path: root/home/src/main.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'home/src/main.c')
1 files changed, 1430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/home/src/main.c b/home/src/main.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43a2b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/src/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1430 @@
+ * Samsung API
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Flora License, Version 1.1 (the License);
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <app.h>
+#include <appcore-efl.h>
+#include <aul.h>
+#include <bundle.h>
+#include <Ecore.h>
+#include <Ecore_X.h>
+#include <efl_assist.h>
+#include <Elementary.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <device/display.h>
+#include <widget.h>
+#include <widget_service.h>
+#include <widget_errno.h>
+#include <utilX.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vconf.h>
+#include <minicontrol-viewer.h>
+#include <minicontrol-monitor.h>
+#include <dlog.h>
+#include <app_preference.h>
+#include <widget_viewer_evas.h>
+#include "bg.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "layout.h"
+#include "layout_info.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "pkgmgr.h"
+#include "win.h"
+#include "key.h"
+#include "effect.h"
+#include "page_info.h"
+#include "page.h"
+#include "scroller_info.h"
+#include "scroller.h"
+#include "minictrl.h"
+#include "clock_service.h"
+#include "dbus.h"
+#include "gesture.h"
+#include "add-viewer.h"
+#include "power_mode.h"
+#include "noti_broker.h"
+#include "wms.h"
+#include "tutorial.h"
+#include "apps/apps_main.h"
+#include "critical_log.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "xml.h"
+#include "widget.h"
+#include "edit.h"
+#include "popup.h"
+#define HOME_SERVICE_KEY "home_op"
+#define HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_SHOW_APPS "show_apps"
+#define HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_SHOW_NOTI "show_noti"
+#define HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_APPS_EDIT "apps_edit"
+#define HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_FIRST_BOOT "first_boot"
+#define VCONFKEY_HOME_VISIBILITY "memory/homescreen/clock_visibility"
+#define LAZY_NOTI_TIMER 3.0f
+#define LAZY_WIDGET_TIMER 5.0f
+static main_s main_info = {
+ .theme = NULL,
+ .layout = NULL,
+ .state = APP_STATE_CREATE,
+ .is_mapbuf = 0,
+ .apps_pid = 0,
+ .is_tts = false,
+ .is_lcd_on = -1,
+ .is_alpm_clock_enabled = 0,
+ .safety_init_timer = NULL,
+typedef struct {
+ w_home_error_e (*result_cb)(void *);
+ void *result_data;
+} main_cb_s;
+static void _activate_window_job_cb(void *data);
+HAPI main_s *main_get_info(void)
+ return &main_info;
+static void _home_visibility_vconf_set(int is_visible)
+ int ret = 0;
+ if ((ret = preference_set_int(VCONFKEY_HOME_VISIBILITY, is_visible)) != 0) {
+ _E("Failed to set key:%s(%d) value:%d", VCONFKEY_HOME_VISIBILITY, ret, is_visible);
+ }
+static int _is_window_on_top(void)
+ int pid = -1;
+ char *cmd = NULL;
+ pid = util_find_top_visible_window(&cmd);
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ _E("Failed to get top visible window pid");
+ }
+ if (pid == getpid()) {
+ free(cmd);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ free(cmd);
+ return 0;
+static int _is_tutorial_enabled(void)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int tutorial_enabled = 0;
+ if ((ret = vconf_get_int(VCONF_KEY_HOME_IS_TUTORIAL, &tutorial_enabled)) != 0) {
+ _E("Cannot get the vconf for %s %d", VCONF_KEY_HOME_IS_TUTORIAL, ret);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return tutorial_enabled;
+static int _is_lcd_turned_on(void)
+ display_state_e val = DISPLAY_STATE_NORMAL;
+ if (main_info.is_lcd_on >= 0) {
+ return main_get_info()->is_lcd_on;
+ } else {
+ if (device_display_get_state(&val) < 0) {
+ _E("Failed to get DISPLAY STATE");
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void _del_list(void *data)
+ Eina_List *page_info_list = data;
+ ret_if(!page_info_list);
+ page_info_list_destroy(page_info_list);
+static inline char *_ltrim(char *str)
+ retv_if(NULL == str, NULL);
+ while (*str && (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n')) str ++;
+ return str;
+static inline int _rtrim(char *str)
+ int len;
+ retv_if(NULL == str, 0);
+ len = strlen(str);
+ while (--len >= 0 && (str[len] == ' ' || str[len] == '\n' || str[len] == '\t')) {
+ str[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ return len;
+Eina_List *_create_tts_list(const char *file)
+ retv_if(!file, NULL);
+ FILE *fp;
+ char *line = NULL;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ ssize_t read;
+ char *data = NULL;
+ Eina_List *list = NULL;
+ fp = fopen(file, "r");
+ retv_if(!fp, NULL);
+ while ((read = getline(&line, &size, fp)) != -1) {
+ char *begin;
+ if (size <= 0) {
+ free(line);
