/* * ug-mobile-ap * * Copyright 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd * Licensed under the Flora License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://floralicense.org/license * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include #include "mh_func_onoff.h" static bool __get_vconf_prev_wifi_state() { int value = 0; if (vconf_get_bool(VCONF_MOBILE_AP_PREV_WIFI_STATUS, &value) < 0) { ERR("vconf_get_bool is failed\n"); return false; } DBG("%s : %d\n", VCONF_MOBILE_AP_PREV_WIFI_STATUS, value); return value ? true : false; } int _get_vconf_usb_state() { int value = VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_USB_DISCONNECTED; if (vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_USB_STATUS, &value) < 0) { ERR("vconf_get_int is failed\n"); return 0; } DBG("%s : %d\n", VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_USB_STATUS, value); return value; } static bool __is_connected_wifi_net(mh_appdata_t *ad) { connection_wifi_state_e wifi_state = CONNECTION_WIFI_STATE_DEACTIVATED; int ret; ret = connection_get_wifi_state(ad->conn_handle, &wifi_state); if (ret != CONNECTION_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("connection_get_wifi_state() is failed : %d\n"); return false; } if (wifi_state != CONNECTION_WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED) { ERR("Wi-Fi network is not connected : %d\n", wifi_state); return false; } DBG("Wi-Fi network is connected\n"); return true; } static bool __is_connected_ethernet_net(mh_appdata_t *ad) { connection_ethernet_state_e ethernet_state = CONNECTION_ETHERNET_STATE_DEACTIVATED; int ret; ret = connection_get_ethernet_state(ad->conn_handle, ðernet_state); if (ret != CONNECTION_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("connection_get_ethernet_state() is failed : %d\n"); return false; } if (ethernet_state != CONNECTION_ETHERNET_STATE_CONNECTED) { ERR("Ethernet network is not connected : %d\n", ethernet_state); return false; } DBG("Ethernet network is connected\n"); return true; } static bool __is_connected_cellular_net(mh_appdata_t *ad) { connection_cellular_state_e cellular_state = CONNECTION_CELLULAR_STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE; sim_state_e sim_state = SIM_STATE_UNAVAILABLE; int ret; /* Check SIM state */ ret = sim_get_state(&sim_state); if (ret != SIM_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("sim_get_state() is failed : %d\n", ret); _prepare_popup(MH_POP_INFORMATION, _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_INSERT_SIM_CARD_AND_RESTART_DEVICE_TO_USE_TETHERING")); _create_popup(ad); return false; } DBG("SIM State : %d\n", sim_state); if (sim_state != SIM_STATE_AVAILABLE) { _prepare_popup(MH_POP_INFORMATION, _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_INSERT_SIM_CARD_AND_RESTART_DEVICE_TO_USE_TETHERING")); _create_popup(ad); return false; } ret = connection_get_cellular_state(ad->conn_handle, &cellular_state); if (ret != CONNECTION_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("connection_get_cellular_state() is failed : %d\n"); return false; } if (cellular_state == CONNECTION_CELLULAR_STATE_FLIGHT_MODE) { _prepare_popup(MH_POP_INFORMATION_WO_BUTTON, _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_UNABLE_TO_USE_TETHERING_IN_FLIGHT_MODE_TO_USE_TETHERING_DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE")); _create_popup(ad); ERR("Cellular network is not connected\n"); return false; } else if (cellular_state != CONNECTION_CELLULAR_STATE_CONNECTED && cellular_state != CONNECTION_CELLULAR_STATE_AVAILABLE) { _prepare_popup(MH_POP_INFORMATION, _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_UNABLE_TO_USE_PACKET_DATA_SERVICE_OUT_OF_COVERAGE")); _create_popup(ad); ERR("Cellular network is not connected : %d\n", cellular_state); return false; } DBG("Cellular network is connected\n"); return true; } static int __create_wifi_hotspot_on_popup(mh_appdata_t *ad) { char *fmt; char *str; bool wifi_state = false; wifi_is_activated(&wifi_state); if (wifi_state == true || _is_wifi_direct_on() == true) fmt = _("IDS_ST_BODY_WI_FI_NETWORK_WILL_BE_DISCONNECTED_TETHERING_CONSUMES_MORE_BATTERY_POWER_AND_INCREASES_YOUR_DATA_USAGE_THE_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TETHERED_DEVICES_ALLOWED_IS_PD"); else fmt = _("IDS_ST_BODY_TETHERING_CONSUMES_MORE_BATTERY_POWER_AND_INCREASES_YOUR_DATA_USAGE_THE_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TETHERED_DEVICES_ALLOWED_IS_PD"); str = malloc(MH_LABEL_LENGTH_MAX); snprintf(str, MH_LABEL_LENGTH_MAX, fmt, TETHERING_WIFI_MAX_CONNECTED_STA); _prepare_popup(MH_POP_WIFI_ON_CONF, str); free(str); _create_popup(ad); return 0; } static int __create_bt_tethering_on_popup(mh_appdata_t *ad) { char *str; str = malloc(MH_LABEL_LENGTH_MAX); snprintf(str, MH_LABEL_LENGTH_MAX, _("IDS_ST_BODY_TETHERING_CONSUMES_MORE_BATTERY_POWER_AND_INCREASES_YOUR_DATA_USAGE_THE_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TETHERED_DEVICES_ALLOWED_IS_PD"), TETHERING_BT_MAX_CONNECTED_STA); _prepare_popup(MH_POP_BT_ON_CONF, str); free(str); _create_popup(ad); return 0; } static int __create_usb_tethering_on_popup(mh_appdata_t *ad) { char *str; str = _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_TETHERING_CONSUMES_MORE_BATTERY_POWER_AND_INCREASES_YOUR_DATA_USAGE"); _prepare_popup(MH_POP_USB_ON_CONF, str); _create_popup(ad); return 0; } static void __disable_tethering_by_ind(mh_appdata_t *ad, tethering_disabled_cause_e cause) { if (ad == NULL) { ERR("Param is NULL\n"); return; } DBG("cause : %d\n", cause); switch (cause) { case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_WIFI_ON: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_IND by WIFI\n"); break; case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_BT_OFF: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_BT_DEACTIVATION\n"); break; case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_USB_DISCONNECTION: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_IND by USB DISCONNECT\n"); break; case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_FLIGHT_MODE: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_IND by FLIGHT_MODE\n"); break; case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_TIMEOUT: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_TIMEOUT\n"); break; case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_OTHERS: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_IND by OTHERS\n"); break; case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_LOW_BATTERY: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_IND by LOW_BATTERY\n"); break; case TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_MDM_ON: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_IND by MDM\n"); break; default: DBG("TETHERING_DISABLED_IND Default\n"); break; } return; } static void __recover_wifi_station_mode(void) { DBG("+\n"); if (__get_vconf_prev_wifi_state() == false) { DBG("No need to recover wifi station mode\n"); return; } if (_turn_on_wifi() != 0) ERR("_turn_on_wifi is failed\n"); if (vconf_set_bool(VCONF_MOBILE_AP_PREV_WIFI_STATUS, 0) < 0) ERR("vconf_set_bool failed\n"); return; } /* Wi-Fi Direct callback */ static void _wifi_direct_state_cb(int error_code, wifi_direct_device_state_e state, void *user_data) { DBG("+\n"); if (user_data == NULL) { ERR("The param is NULL\n"); return; } mh_appdata_t *ad = (mh_appdata_t *)user_data; int ret = 0; wifi_direct_unset_device_state_changed_cb(); wifi_direct_deinitialize(); DBG("-\n"); if (error_code != 0) { ERR("wifi_direct_deactivate fail in cb : %d\n", error_code); _update_main_view(ad); return; } if (state != WIFI_DIRECT_DEVICE_STATE_DEACTIVATED) { ERR("Unknown state : %d\n", state); return; } ret = tethering_enable(ad->handle, TETHERING_TYPE_WIFI); if (ret != TETHERING_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("wifi