path: root/widget/src/scissorbox/ScissorBox.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'widget/src/scissorbox/ScissorBox.cpp')
1 files changed, 1727 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/widget/src/scissorbox/ScissorBox.cpp b/widget/src/scissorbox/ScissorBox.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6472842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widget/src/scissorbox/ScissorBox.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1727 @@
+ * Copyright 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Flora License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "ScissorBox.h"
+#undef LOG_LVL
+#undef LOG_CAT
+#define IMAGE_PATH PREFIX"/res/images/"PACKAGE
+#define CROP_POT_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/scissorbox/T01_CallerID_normal.png"
+#define CROP_POT_HOLD_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/scissorbox/T01_CallerID_hold.png"
+#define CROP_POT_PRESS_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/scissorbox/T01_CallerID_press.png"
+#define CROP_LINEW_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/scissorbox/T01_CallerID_line_W.png"
+#define CROP_LINEH_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/scissorbox/T01_CallerID_line_h.png"
+#define CROP_LINEW_PRESS_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/scissorbox/T01_CallerID_line_W_press.png"
+#define CROP_LINEH_PRESS_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/scissorbox/T01_CallerID_line_h_press.png"
+#define DEFAULT_POT_NUM (4)
+#define DEFAULT_DIM_BG_ALPHA (102)
+class CSelectBox {
+ enum eState {
+ };
+ enum eGripType {
+ GRIP_LEFT = (1 << 0),
+ GRIP_RIGHT = (1 << 1),
+ GRIP_TOP = (1 << 2),
+ GRIP_BOTTOM = (1 << 3),
+ };
+ CSelectBox() : m_state(NORMAL), m_ratio(0.0f), m_bPreserve(false), m_rect(), m_bound(0,0,720,1280)
+ {
+ };
+ virtual ~CSelectBox() {};
+ virtual void Create(Evas_Object *obj) {};
+ virtual void Move(int x, int y) {
+ m_rect.Left(x);
+ m_rect.Top(y);
+ };
+ virtual void Resize(int w, int h){
+ MSG_HIGH("Box resized %dx%d ratio=%f", w, h, m_ratio);
+ m_rect.Width(w);
+ if ( m_bPreserve == true )
+ {
+ m_rect.Height(w * m_ratio);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_rect.Height(h);
+ }
+ };
+ virtual void SetState(eState state) {
+ m_state = state;
+ };
+ virtual eState GetState() const {
+ return m_state;
+ };
+ virtual void SetRatio(double ratio) {
+ m_bPreserve = true;
+ m_ratio = ratio; // h / w
+ };
+ virtual double GetRatio() const {
+ if ( m_bPreserve == true )
+ return m_ratio;
+ return 0.0f;
+ };
+ virtual void SetBound(const CRect &rect)
+ {
+ m_bound = rect;
+ }
+ virtual const CRect &GetBound() const { return m_bound; };
+ virtual const CRect &GetRegion() const { return m_rect; };
+ virtual void Draw() = 0;
+ eState m_state;
+ double m_ratio;
+ bool m_bPreserve;
+ CRect m_rect;
+ CRect m_bound;
+class CBox : public CSelectBox {
+ const int SHADOW_DEPTH;
+ const int EVENT_GRIP_SIZE;
+ const CSize POT_SIZE;
+ static void _line_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {};
+ static void _line_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {};
+ static void _pot_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox *pBox = (CBox *)data;
+// Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnGripMouseDown();
+ };
+ static void _pot_mouse_move(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ CBox *pBox = (CBox *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *) event_info;
+ eGripType grip = static_cast<eGripType> (reinterpret_cast<int> (evas_object_data_get(obj, "grip_type")));
+ if ( ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("On Hold");
+ }
+ if ( ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_SCROLL )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("On Scroller");
+ }
+ pBox->OnGripMouseMove(grip, ev->prev.output.x, ev->prev.output.y, ev->cur.output.x, ev->cur.output.y);
+ };
+ static void _pot_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox *pBox = (CBox *)data;
+// Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnGripMouseUp();
+ };
+ static void _selector_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox *pBox = (CBox *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnMouseDown(ev->output.x, ev->output.y);
+ };
+ static void _selector_mouse_move(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox *pBox = (CBox *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *) event_info;
+ MSG_LOW("(%d,%d) --> (%d,%d)", ev->cur.output.x, ev->cur.output.y, ev->prev.output.x, ev->prev.output.y);
+ pBox->OnMouseMove(ev->prev.output.x, ev->prev.output.y, ev->cur.output.x, ev->cur.output.y);
+ };
+ static void _selector_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox *pBox = (CBox *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnMouseUp(ev->output.x, ev->output.y);
+ };
+ CBox() : CSelectBox(), SHADOW_DEPTH(4), EVENT_GRIP_SIZE(60), POT_SIZE(18,18), m_bMouseDown(false), m_bGripMouseDown(false) { };
+ virtual ~CBox() {
+ MSG_HIGH("Remove CBox");
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ evas_object_del(selector_line[i]);
+ evas_object_del(selector_pot[i]);
+ evas_object_del(event_pot[i]);
+ }
+ evas_object_del(center);
+ };
+ void OnMouseDown(int x, int y)
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Mouse down XY(%d,%d)", x, y);
+ SetState(PRESS);
+ m_bMouseDown = true;
+ }
+ void OnMouseMove(int px, int py, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ // Inform changes to parent.