+ line = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ begin = _ltrim(line);
+ _rtrim(line);
+ if (*begin == '#' || *begin == '\0') {
+ free(line);
+ line = NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ data = strdup(begin);
+ list = eina_list_append(list, data);
+ if (line) {
+ free(line);
+ line = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ return list;
+void _destroy_tts_list(Eina_List *list)
+ char *data = NULL;
+ ret_if(!list);
+ EINA_LIST_FREE(list, data) {
+ free(data);
+ }
+static int _page_info_in_list(page_info_s *page_info, Eina_List *list)
+ char *name = NULL;
+ const Eina_List *l, *ln;
+ retv_if(!list, 0);
+ retv_if(!page_info, 0);
+ retv_if(!page_info->id, 0);
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(list, l, ln, name) {
+ continue_if(!name);
+ if(!strcmp(name, page_info->id)) return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#define BLACK_LIST RESDIR"/tts_black.list"
+#define WHITE_LIST RESDIR"/tts_white.list"
+static void _tts_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ int val = -1;
+ _W("Change TTS");
+ if (0 == vconf_get_bool(VCONFKEY_SETAPPL_ACCESSIBILITY_TTS, &val)
+ && main_info.is_tts != val)
+ {
+ Evas_Object *scroller = NULL;
+ Eina_List *page_info_list = NULL;
+ page_info_s *page_info = NULL;
+ layout_info_s *layout_info = NULL;
+ scroller_info_s *scroller_info = NULL;
+ Eina_List *white_list = NULL;
+ Eina_List *black_list = NULL;
+ const Eina_List *l, *ln;
+ main_info.is_tts = val;
+ apps_main_list_tts(val);
+ layout_info = evas_object_data_get(main_info.layout, DATA_KEY_LAYOUT_INFO);
+ ret_if(!layout_info);
+ if (evas_object_data_get(main_info.layout, DATA_KEY_ADD_VIEWER) != NULL) {
+ _D("destroy a addviewer");
+ edit_destroy_add_viewer(main_info.layout);
+ }
+ if (layout_info->edit != NULL) {
+ _D("destroy a editing layout");
+ edit_destroy_layout(main_info.layout);
+ }
+ scroller = evas_object_data_get(main_info.layout, DATA_KEY_SCROLLER);
+ ret_if(!scroller);
+ scroller_info = evas_object_data_get(scroller, DATA_KEY_SCROLLER_INFO);
+ ret_if(!scroller_info);
+ page_info_list = db_write_list();
+ if (main_info.is_tts) {
+ _W("TTS is on");
+ white_list = _create_tts_list(WHITE_LIST);
+ ret_if(!white_list);
+ black_list = _create_tts_list(BLACK_LIST);
+ ret_if(!black_list);
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(page_info_list, l, ln, page_info) {
+ if(_page_info_in_list(page_info, white_list)) continue;
+ if(_page_info_in_list(page_info, black_list)) {
+ page_info_list = eina_list_remove(page_info_list, page_info);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ _destroy_tts_list(white_list);
+ _destroy_tts_list(black_list);
+ if (W_HOME_ERROR_NONE != db_read_list(page_info_list)) {
+ _E("Cannot write items into the DB");
+ }
+ /* If TTS is on, use focus & do not use the enhanced scroller. */
+ elm_object_tree_focus_allow_set(main_info.layout, EINA_TRUE);
+ _D("tree_focus_allow_set layout(%p) as TRUE", main_info.layout);
+ page_focus(scroller_info->center);
+ scroller_backup_inner_focus(scroller);
+ scroller_restore_inner_focus(scroller);
+ } else {
+ _W("TTS is off");
+ /* If TTS is off, do not use focus */
+ elm_object_tree_focus_allow_set(main_info.layout, EINA_FALSE);
+ _D("tree_focus_allow_set layout(%p) as FALSE", main_info.layout);
+ }
+ scroller_pop_pages(scroller, PAGE_DIRECTION_RIGHT);
+ scroller_push_pages(scroller, page_info_list, _del_list, page_info_list);
+ }
+ if (apps_main_is_visible() == EINA_TRUE) {
+ apps_main_launch(APPS_LAUNCH_HIDE);
+ }
+ /* UX requirement: activate home window when TTS option is changed */
+ ecore_job_add(_activate_window_job_cb, NULL);
+static void _tutorial_cb(keynode_t *node, void *data)
+ int tutorial_enabled = _is_tutorial_enabled();
+ if (tutorial_enabled == 0) {
+ if (main_info.state == APP_STATE_RESUME) {
+ _home_visibility_vconf_set(1);
+ } else {
+ _home_visibility_vconf_set(0);
+ }
+ }
+static void _init_theme(void)
+ main_info.theme = elm_theme_new();
+ elm_theme_ref_set(main_info.theme, NULL);
+ elm_theme_extension_add(main_info.theme, EDJEDIR"/index.edj");
+static void _destroy_theme(void)
+ elm_theme_extension_del(main_info.theme, EDJEDIR"/index.edj");
+ elm_theme_free(main_info.theme);
+ main_info.theme = NULL;
+static Eina_Bool _appcore_flush_cb(void *data)
+ if (APP_STATE_PAUSE != main_info.state) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL;
+ if (0 != appcore_flush_memory()) _E("Cannot flush memory");
+HAPI void main_inc_booting_state(void)
+ main_info.booting_state++;
+ if (BOOTING_STATE_DONE > main_info.booting_state) return;
+ w_home_error_e ret = W_HOME_ERROR_NONE;
+ do {
+ ret = pkgmgr_reserve_list_pop_request();
+ } while (W_HOME_ERROR_NONE == ret);
+ /* Cache memory is cleared when the application paused (every time, after 5 seconds (in appcore)),
+ * but after running in a minimized mode (HIDE_LAUNCH) application have status AS_RUNNING.
