->data) { DbgFree(block->data); block->data = NULL; block->data_len = 0; } idx = 0; break; case 3: state = VALUE_FILE; if (block->file) { DbgFree(block->file); block->file = NULL; block->file_len = 0; } idx = 0; break; case 4: state = VALUE_OPTION; if (block->option) { DbgFree(block->option); block->option = NULL; block->option_len = 0; } idx = 0; break; case 5: state = VALUE_ID; if (block->id) { DbgFree(block->id); block->id = NULL; block->id_len = 0; } idx = 0; break; case 6: state = VALUE_TARGET; if (block->target_id) { DbgFree(block->target_id); block->target_id = NULL; block->target_len = 0; } idx = 0; break; default: ErrPrint("%d: Syntax error: Unrecognized field\n", lineno); goto errout; } break; } if (ch == '\n') goto errout; if (field_name[field_idx][idx] != ch) { ungetc(ch, fp); if (ch == '\n') lineno--; while (--idx >= 0) ungetc(field_name[field_idx][idx], fp); field_idx++; if (field_name[field_idx] == NULL) { ErrPrint("%d: Syntax error: Unrecognized field\n", lineno); goto errout; } idx = 0; break; } idx++; break; case VALUE_TYPE: if (idx == block->type_len) { char *tmp; block->type_len += ADDEND; tmp = realloc(block->type, block->type_len); if (!tmp) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } block->type = tmp; } if (ch == '\n') { block->type[idx] = '\0'; state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; } block->type[idx] = ch; idx++; break; case VALUE_PART: if (idx == block->part_len) { char *tmp; block->part_len += ADDEND; tmp = realloc(block->part, block->part_len); if (!tmp) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } block->part = tmp; } if (ch == '\n') { block->part[idx] = '\0'; state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; } block->part[idx] = ch; idx++; break; case VALUE_DATA: if (idx == block->data_len) { char *tmp; block->data_len += ADDEND; tmp = realloc(block->data, block->data_len); if (!tmp) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } block->data = tmp; } if (ch == '\n') { block->data[idx] = '\0'; state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; } block->data[idx] = ch; idx++; break; case VALUE_FILE: if (idx == block->file_len) { char *tmp; block->file_len += ADDEND; tmp = realloc(block->file, block->file_len); if (!tmp) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } block->file = tmp; } if (ch == '\n') { block->file[idx] = '\0'; state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; } block->file[idx] = ch; idx++; break; case VALUE_OPTION: if (idx == block->option_len) { char *tmp; block->option_len += ADDEND; tmp = realloc(block->option, block->option_len); if (!tmp) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } block->option = tmp; } if (ch == '\n') { block->option[idx] = '\0'; state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; } block->option[idx] = ch; idx++; break; case VALUE_ID: if (idx == block->id_len) { char *tmp; block->id_len += ADDEND; tmp = realloc(block->id, block->id_len); if (!tmp) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } block->id = tmp; } if (ch == '\n') { block->id[idx] = '\0'; state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; } block->id[idx] = ch; idx++; break; case VALUE_TARGET: if (idx == block->target_len) { char *tmp; block->target_len += ADDEND; tmp = realloc(block->target_id, block->target_len); if (!tmp) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } block->target_id = tmp; } if (ch == '\n') { block->target_id[idx] = '\0'; state = FIELD; idx = 0; field_idx = 0; break; } block->target_id[idx] = ch; idx++; break; case BLOCK_CLOSE: if (!block->file) { block->file = strdup(util_uri_to_path(id)); if (!block->file) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto errout; } } consuming_parsed_block(lineno, inst, is_pd, block); block = NULL; state = UNKNOWN; break; default: break; } /* switch */ } /* while */ if (state != UNKNOWN) { ErrPrint("%d: Unknown state\n", lineno); goto errout; } if (fclose(fp) != 0) ErrPrint("fclose: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; errout: ErrPrint("Parse error at %d file %s\n", lineno, util_basename(descfile)); if (block) delete_block(block); if (fclose(fp) != 0) ErrPrint("fclose: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } HAPI int script_init(void) { struct script_port *item; struct dirent *ent; DIR *dir; char *path; int pathlen; if (!strcasecmp(PROVIDER_METHOD, "shm")) s_info.env_buf_type = BUFFER_TYPE_SHM; else if (!strcasecmp(PROVIDER_METHOD, "pixmap")) s_info.env_buf_type = BUFFER_TYPE_PIXMAP; dir = opendir(SCRIPT_PORT_PATH); if (!dir) { ErrPrint("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_IO; } while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; pathlen = strlen(ent->d_name) + strlen(SCRIPT_PORT_PATH) + 1; path = malloc(pathlen); if (!path) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s %d\n", strerror(errno), pathlen); if (closedir(dir) < 0) ErrPrint("closedir: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_MEMORY; } snprintf(path, pathlen, "%s%s", SCRIPT_PORT_PATH, ent->d_name); item = malloc(sizeof(*item)); if (!item) { ErrPrint("Heap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); DbgFree(path); if (closedir(dir) < 0) ErrPrint("closedir: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_MEMORY; } DbgPrint("Open SCRIPT PORT: %s\n", path); item->handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW | RTLD_DEEPBIND); DbgFree(path); if (!item->handle) { ErrPrint("Error: %s\n", dlerror()); DbgFree(item); if (closedir(dir) < 0) ErrPrint("closedir: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } item->magic_id = dlsym(item->handle, "script_magic_id"); if (!item->magic_id) goto errout; DbgPrint("SCRIPT PORT magic id: %s\n", item->magic_id()); item->update_color = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_color"); if (!item->update_color) goto errout; item->update_text = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_text"); if (!item->update_text) goto errout; item->update_image = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_image"); if (!item->update_image) goto errout; item->update_access = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_access"); if (!item->update_access) goto errout; item->update_script = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_script"); if (!item->update_script) goto errout; item->update_signal = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_signal"); if (!item->update_signal) goto errout; item->update_drag = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_drag"); if (!item->update_drag) goto errout; item->update_size = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_size"); if (!item->update_size) goto errout; item->update_category = dlsym(item->handle, "script_update_category"); if (!item->update_category) goto errout; item->create = dlsym(item->handle, "script_create"); if (!item->create) goto errout; item->destroy = dlsym(item->handle, "script_destroy"); if (!item->destroy) goto errout; item->load = dlsym(item->handle, "script_load"); if (!item->load) goto errout; item->unload = dlsym(item->handle, "script_unload"); if (!item->unload) goto errout; item->init = dlsym(item->handle, "script_init"); if (!item->init) goto errout; item->fini = dlsym(item->handle, "script_fini"); if (!item->fini) goto errout; item->feed_event = dlsym(item->handle, "script_feed_event"); if (!item->feed_event) goto errout; if (item->init() < 0) { ErrPrint("Failed to initialize script engine\n"); goto errout; } s_info.script_port_list = eina_list_append(s_info.script_port_list, item); } if (closedir(dir) < 0) ErrPrint("closedir: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; errout: ErrPrint("Error: %s\n", dlerror()); if (dlclose(item->handle) != 0) ErrPrint("dlclose: %s\n", strerror(errno)); DbgFree(item); if (closedir(dir) < 0) ErrPrint("closedir: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } HAPI int script_fini(void) { struct script_port *item; /*! * \TODO: Release all handles */ EINA_LIST_FREE(s_info.script_port_list, item) { item->fini(); if (dlclose(item->handle) != 0) ErrPrint("dlclose: %s\n", strerror(errno)); DbgFree(item); } return 0; } HAPI int script_handler_update_pointer(struct script_info *info, int x, int y, int down) { if (!info) return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; info->x = x; info->y = y; if (down == 0) info->down = 0; else if (down == 1) info->down = 1; return LB_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HAPI int script_handler_feed_event(struct script_info *info, int event, double timestamp) { Evas *e; if (!info->port) { ErrPrint("info->port is NIL\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID; } e = script_handler_evas(info); if (!e) { ErrPrint("Evas is not exists\n"); return LB_STATUS_ERROR_FAULT; } return info->port->feed_event(info->port_data, e, event, info->x, info->y, info->down, timestamp); } /* End of a file */