+ if ( m_bMouseDown == false ) return;
+ int dx, dy;
+ dx = cx - px;
+ dy = cy - py;
+ MSG_HIGH("Mouse move XY(%d,%d) -> XY(%d,%d)", px, py, cx, cy);
+ if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
+ return;
+ };
+ if ( m_rect.Left() + dx < m_bound.Left() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Left bound");
+ dx = m_bound.Left() - m_rect.Left();
+ }
+ if ( m_rect.Right() + dx > m_bound.Right() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Right bound");
+ dx = m_bound.Right() - m_rect.Right();
+ }
+ if ( m_rect.Top() + dy < m_bound.Top() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Top bound");
+ dy = m_bound.Top() - m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ if ( m_rect.Bottom() + dy > m_bound.Bottom() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Bottom bound");
+ dy = m_bound.Bottom() - m_rect.Bottom();
+ }
+ // Move rect
+ m_rect.MoveBy(dx, dy);
+ evas_object_smart_changed(evas_object_smart_parent_get(center));
+ }
+ void OnMouseUp(int x, int y)
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Mouse up XY(%d,%d)", x, y);
+ SetState(NORMAL);
+ m_bMouseDown = false;
+// evas_object_smart_callback_call(sd->obj, SIG_CHANGED, NULL);
+ }
+ void OnGripMouseUp()
+ {
+ m_bGripMouseDown = false;
+ SetState(NORMAL);
+ }
+ void OnGripMouseDown()
+ {
+ m_bGripMouseDown = true;
+ SetState(HOLD);
+ }
+ void OnGripMouseMove(eGripType grip, int px, int py, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ if ( m_bGripMouseDown == false ) return;
+ int dx = cx - px;
+ int dy = cy - py;
+ if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
+ return;
+ };
+ if ( GetRatio() != 0.0f )
+ {
+ _GripMovePreserve(grip, dx, dy);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _GripMove(grip, dx, dy);
+ }
+ MSG_HIGH("New Rect %d,%d,%d,%d", m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top(), m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height());
+ evas_object_smart_changed(evas_object_smart_parent_get(center));
+ }
+ virtual void SetState(eState state) {
+ CSelectBox::SetState(state);
+ _LoadImage();
+ };
+ void _GripMove(eGripType grip, int dx, int dy) {
+ const int min_size = EVENT_GRIP_SIZE;
+ CRect rect = m_rect;
+ int X1 = rect.Left(), Y1 = rect.Top() ,X2 = rect.Right(), Y2 = rect.Bottom();
+ if ( grip & GRIP_LEFT )
+ {
+ X1 = rect.Left() + dx;
+ if ( X1 < m_bound.Left() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Left bound");
+ X1 = m_bound.Left();
+ }
+ if ( rect.Width() - dx < min_size )
+ {
+ X1 = rect.Right() - min_size;
+ MSG_HIGH("X1 = %d (%d,%d)", X1, rect.Left(), rect.Right());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( grip & GRIP_TOP )
+ {
+ Y1 = rect.Top() + dy;
+ if ( Y1 < m_bound.Top() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Top bound");
+ Y1 = m_bound.Top();
+ }
+ if ( rect.Height() - dy < min_size )
+ {
+ Y1 = rect.Bottom() - min_size;
+ MSG_HIGH("Y1 = %d B=%d", Y1, rect.Bottom());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( grip & GRIP_RIGHT )
+ {
+ X2 = rect.Right() + dx;
+ if ( X2 > m_bound.Right() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Right bound");
+ X2 = m_bound.Right() ;
+ }
+ if ( rect.Width() + dx < min_size )
+ {
+ X2 = rect.Left() + min_size;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( grip & GRIP_BOTTOM )
+ {
+ Y2 = rect.Bottom() + dy;
+ if ( Y2 > m_bound.Bottom() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Bottom bound");
+ Y2 = m_bound.Bottom();
+ }
+ if ( rect.Height() + dy < min_size )
+ {
+ Y2 = rect.Top() + min_size;
+ }
+ }
+ m_rect = CRect(X1, Y1, X2 - X1, Y2 - Y1);
+ };
+ void _GripMovePreserve(eGripType grip, int dx, int dy) {
+ const int min_size = EVENT_GRIP_SIZE;
+ CRect rect = m_rect;
+ int X,Y,W,H;
+ double ratio = GetRatio();
+ MSG_HIGH("Dx=%d Dy=%d Ratio=%f", dx, dy, ratio);
+ enum eDominantDirection
+ {
+ Direction_X,
+ Direction_Y
+ } ;
+ eDominantDirection dir = Direction_X;
+ int mov_dist;
+ if(abs(dx) < abs(dy))
+ {
+ dir = Direction_Y;
+ mov_dist = dy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mov_dist = dx;
+ }
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_LEFT) && (grip & GRIP_TOP) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() - mov_dist;
+ H = W * ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() - mov_dist;
+ W = H / ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_RIGHT) && (grip & GRIP_TOP) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() + mov_dist;
+ H = W * ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() - mov_dist;
+ W = H / ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_RIGHT) && (grip & GRIP_BOTTOM) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() + mov_dist;
+ H = W * ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() + mov_dist;