+ * Application have status AS_PAUSED only after change of visibility to hidden condition by user (on hiding window)
+ * Cleaning must be performed only once after application loading in hidden condition
+ * (and stay in a hidden condition at time of cleaning).
+ */
+ if (APP_STATE_PAUSE == main_info.state) {
+ ecore_timer_add(5.0f, _appcore_flush_cb, NULL);
+ }
+HAPI void main_dec_booting_state(void)
+ main_info.booting_state--;
+HAPI int main_get_booting_state(void)
+ return main_info.booting_state;
+HAPI w_home_error_e main_register_cb(
+ int state,
+ w_home_error_e (*result_cb)(void *), void *result_data)
+ main_cb_s *cb = NULL;
+ retv_if(NULL == result_cb, W_HOME_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
+ cb = calloc(1, sizeof(main_cb_s));
+ retv_if(NULL == cb, W_HOME_ERROR_FAIL);
+ cb->result_cb = result_cb;
+ cb->result_data = result_data;
+ main_info.cbs_list[state] = eina_list_append(main_info.cbs_list[state], cb);
+ retv_if(NULL == main_info.cbs_list[state], W_HOME_ERROR_FAIL);
+HAPI void main_unregister_cb(
+ int state,
+ w_home_error_e (*result_cb)(void *))
+ const Eina_List *l;
+ const Eina_List *n;
+ main_cb_s *cb;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(main_info.cbs_list[state], l, n, cb) {
+ continue_if(NULL == cb);
+ if (result_cb != cb->result_cb) continue;
+ main_info.cbs_list[state] = eina_list_remove(main_info.cbs_list[state], cb);
+ free(cb);
+ return;
+ }
+static void _execute_cbs(int state)
+ const Eina_List *l;
+ const Eina_List *n;
+ main_cb_s *cb;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(main_info.cbs_list[state], l, n, cb) {
+ continue_if(NULL == cb);
+ continue_if(NULL == cb->result_cb);
+ if (W_HOME_ERROR_NONE != cb->result_cb(cb->result_data)) _E("There are some problems");
+ }
+static int _dead_cb(int pid, void *data)
+ _D("PID(%d) is dead", pid);
+ /* Who manages the idle clock? home_item_idle_clock_app_dead_cb */
+ clock_service_event_app_dead_cb(pid);
+ return 1;
+#if 0 /* EFL private features */
+static Eina_Bool _window_effect_setting_cb(void *data)
+ gesture_home_window_effect_set(1);
+static void _resume_cb(void *data)
+ _D("Resumed");
+ if (main_info.state == APP_STATE_RESUME) {
+ _E("resumed already");
+ return;
+ }
+#if 0 /* EFL private features */
+ ecore_timer_add(0.2f, _window_effect_setting_cb, NULL);
+ if (apps_main_is_visible() && main_info.is_win_visible == 0) {
+ _E("Apps is showing");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_is_tutorial_enabled() == 0) {
+ _home_visibility_vconf_set(1);
+ }
+ main_info.state = APP_STATE_RESUME;
+ _execute_cbs(APP_STATE_RESUME);
+ if (main_info.is_alpm_clock_enabled == 0) {
+ if (_is_lcd_turned_on() == 1) {
+ _W("clock/widget resumed");
+ widget_viewer_evas_notify_resumed_status_of_viewer();
+ clock_service_resume();
+ }
+ }
+static void _pause_cb(void *data)
+ _D("Paused");
+ if (main_info.state == APP_STATE_PAUSE) {
+ _E("paused already");
+ return;
+ }
+ _home_visibility_vconf_set(0);
+ main_info.state = APP_STATE_PAUSE;
+ _execute_cbs(APP_STATE_PAUSE);
+ /* DYNAMICBOX pause */
+ _W("clock/widget paused");
+ widget_viewer_evas_notify_paused_status_of_viewer();
+ clock_service_pause();
+static void _setup_wizard_cb(keynode_t *node, void *data)
+ Eina_List *page_info_list = NULL;
+ layout_info_s *layout_info = NULL;
+ const char *file = NULL;
+ int setup_wizard = 1;
+ if (vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_SETUP_WIZARD_STATE, &setup_wizard) < 0) {
+ }
+ if (setup_wizard) {
+ _W("Setup wizard is still on");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If setup_wizard is off, please ignore this callback */
+ vconf_ignore_key_changed(VCONFKEY_SETUP_WIZARD_STATE, _setup_wizard_cb);
