path: root/
diff options
authorjk7744.park <>2015-10-24 15:45:54 +0900
committerjk7744.park <>2015-10-24 15:45:54 +0900
commitf5b2937589fc5a8fa903066610d73c464b36c6f7 (patch)
tree75ff9a6c27fbb3b41ed94f98d69c398128839e57 /
parent9148856fd3adaaef7f2c719e8d3e97ff181e89cc (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8bf8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+#author:Liu Ruichao
+import os
+import shutil
+feature_file = "CMakeLists.txt"
+spec_file = "packaging/ug-myfile-efl.spec"
+dest_path = os.getcwd()
+old_str = ""
+new_str = "org.tizen"
+def make_clear_line(line, prefix, profix):
+ line_clear_blank = line.strip()
+ line_rm_profix = line_clear_blank.strip(profix)
+ line_rm_prefix = line_rm_profix.strip(prefix)
+ line_clear = line_rm_prefix.strip()
+ return line_clear
+def read_feature_name(filepath):
+ global feature_file, dest_path
+ file_list_name = dest_path +os.sep+filepath
+ data = open(file_list_name)
+ feature_set = set()
+ start = 0
+ for each_line in data:
+ line_clear = make_clear_line(each_line, '#', '')
+ if start == 0:
+ if line_clear == "START_PUBLIC_DISABLE_FEATURE":
+ start = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ start = 0
+ else:
+ if len(line_clear) != 0:
+ feature_set.add(line_clear)
+ data.close()
+ return feature_set
+def read_file_name(filepath):
+ global feature_file, dest_path
+ file_list_name = dest_path +os.sep+filepath
+ data = open(file_list_name)
+ file_set = set()
+ start = 0
+ for each_line in data:
+ line_clear = make_clear_line(each_line, '#', '')
+ if start == 0:
+ if line_clear == "START_PUBLIC_REMOVED_FILE":
+ start = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if line_clear == "END_START_PUBLIC_REMOVED_FILE":
+ start = 0
+ else:
+ if len(line_clear) != 0:
+ file_set.add(line_clear)
+ data.close()
+ return file_set
+def read_string_removal(filepath):
+ global feature_file, dest_path, spec_file
+ file_name = dest_path +os.sep+filepath
+ string_set = set()
+ start = 0
+ try:
+ data = open(file_name)
+ for each_line in data:
+ line_clear = make_clear_line(each_line, '#', '')
+ if start == 0:
+ if line_clear == "START_PUBLIC_REMOVED_STRING":
+ start = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ start = 0
+ else:
+ if len(line_clear) != 0:
+ string_set.add(line_clear)
+ except:
+ print "open" + file_name + "failed"
+ finally:
+ data.close()
+ file_name = dest_path + os.sep + spec_file
+ try:
+ print(file_name)
+ data = open(file_name)
+ for each_line in data:
+ line_clear = make_clear_line(each_line, '#', '')
+ if start == 0:
+ if line_clear == "START_PUBLIC_REMOVED_STRING":
+ start = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ start = 0
+ else:
+ if len(line_clear) != 0:
+ string_set.add(line_clear)
+ except:
+ print "spec file does not exists"
+ finally:
+ data.close()
+ return string_set
+def replace_string(original, old, new):
+ modified = original
+ if original.find(old) != -1:
+ modified = original.replace(old, new)
+ return modified
+def remove_code(filename, feature_set, string_set):
+ global old_str, new_str
+ start_remove = 0;
+ taglist = list();
+ dirty_taglist = list();
+ # rename the original file
+ old_filename = filename + ".tmp"
+ new_filename = filename
+ #move old file to be .tmp and create new file with original filename
+ shutil.move(filename, old_filename)
+ # open both file
+ file_new = open(new_filename, "w")
+ file_old = open(old_filename, "r")
+ for each_line in file_old:
+ #clear the line
+ clear_line = make_clear_line(each_line, '', '')
+ if start_remove == 0: #it's not in a #ifdef that need to be removed
+ if clear_line.startswith("#ifdef"):
+ line_flag = make_clear_line(clear_line, "#ifdef", '')
+ #print(line_flag)
+ if line_flag in feature_set:
+ taglist.append('d')
+ start_remove = 1
+ else:
+ taglist.append('c')
+ file_new.write(each_line)
+ elif clear_line.startswith("#if"):
+ taglist.append('c')
+ file_new.write(each_line)
+ elif clear_line.startswith("#endif"):
+ if len(taglist) > 0:
+ top = taglist.pop()
+ if top == 'c':
+ file_new.write(each_line)
+ elif top == 'd':
+ continue
+ else:
+ string_del_flag = False
+ for item in string_set:
+ if clear_line == item:
+ string_del_flag = True
+ break
+ if string_del_flag == False:
+ if clear_line.startswith("#START_PUBLIC_") or clear_line.startswith("#END_START_PUBLIC_"):
+ continue;
+ else:
+ file_new.write(each_line)
+ else: #it's in a #ifdef that need to be removed
+ if clear_line.startswith("#ifdef"):
+ taglist.append('d')
+ dirty_taglist.append('d')
+ elif clear_line.startswith("#else"):
+ if len(dirty_taglist) == 0:
+ start_remove = 0
+ elif clear_line.startswith("#if") and not clear_line.startswith("#ifdef"):
+ taglist.append('d')
+ dirty_taglist.append('d')
+ elif clear_line.startswith("#endif"):
+ if len(dirty_taglist) > 0:
+ dirty_taglist.pop()
+ else:
+ start_remove = 0
+ taglist.pop()
+ else:
+ continue
+ if len(taglist) > 0:
+ print "\033[1;31;47m [Critical error] ",len(taglist)," tag(s) not matched! \033[0m"
+ file_old.close()
+ file_new.close()
+ #at the end we should remove the .tmp file
+ os.remove(old_filename)
+def rename_operation(filename):
+ global old_str, new_str
+ # rename the original file
+ old_filename = filename + ".tmp"
+ new_filename = filename
+ #move old file to be .tmp and create new file with original filename
+ shutil.move(filename, old_filename)
+ # open both file
+ file_new = open(new_filename, "w")
+ file_old = open(old_filename, "r")
+ for each_line in file_old:
+ #clear the line
+ new_line = replace_string(each_line, old_str, new_str)
+ file_new.write(new_line)
+ file_old.close()
+ file_new.close()
+ #at the end we should remove the .tmp file
+ os.remove(old_filename)
+feature_set = read_feature_name(feature_file)
+file_set = read_file_name(feature_file)
+string_set = read_string_removal(feature_file)
+print("feature list:")
+for item in feature_set:
+ print(item)
+print("file list:")
+for item in file_set:
+ print(item)
+print("string list:")
+for item in string_set:
+ print(item)
+#remove_code("/home/rico/codebox/obs/music-player/src/view/mp-play-view.c", feature_set)
+for a,b,c in files:
+ #we do not modify hidden directory
+ check_ignore = a
+ hidden_flag = False
+ path_depth = check_ignore.split('/')
+ for item in path_depth:
+ if item.startswith("."):
+ hidden_flag = True
+ break
+ if hidden_flag == True:
+ continue
+ #delete directory to be removed
+ if len(b) != 0:
+ for original_dir in b:
+ if original_dir.startswith("."):
+ continue
+ dir_for_checking = a + os.sep + original_dir
+ #check if directory to be removed
+ remove_dir = False
+ for item in file_set:
+ clear_item = make_clear_line(item, '', '/')
+ if dir_for_checking.find(clear_item) >= 0:
+ remove_dir = True
+ break
+ if remove_dir == True:
+ shutil.rmtree(dir_for_checking)
+ continue
+ if len(c)!=0:
+ #check all files
+ for original_file in c:
+ #we do not modify hidden files
+ if original_file.startswith("."):
+ continue
+ file_in_checking = a + os.sep + original_file
+ #remove the specialized file
+ delete_flag = False
+ for item in file_set:
+ if file_in_checking.find(item) >= 0:
+ os.remove(file_in_checking)
+ delete_flag = True
+ break
+ if delete_flag == True:
+ continue
+ remove_code(file_in_checking, feature_set, string_set)
+ print "\033[1;34;47m [info hint]\033[0m" + file_in_checking + "\033[1;34;47m done\033[0m"
+print "\033[1;35;48m [info hint]\033[0m" +"replace " + old_str + " with " + new_str + "\033[1;34;47m done\033[0m"
+for a,b,c in files:
+ #we do not modify hidden directory
+ check_ignore = a
+ hidden_flag = False
+ path_depth = check_ignore.split('/')
+ for item in path_depth:
+ if item.startswith("."):
+ hidden_flag = True
+ break
+ if hidden_flag == True:
+ continue
+ #start to replace org.tizen with org.tizen#
+ ## firstly, do file rename and content update##
+ if len(c) != 0:
+ for file_item in c:
+ if file_item.startswith("."):
+ continue
+ file_in_checking = a + os.sep + file_item
+ new_file_to_check = file_in_checking
+ #check if file need to be rename
+ new_file_name = replace_string(file_item, old_str, new_str)
+ if new_file_name != file_item:
+ new_file_to_check = a + os.sep + new_file_name
+ shutil.move(file_in_checking, new_file_to_check)
+ ## do content update
+ rename_operation(new_file_to_check)
+ if len(b) != 0:
+ for original_dir in b:
+ dir_in_checking = a + os.sep + original_dir
+ new_dir_to_check = dir_in_checking
+ #check if dir need to be rename
+ new_dir_name = replace_string(original_dir, old_str, new_str)
+ if new_dir_name != original_dir:
+ new_dir_to_check = a + os.sep + new_dir_name
+ shutil.move(dir_in_checking, new_dir_to_check)
+print "\033[1;34;47m [info hint] dir/file content modification done! \033[0m"