+ W = H / ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_LEFT) && (grip & GRIP_BOTTOM) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() - mov_dist;
+ H = W * ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() + mov_dist;
+ W = H / ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( W < min_size || H < min_size)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( X < m_bound.Left() || Y < m_bound.Top() ||
+ X + W > m_bound.Right() || Y+H > m_bound.Bottom() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_rect = CRect(X,Y,W,H);
+ }
+ void _LoadImage() {
+ const char *line_w;
+ const char *line_h;
+ const char *pot;
+ if ( GetState() == NORMAL )
+ {
+ line_w = CROP_LINEW_PATH;
+ line_h = CROP_LINEH_PATH;
+ pot = CROP_POT_PATH;
+ }
+ else if ( GetState() == PRESS )
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( GetState() == HOLD )
+ {
+ line_w = CROP_LINEW_PATH;
+ line_h = CROP_LINEH_PATH;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MSG_FATAL("Invalid state");
+ return;
+ }
+ Evas_Load_Error err;
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ if(i % 2) // 1, 3
+ {
+ evas_object_image_file_set(selector_line[i], line_w, NULL);
+ err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(selector_line[i]);
+ if (err != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("could not load image '%s'. %s", line_w, evas_load_error_str(err));
+ }
+ }
+ else // 0, 2
+ {
+ evas_object_image_file_set(selector_line[i], line_h, NULL);
+ err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(selector_line[i]);
+ if (err != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("could not load image '%s'. %s", line_h, evas_load_error_str(err));
+ }
+ }
+ evas_object_show(selector_line[i]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ evas_object_image_file_set(selector_pot[i], pot, NULL);
+ err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(selector_line[i]);
+ if (err != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("could not load image '%s'. %s", pot, evas_load_error_str(err));
+ }
+ evas_object_image_scale_hint_set(selector_pot[i], EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC);
+ evas_object_show(selector_pot[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ void Create(Evas_Object *obj) {
+ Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(obj);
+ center = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
+ evas_object_color_set(center, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(center, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _selector_mouse_down, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(center, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _selector_mouse_up, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(center, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _selector_mouse_move, this);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(center, obj);
+ evas_object_show(center);
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ selector_line[i] = evas_object_image_filled_add(e);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(selector_line[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _line_mouse_down, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(selector_line[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _line_mouse_up, this);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(selector_line[i], obj);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ /* Create image icon (pot) */
+ selector_pot[i] = evas_object_image_filled_add(e);
+ evas_object_image_scale_hint_set(selector_pot[i], EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(selector_pot[i], obj);
+ /* Create event object above image icon (pot) */
+ event_pot[i] = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
+ evas_object_color_set(event_pot[i], 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(event_pot[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _pot_mouse_down, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(event_pot[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _pot_mouse_up, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(event_pot[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _pot_mouse_move, this);
+ evas_object_resize(event_pot[i], EVENT_GRIP_SIZE, EVENT_GRIP_SIZE);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(event_pot[i], obj);
+ evas_object_show(event_pot[i]);
+ }
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[0], "grip_type",(void *)(GRIP_LEFT | GRIP_TOP));
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[1], "grip_type",(void *)(GRIP_RIGHT | GRIP_TOP));
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[2], "grip_type",(void *)(GRIP_RIGHT | GRIP_BOTTOM));
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[3], "grip_type",(void *)(GRIP_LEFT | GRIP_BOTTOM));
+ _LoadImage();
+ };
+ void Draw() {
+// Check bound.