+ /* Below routines is same with _widget_load_init_timer_cb. */
+ if (main_info.is_tts) {
+ _W("TTS is on");
+ file = TTS_XML_FILE;
+ } else {
+ _W("TTS is off");
+ }
+ if (file && 0 == access(file, R_OK)) {
+ _W("We'll read the file(%s)", file);
+ } else {
+ _E("Cannot access the file(%s)", file);
+ }
+ page_info_list = xml_write_list(file);
+ if (!page_info_list) {
+ _E("Critical! Cannot read xml file(%s)", file);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (W_HOME_ERROR_NONE != db_read_list(page_info_list)) {
+ _E("Cannot write items into the DB");
+ }
+ layout_info = evas_object_data_get(main_info.layout, DATA_KEY_LAYOUT_INFO);
+ if (layout_info) {
+ scroller_push_pages(layout_info->scroller, page_info_list, _del_list, page_info_list);
+ }
+static Eina_Bool _widget_load_init_timer_cb(void *data)
+ const char *file = NULL;
+ Eina_List *page_info_list = NULL;
+ layout_info_s *layout_info = NULL;
+ _W("Loads DBoxes");
+ if (emergency_mode_enabled_get()) {
+ _W("Emergency mode, we don't need to add widgets.");
+ }
+ /* Order is very important. Do not change if-statments */
+ if (main_info.first_boot) {
+ int setup_wizard = 0;
+ main_info.first_boot = 0;
+ if (vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_SETUP_WIZARD_STATE, &setup_wizard) < 0) {
+ }
+ if (setup_wizard) {
+ _W("Setup wizard is still on");
+ if (vconf_notify_key_changed(VCONFKEY_SETUP_WIZARD_STATE, _setup_wizard_cb, NULL) < 0) {
+ _E("Failed to register the setup_wizard callback");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Below routines is same with _setup_wizard_cb */
+ if (main_info.is_tts) {
+ _W("TTS is on");
+ file = TTS_XML_FILE;
+ } else {
+ _W("TTS is off");
+ }
+ if (file && 0 == access(file, R_OK)) {
+ _W("We'll read the file(%s)", file);
+ } else {
+ _E("Cannot access the file(%s)", file);
+ }
+ page_info_list = xml_write_list(file);
+ if (!page_info_list) {
+ _E("Critical! Cannot read xml file(%s)", file);
+ }
+ if (W_HOME_ERROR_NONE != db_read_list(page_info_list)) {
+ _E("Cannot write items into the DB");
+ }
+ } else {
+ _W("Read DB for initial list");
+ page_info_list = db_write_list();
+ }
+ layout_info = evas_object_data_get(main_info.layout, DATA_KEY_LAYOUT_INFO);
+ if (layout_info) {
+ scroller_push_pages(layout_info->scroller, page_info_list, _del_list, page_info_list);
+ }
+static Eina_Bool _noti_broker_init_timer_cb(void *data)
+ _W("loading noti broker");
+ noti_broker_init();
+static Eina_Bool _clock_service_init_timer_cb(void *data)
+ _W("clock service init");
+ clock_service_init();
+ minicontrol_init();
+ power_mode_ui_init();
+static Eina_Bool _visibility_timeout_cb(void *data)
+ _E("Visibility event is not reached in %lf seconds", VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT);
+ effect_init();
+ _clock_service_init_timer_cb(data);
+ _widget_load_init_timer_cb(NULL);
+ main_info.safety_init_timer = NULL;
+ main_info.is_service_initialized = 1;
+static Eina_Bool _window_visibility_cb(void *data, int type, void *event)
+ Ecore_X_Event_Window_Visibility_Change *ev = event;
+ retv_if(ev == NULL, ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON);
+ if (! {
+ }
+ Ecore_X_Window xWin = elm_win_xwindow_get(;
+ if (xWin != ev->win) {
+ }
+ _W("Window [0x%X] is now visible(%d)", xWin, ev->fully_obscured);
+ if (ev->fully_obscured == 1) {
+ main_info.is_win_visible = 0;
+ } else {
+ main_info.is_win_visible = 1;
+ }
+ if (main_info.is_service_initialized == 0) {
+ if (main_info.safety_init_timer) {
+ /**
+ * Delete the safety timer,
+ * We are successfully get the visibility change event.
+ * So we don't need to keep the safety timer anymore.
+ * Delete it.