tethering on is failed : %d\n", ret); _update_main_view(ad); return; } DBG("-\n"); return; } /* Wi-Fi callbacks */ static void __wifi_activated_cb(wifi_error_e result, void *user_data) { __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_ENTER__; DBG("Wi-Fi on is done\n"); __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_EXIT__; return; } static void __wifi_deactivated_cb(wifi_error_e result, void *user_data) { __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_ENTER__; if (user_data == NULL) { ERR("The param is NULL\n"); return; } mh_appdata_t *ad = (mh_appdata_t *)user_data; int ret; if (result != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("__wifi_deactivated_cb error : %d\n", result); _update_main_view(ad); return; } DBG("Wi-Fi is turned off\n"); ret = vconf_set_bool(VCONF_MOBILE_AP_PREV_WIFI_STATUS, 1); if (ret < 0) ERR("vconf_set_bool() is failed : %d\n", ret); ret = tethering_enable(ad->handle, TETHERING_TYPE_WIFI); if (ret != TETHERING_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("wifi tethering on is failed : %d\n", ret); _update_main_view(ad); return; } __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_EXIT__; return; } /* Tethering callbacks */ void _enabled_cb(tethering_error_e result, tethering_type_e type, bool is_requested, void *user_data) { if (user_data == NULL) { ERR("user_data is NULL\n"); return; } mh_appdata_t *ad = (mh_appdata_t *)user_data; ad->main.need_recover_wifi_tethering = false; if (!is_requested) { if (NULL != ad->popup) { evas_object_del(ad->popup); ad->popup = NULL; } _update_main_view(ad); return; } if (result != TETHERING_ERROR_NONE) { _prepare_popup(MH_POP_INFORMATION, _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_UNABLE_TO_USE_TETHERING")); _create_popup(ad); } _update_main_view(ad); return; } void _disabled_cb(tethering_error_e result, tethering_type_e type, tethering_disabled_cause_e cause, void *user_data) { if (user_data == NULL) { ERR("user_data is NULL\n"); return; } mh_appdata_t *ad = (mh_appdata_t *)user_data; if (ad->main.need_recover_wifi_tethering == true) { DBG("Wi-Fi tethering will be turned on again\n"); return; } if (cause != TETHERING_DISABLED_BY_REQUEST) { DBG("Tethering [%d] is disabled because of [%d]\n", type, cause); if (NULL != ad->popup) { evas_object_del(ad->popup); ad->popup = NULL; } _update_main_view(ad); __disable_tethering_by_ind(ad, cause); return; } if (result != TETHERING_ERROR_NONE) { _prepare_popup(MH_POP_INFORMATION, _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_UNABLE_TO_USE_TETHERING")); _create_popup(ad); _update_main_view(ad); return; } DBG("Tethering [%d] is disabled by reqeust\n", type); if (type == TETHERING_TYPE_WIFI) { __recover_wifi_station_mode(); } _update_main_view(ad); return; } void _connection_changed_cb(tethering_client_h client, bool is_opened, void *user_data) { if (user_data == NULL) { ERR("user_data is NULL\n"); return; } mh_appdata_t *ad = (mh_appdata_t *)user_data; char *name = NULL; tethering_client_get_name(client, &name); DBG("Client %s is %s\n", name, is_opened ? "connected" : "disconnected"); if (name) free(name); ap_update_data_device(ad); return; } void _data_usage_cb(tethering_error_e result, unsigned long long received_data, unsigned long long sent_data, void *user_data) { if (user_data == NULL) { ERR("user_data is NULL\n"); return; } mh_appdata_t *ad = (mh_appdata_t *)user_data; if (ad->data_statistics.pdp_total_sent != sent_data || ad->data_statistics.pdp_total_receive != received_data) { ad->data_statistics.pdp_total_sent = sent_data; ad->data_statistics.pdp_total_receive = received_data; ap_update_data_packet_usage(ad); } ad->data_statistics.is_updated = true; return; } /* End of Tethering callbacks */ int _handle_wifi_onoff_change(mh_appdata_t *ad) { __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_ENTER__; int ret; int connected_wifi_clients = 0; /* Turn off WiFi hotspot */ if (ad->main.hotspot_mode & VCONFKEY_MOBILE_HOTSPOT_MODE_WIFI) { if (_get_no_of_connected_device(ad->handle, &connected_wifi_clients, TETHERING_TYPE_WIFI) == FALSE) { ERR("Getting the number of connected device is failed\n"); } if (connected_wifi_clients > 0) { _prepare_popup(MH_POP_WIFI_OFF_CONF, _("IDS_MOBILEAP_POP_DISABLING_TETHERING_WILL_PREVENT_LINKED_DEVICES_FROM_ACCESSING_THE_INTERNET_CONTINUE_Q")); _create_popup(ad); } else { ret = tethering_disable(ad->handle, TETHERING_TYPE_WIFI); if (ret != TETHERING_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("wifi tethering off is failed : %d\n", ret); return -1; } } return 0; } /* Turn on WiFi hotspot */ if (!__is_connected_ethernet_net(ad) && !__is_connected_cellular_net(ad)) { ERR("There is no connected network\n"); return -1; } if (__create_wifi_hotspot_on_popup(ad) < 0) { ERR("__create_wifi_hotspot_on_popup fail\n"); return -1; } __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_EXIT__; return 0; } int _handle_bt_onoff_change(mh_appdata_t *ad) { __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_ENTER__; int ret; /* Turn off Bluetooth tethering */ if (ad->main.hotspot_mode & VCONFKEY_MOBILE_HOTSPOT_MODE_BT) { ret = tethering_disable(ad->handle, TETHERING_TYPE_BT); if (ret) { ERR("Error disable bt tethering [%d]\n", ret); return -1; } return 0; } /* Turn on Bluetooth tethering */ if (!__is_connected_ethernet_net(ad) && !__is_connected_wifi_net(ad) && !__is_connected_cellular_net(ad)) { ERR("There is no connected network\n"); return -1; } if (__create_bt_tethering_on_popup(ad) < 0) { ERR("__create_bt_tethering_on_popup fail\n"); return -1; } __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_EXIT__; return 0; } int _handle_usb_onoff_change(mh_appdata_t *ad) { __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_ENTER__; int ret; /* Turn off USB tethering */ if (ad->main.hotspot_mode & VCONFKEY_MOBILE_HOTSPOT_MODE_USB) { ret = tethering_disable(ad->handle, TETHERING_TYPE_USB); if (ret) { DBG("Error disable usb tethering : %d\n", ret); return -1; } return 0; } /* Turn on USB tethering */ if (!__is_connected_ethernet_net(ad) && !__is_connected_wifi_net(ad) && !__is_connected_cellular_net(ad)) { ERR("There is no connected network\n"); return -1; } if (__create_usb_tethering_on_popup(ad) < 0) { ERR("__create_usb_tethering_on_popup fail\n"); return -1; } __MOBILE_AP_FUNC_EXIT__; return 0; } int _turn_off_wifi(mh_appdata_t *ad) { int ret; ret = wifi_deactivate(__wifi_deactivated_cb, (void *)ad); if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("wifi_deactivate() is failed : %d\n", ret); return -1; } return 0; } int _turn_on_wifi(void) { int ret; ret = wifi_activate(__wifi_activated_cb, NULL); if (ret != WIFI_ERROR_NONE) { ERR("wifi_activate() is failed : %d\n", ret); return -1; } return 0; } bool _is_wifi_direct_on(void) { int wifi_direct_state = 0; int ret; ret = vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_WIFI_DIRECT_STATE, &wifi_direct_state); if (ret < 0) { ERR("vconf_get_int() is failed : %d\n", ret); return false; } return wifi_direct_state != 0 ? true : false; } int _turn_off_wifi_direct(mh_appdata_t *ad) { int ret; ret = wifi_direct_initialize(); if (ret < 0) { ERR("wifi_direct_initialize() is failed : %d\n", ret); return -1; } ret = wifi_direct_set_device_state_changed_cb(_wifi_direct_state_cb, (void *)ad); if (ret < 0) { ERR("wifi_direct_set_device_state_changed_cb() is failed : %d\n", ret); ret = wifi_direct_deinitialize(); DBG("wifi_direct_deinitialize() ret : %d\n", ret); return -1; } ret = wifi_direct_deactivate(); if (ret < 0) { ERR("wifi_direct_deactivate() is failed : %d\n", ret); ret = wifi_direct_unset_device_state_changed_cb(); DBG("wifi_direct_unset_device_state_changed_cb() ret : %d\n", ret); ret = wifi_direct_deinitialize(); DBG("wifi_direct_deinitialize() ret : %d\n", ret); return -1; } return 0; }