+ */
+ ecore_timer_del(main_info.safety_init_timer);
+ main_info.safety_init_timer = NULL;
+ }
+ _clock_service_init_timer_cb(NULL);
+ if (!ecore_timer_add(LAZY_NOTI_TIMER, _noti_broker_init_timer_cb, NULL)) {
+ _E("Failed to create a new timer for noti-broker");
+ _noti_broker_init_timer_cb(NULL);
+ }
+ if (!ecore_timer_add(LAZY_WIDGET_TIMER, _widget_load_init_timer_cb, NULL)) {
+ _E("Failed to create a new timer for widget initializer");
+ _widget_load_init_timer_cb(NULL);
+ }
+ effect_init();
+ main_info.is_service_initialized = 1;
+ }
+static Eina_Bool _window_focus_in_cb(void *data, int type, void *event)
+ Ecore_X_Event_Window_Focus_In *ev = event;
+ if (! {
+ }
+ Ecore_X_Window xWin = elm_win_xwindow_get(;
+ if (xWin == ev->win) {
+ _D("focus in");
+ _resume_cb(NULL);
+ } else {
+ _E("win[%d], ev->win[%d]", xWin, ev->win);
+ }
+static Eina_Bool _window_focus_out_cb(void *data, int type, void *event)
+ Ecore_X_Event_Window_Focus_Out *ev = event;
+ if (! {
+ }
+ Ecore_X_Window xWin = elm_win_xwindow_get(;
+ if (xWin == ev->win) {
+ _D("focus out");
+ _pause_cb(NULL);
+ if (tutorial_is_exist()) {
+ Ecore_X_Window xwin = ecore_x_window_focus_get();
+ if (tutorial_is_apps(xwin)) {
+ _D("tutorial shows apps");
+ tutorial_set_transient_for(xwin);
+ } else if (tutorial_is_indicator(xwin)) {
+ _D("tutorial shows indicator");
+ tutorial_set_transient_for(xwin);
+ } else {
+ _E("Cannot reach here");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ _E("win[%d], ev->win[%d]", xWin, ev->win);
+ }
+static void _change_apps_order_cb(keynode_t *node, void *data)
+ int value = -1;
+ /* check Emergency Mode */
+ if (emergency_mode_enabled_get()) {
+ _E("emergency mode enabled");
+ return;
+ }
+ // 0 : init, 1 : backup request, 2 : restore request, 3: write done
+ if (vconf_get_int(VCONF_KEY_WMS_APPS_ORDER, &value) < 0) {
+ _E("Failed to get VCONFKEY_WMS_APPS_ORDER");
+ return;
+ }
+ _D("Change apps order vconf:[%d]", value);
+ wms_change_apps_order(value);
+static void _alpm_manager_status_changed_cb(void *user_data, void *event_info)
+ char *status = event_info;
+ ret_if(status == NULL);
+ _W("alpm status:%s", status);
+ main_s *main_info = main_get_info();
+ ret_if(main_info == NULL);
+ if (strcmp(status, ALPM_MANAGER_STATUS_SHOW) == 0) {
+ main_info->is_alpm_clock_enabled = 1;
+ } else if (strcmp(status, ALPM_MANAGER_STATUS_ALPM_HIDE) == 0) {
+ _D("is win visible?:%d", main_info->is_win_visible);
+ main_info->is_alpm_clock_enabled = 0;
+ if (main_info->state == APP_STATE_RESUME || main_info->is_win_visible == 1) {
+ if (_is_lcd_turned_on() == 1) {
+ _W("clock/widget resumed");
+ widget_viewer_evas_notify_resumed_status_of_viewer();
+ clock_service_resume();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(status, ALPM_MANAGER_STATUS_SIMPLE_HIDE) == 0) {
+ main_info->is_alpm_clock_enabled = 0;
+ widget_viewer_evas_notify_resumed_status_of_viewer();
+ clock_service_resume();
+ }
+static void _lcd_on_cb(void *user_data, void *event_info)
+ main_s *main_info = main_get_info();
+ ret_if(main_info == NULL);
+ _W("LCD: off->on");
+ main_info->is_lcd_on = 1;
+ if (main_info->state == APP_STATE_RESUME) {
+ if (main_info->is_alpm_clock_enabled == 0) {
+ _W("clock/widget resumed");
+ widget_viewer_evas_notify_resumed_status_of_viewer();
+ clock_service_resume();
+ }
+ }
+static void _lcd_off_cb(void *user_data, void *event_info)
+ main_s *main_info = main_get_info();
+ ret_if(main_info == NULL);
+ _D("LCD: on->off");
+ main_info->is_lcd_on = 0;
+ if (main_info->state == APP_STATE_RESUME) {
+ _W("clock/widget paused");
+ widget_viewer_evas_notify_paused_status_of_viewer();
+ clock_service_pause();
+ }
+#define LANGUAGE_MALI "ml_IN"
+static void _check_lang(void)
+ char *lang = NULL;
+ lang = vconf_get_str(VCONFKEY_LANGSET);
+ if (!lang) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elm_language_set(lang);
+ free(lang);
+#define TUTORIAL_TIMER 1.5f
+static bool _create_cb(void *data)
+ Evas_Object *bg = NULL;
+ int tutorial_enabled = 0;
+ Ecore_Event_Handler *handler;
+ _D("Created");
+ home_dbus_init(NULL);
+ power_mode_init();
+ db_init(DB_FILE_NORMAL);
+ main_info.state = APP_STATE_CREATE;
+ evas_object_add_viewer_init();
+ if (vconf_notify_key_changed(VCONF_KEY_WMS_APPS_ORDER, _change_apps_order_cb, NULL) < 0) {
+ _E("Failed to register the changed_apps_order callback");
+ }
+ /* wms vconf has to be dealt after pushing pages */
+ if (vconf_notify_key_changed(VCONF_KEY_HOME_IS_TUTORIAL, _tutorial_cb, NULL) < 0) {
+ _E("Failed to register the tutorial callback");
+ }
+ retv_if(vconf_get_bool(VCONFKEY_SETAPPL_ACCESSIBILITY_TTS, &main_info.is_tts) < 0, W_HOME_ERROR_FAIL);
+ _check_lang();
+ wms_register_setup_wizard_vconf();
+#if 1 //TBD
+ home_gesture_init();
+ if (home_dbus_register_cb(DBUS_EVENT_LCD_ON, _lcd_on_cb, NULL) != W_HOME_ERROR_NONE) {
+ _E("Failed to register lcd status changed cb");
+ }
+ if (home_dbus_register_cb(DBUS_EVENT_LCD_OFF, _lcd_off_cb, NULL) != W_HOME_ERROR_NONE) {
+ _E("Failed to register lcd status changed cb");
+ }
+ if (device_add_callback(DEVICE_CALLBACK_DISPLAY_STATE, _display_state_cb, NULL) < 0) {
+ _E("Failed to add the display state callback");
+ }
+ if (home_dbus_register_cb(DBUS_EVENT_ALPM_MANAGER_STATE_CHANGED, _alpm_manager_status_changed_cb, NULL) != W_HOME_ERROR_NONE) {
+ _E("Failed to register alpm manager status changed cb");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register the X Event handlers before creating our Window.
+ * If you don't want to be bothered by timing issue of these **cking events ;)
+ */
+ handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_WINDOW_FOCUS_IN, _window_focus_in_cb, NULL);
+ if (!handler) {
+ _E("Failed to add an ecore event handler (FOCUS_IN)");
+ }
+ evas_object_data_set(, PRIVATE_DATA_KEY_FOCUS_IN_EVENT_HANDLER, handler);
+ handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_WINDOW_FOCUS_OUT, _window_focus_out_cb, NULL);
+ if (!handler) {
+ _E("Failed to add an ecore event handler (FOCUS_OUT)");
+ }
+ evas_object_data_set(, PRIVATE_DATA_KEY_FOCUS_OUT_EVENT_HANDLER, handler);
+ handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_WINDOW_VISIBILITY_CHANGE, _window_visibility_cb, NULL);
+ if (!handler) {
+ _E("Failed to add an ecore event handler (VISIBILITY_CHANGE)");
+ }
+ evas_object_data_set(, PRIVATE_DATA_KEY_VISIBILITY_EVENT_HANDLER, handler);
+ = win_create("W-Home");
+ retv_if(!, false);
+ evas_object_smart_callback_add(, "access,changed", _tts_cb, NULL);
+ /* DYNAMICBOX init */
+ widget_init(;
+ /* Key register */
+ key_register();
+ bg = bg_create(;
+ if (!bg) {
+ _E("Cannot create bg");
+ win_destroy(;
+ return false;
+ }
+ main_info.layout = layout_create(;
+ if (!main_info.layout) {
+ _E("Cannot create layout");
+ bg_destroy(;
+ win_destroy(;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (main_info.is_tts) {
+ /* If TTS is on, use focus & do not use the enhanced scroller. */
+ _D("Set tree focus as true");
+ elm_object_tree_focus_allow_set(main_info.layout, EINA_TRUE);
+ } else {
+ /* If TTS is off, do not use focus */
+ _D("Set tree focus as false");
+ elm_object_tree_focus_allow_set(main_info.layout, EINA_FALSE);
+ }
+ _execute_cbs(APP_STATE_CREATE);
+ /* After creating a window */
+ _init_theme();
+ clock_service_event_register();
+ /**
+ * This function initialize the noti-broker.
+ * But we already manage it from this file.
+ * and the _load function uses timer to initialize the noti.
+ * It uses 10 secs.....
+ */
+ noti_broker_load();
+ /*
+ * workaround: when window visibiltiy cb isn't called
+ */
+ main_info.safety_init_timer = ecore_timer_add(VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT, _visibility_timeout_cb, NULL);
+ if (!main_info.safety_init_timer) {
+ _E("Failed to create a fallback init timer for safety");
+ }
+ if (preference_get_int(VCONF_KEY_HOME_IS_TUTORIAL_ENABLED_TO_RUN, &tutorial_enabled) != 0) {
+ _E("Cannot get the vconf for %s", VCONF_KEY_HOME_IS_TUTORIAL_ENABLED_TO_RUN);
+ }
+ if (tutorial_enabled && util_feature_enabled_get(FEATURE_TUTORIAL) == 1) {
+ if (!tutorial_create(main_info.layout)) {
+ _E("Cannot create a tutorial");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dead callback should be called after initialize all services.
+ * So we should register this at the last of this function.
+ */
+ aul_listen_app_dead_signal(_dead_cb, NULL);
+ return true;
+static void _terminate_cb(void *data)
+ layout_info_s *layout_info = NULL;
+ main_dec_booting_state();
+ evas_object_add_viewer_fini();
+ _D("Terminated");
+ home_dbus_fini(NULL);
+ apps_main_fini();
+ home_dbus_unregister_cb(DBUS_EVENT_LCD_ON, _lcd_on_cb);
+ home_dbus_unregister_cb(DBUS_EVENT_LCD_OFF, _lcd_off_cb);
+ home_dbus_unregister_cb(DBUS_EVENT_ALPM_MANAGER_STATE_CHANGED, _alpm_manager_status_changed_cb);
+ Ecore_Event_Handler *handler = evas_object_data_del(, PRIVATE_DATA_KEY_FOCUS_IN_EVENT_HANDLER);
+ if (handler) ecore_event_handler_del(handler);
+ handler = evas_object_data_del(, PRIVATE_DATA_KEY_FOCUS_OUT_EVENT_HANDLER);
+ if (handler) ecore_event_handler_del(handler);
+ handler = evas_object_data_del(, PRIVATE_DATA_KEY_VISIBILITY_EVENT_HANDLER);
+ if (handler) ecore_event_handler_del(handler);
+ main_info.state = APP_STATE_TERMINATE;
+ _execute_cbs(APP_STATE_TERMINATE);
+ wms_unregister_setup_wizard_vconf();
+ layout_info = evas_object_data_get(main_info.layout, DATA_KEY_LAYOUT_INFO);
+ ret_if(!layout_info);
+ if (layout_info->tutorial) {
+ tutorial_destroy(layout_info->tutorial);
+ layout_info->tutorial = NULL;
+ }
+ _destroy_theme();
+ vconf_ignore_key_changed(VCONF_KEY_WMS_APPS_ORDER, _change_apps_order_cb);
+ vconf_ignore_key_changed(VCONF_KEY_HOME_IS_TUTORIAL, _tutorial_cb);
+ effect_fini();
+ clock_service_event_deregister();
+ /* Clock Service fini */
+ clock_service_fini();
+ /* Minicontrol fini */
+ minicontrol_fini();
+ noti_broker_fini();
+ /* Emergency Mode fini */
+ power_mode_fini();
+ /*!
+ * DBUS fini
+ * Gesture fini
+ * calling sequence is meaningful
+ */
+ home_gesture_fini();
+ bg_destroy(;
+ /* Key unregister */
+ key_unregister();
+ win_destroy(;
+ /* DYNAMICBOX fini */
+ widget_fini();
+ if (main_info.apps_pid) {
+ aul_terminate_pid(main_info.apps_pid);
+ main_info.apps_pid = 0;
+ }
+static Eina_Bool _show_noti_timer_cb(void *data)
+ Evas_Object *scroller = data;
+ retv_if(scroller == NULL, ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL);
+static void _activate_window_job_cb(void *data)
+ ret_if(!;
+ _D("Activate the window");
+ elm_win_activate(;
+ home_dbus_home_raise_signal_send();
+ _resume_cb(NULL);
+static Evas_Object *_layout_get(void)
+ Evas_Object *layout = NULL;
+ if (! {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ layout = evas_object_data_get(, DATA_KEY_LAYOUT);
+ return layout;
+static Evas_Object *_scroller_get(void)
+ Evas_Object *layout = _layout_get();
+ retv_if(layout == NULL, NULL);
+ return elm_object_part_content_get(layout, "scroller");
+static void _app_control(app_control_h service, void *data)
+ /* powerkey bundle */
+ char *service_val = NULL;
+ apps_main_init();
+ app_control_get_extra_data(service, HOME_SERVICE_KEY, &service_val);
+ _D("Service value : %s", service_val);
+ if (service_val) {
+ int is_clock_displayed = 0;
+ int is_window_on_top = _is_window_on_top();
+ is_window_on_top = (apps_main_is_visible() == EINA_TRUE) ? 0 : is_window_on_top;
+ Evas_Object *layout = _layout_get();
+ Evas_Object *scroller = _scroller_get();
+ if (scroller_get_current_page_direction(scroller) == PAGE_DIRECTION_CENTER) {
+ is_clock_displayed = 1;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(service_val, HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_POWERKEY, strlen(HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_POWERKEY))) {
+ int tutorial_exist = tutorial_is_exist();
+ _D("Powerkey operation");
+ if(tutorial_exist) {
+ is_window_on_top = 1;
+ } else {
+ apps_main_launch(APPS_LAUNCH_HIDE);
+ }
+ if (is_clock_displayed == 1) {
+ _D("clock is displayed");
+ if (is_window_on_top == 1) {
+ _D("home window is top");
+ if (_is_lcd_turned_on() == 1) {
+ if (layout_is_idle(layout) == 1) {
+ home_dbus_lcd_off_signal_send();
+ } else {
+ _W("home isn't in idle");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!tutorial_exist) {
+ }
+ key_cb_execute(KEY_TYPE_HOME);
+ } else if (!strncmp(service_val, HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_EDIT, strlen(HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_EDIT))) {
+ _D("Edit operation");
+ } else if (!strncmp(service_val, HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_SHOW_APPS, strlen(HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_SHOW_APPS))) {
+ if (util_feature_enabled_get(FEATURE_APPS) == 1) {
+ apps_main_launch(APPS_LAUNCH_SHOW);
+ _D("Show apps operation");
+ }
+ } else if (!strncmp(service_val, HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_APPS_EDIT, strlen(HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_APPS_EDIT))) {
+ _D("Apps edit operation");
+ apps_main_launch(APPS_LAUNCH_EDIT);
+ is_window_on_top = 1;
+ } else if (!strncmp(service_val, HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_SHOW_NOTI, strlen(HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_SHOW_NOTI))) {
+ _D("Show noti operation");
+ ecore_timer_add(0.250f, _show_noti_timer_cb, scroller);
+ } else if (!strncmp(service_val, HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_FIRST_BOOT, strlen(HOME_SERVICE_VALUE_FIRST_BOOT))) {
+ _D("First boot operation");
+ main_info.first_boot = 1;
+ }
+ if (is_window_on_top == 0) {
+ ecore_job_add(_activate_window_job_cb, NULL);
+ }
+ free(service_val);
+ } else {
+ ecore_job_add(_activate_window_job_cb, NULL);
+ _execute_cbs(APP_STATE_RESET);
+ }
+static void _language_changed(app_event_info_h event_info, void *user_data)
+ _D("");
+ apps_main_language_chnage();
+ evas_object_add_viewer_reload();
+ _check_lang();
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int ret;
+ ui_app_lifecycle_callback_s lifecycle_callback = {0, };
+ app_event_handler_h event_handlers[5] = {NULL, };
+ char *clock_pkgname;
+ if (CRITICAL_LOG_INIT(util_basename(argv[0])) < 0) {
+ _E("Failed to initiate the critical log system");
+ }
+ lifecycle_callback.create = _create_cb;
+ lifecycle_callback.terminate = _terminate_cb;
+ lifecycle_callback.pause = _pause_cb;
+ lifecycle_callback.resume = _resume_cb;
+ lifecycle_callback.app_control = _app_control;
+ ui_app_add_event_handler(&event_handlers[APP_EVENT_LOW_BATTERY], APP_EVENT_LOW_BATTERY, NULL, NULL);
+ ui_app_add_event_handler(&event_handlers[APP_EVENT_LOW_MEMORY], APP_EVENT_LOW_MEMORY, NULL, NULL);
+ ui_app_add_event_handler(&event_handlers[APP_EVENT_LANGUAGE_CHANGED], APP_EVENT_LANGUAGE_CHANGED, _language_changed, NULL);
+ if (setenv("ELM_ENGINE", "gl", 1) < 0) {
+ _E("setenv(ELM_ENGINE) is failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ if (setenv("COREGL_FASTPATH", "1", 1) < 0) {
+ _E("setenv(COREGL_FASTPATH) is failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ if (setenv("BUFMGR_LOCK_TYPE", "always", 0) < 0) {
+ _E("setenv(BUFMGR_LOCK_TYPE) is failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ if (setenv("BUFMGR_MAP_CACHE", "true", 0) < 0) {
+ _E("setenv(BUFMGR_MAP_CACHE) is failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ /* initial mode set */
+ if (emergency_mode_enabled_get() == 1) {
+ clock_service_mode_set(CLOCK_SERVICE_MODE_EMERGENCY);
+ }
+ if (cooldown_mode_enabled_get() == 1) {
+ clock_service_mode_set(CLOCK_SERVICE_MODE_COOLDOWN);
+ }
+ /* Launch the clock */
+ if ((clock_pkgname = clock_service_clock_pkgname_get()) != NULL) {
+ clock_util_provider_launch(clock_pkgname, NULL, CLOCK_CONF_NONE);
+ free(clock_pkgname);
+ }
+ ret = ui_app_main(argc, argv, &lifecycle_callback, &main_info);
+ return ret;
+// End of a file