+ if ( m_bound.Inside(m_rect) == false )
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("Out of bound region. Rect(%d,%d,%d,%d) Bound(%d,%d,%d,%d)", m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top(), m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height(),
+ m_bound.Left(), m_bound.Top(), m_bound.Width(), m_bound.Height());
+ // Reset Rect
+ }
+ evas_object_move(center, m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top());
+ evas_object_resize(center, m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height());
+ // Horizontal
+ evas_object_move(selector_line[0], m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top());
+ evas_object_resize(selector_line[0], m_rect.Width() , 8);
+ evas_object_move(selector_line[2], m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Bottom() - (SHADOW_DEPTH / 2));
+ evas_object_resize(selector_line[2], m_rect.Width() , 8);
+ // Vertical
+ evas_object_move(selector_line[1], m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top());
+ evas_object_resize(selector_line[1], 8, m_rect.Height() );
+ evas_object_move(selector_line[3], m_rect.Right() - (SHADOW_DEPTH / 2), m_rect.Top());
+ evas_object_resize(selector_line[3], 8, m_rect.Height());
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[0], m_rect.Left() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2), m_rect.Top() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2));
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[1], m_rect.Right() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2), m_rect.Top() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2));
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[2], m_rect.Right() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2), m_rect.Bottom() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2));
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[3], m_rect.Left() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2), m_rect.Bottom() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2));
+ // Pot
+ int w, h;
+ w = POT_SIZE.Width();
+ h = POT_SIZE.Height();
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[0], m_rect.Left() - 4, m_rect.Top() - 4 );
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[0], w, h);
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[1], m_rect.Right() - 8, m_rect.Top() - 4 );
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[1], w, h);
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[2], m_rect.Right() - 8, m_rect.Bottom() - 8);
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[2], w, h);
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[3], m_rect.Left() - 4, m_rect.Bottom() - 8);
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[3], w, h);
+ };
+ Evas_Object *selector_line[4];
+ Evas_Object *event_pot[4];
+ Evas_Object *selector_pot[4];
+ Evas_Object *center;
+ bool m_bMouseDown;
+ bool m_bGripMouseDown;
+#define CROP_SELECT_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/crop/T06_selection.png"
+#define CROP_RESIZE_H_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/crop/T06_selection_Resizing_h.png"
+#define CROP_RESIZE_W_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/crop/T06_selection_Resizing_V.png"
+#define CROP_ROTATE_PATH IMAGE_PATH"/crop/T06_selection_Rotate.png"
+class CBox1 : public CSelectBox {
+ const int EVENT_GRIP_SIZE;
+ const CSize POT_SIZE;
+ static void _line_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {};
+ static void _line_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {};
+ static void _pot_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox1 *pBox = (CBox1 *)data;
+// Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnGripMouseDown();
+ };
+ static void _pot_mouse_move(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ CBox1 *pBox = (CBox1 *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *) event_info;
+ eGripType grip = static_cast<eGripType> (reinterpret_cast<int> (evas_object_data_get(obj, "grip_type")));
+ if ( ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("On Hold");
+ }
+ if ( ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_SCROLL )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("On Scroller");
+ }
+ pBox->OnGripMouseMove(grip, ev->prev.output.x, ev->prev.output.y, ev->cur.output.x, ev->cur.output.y);
+ };
+ static void _pot_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox1 *pBox = (CBox1 *)data;
+// Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnGripMouseUp();
+ };
+ static void _selector_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox1 *pBox = (CBox1 *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnMouseDown(ev->output.x, ev->output.y);
+ };
+ static void _selector_mouse_move(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox1 *pBox = (CBox1 *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *) event_info;
+ MSG_LOW("(%d,%d) --> (%d,%d)", ev->cur.output.x, ev->cur.output.y, ev->prev.output.x, ev->prev.output.y);
+ pBox->OnMouseMove(ev->prev.output.x, ev->prev.output.y, ev->cur.output.x, ev->cur.output.y);
+ };
+ static void _selector_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
+ CBox1 *pBox = (CBox1 *)data;
+ Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *) event_info;
+ pBox->OnMouseUp(ev->output.x, ev->output.y);
+ };
+ CBox1() : CSelectBox(), EVENT_GRIP_SIZE(60), POT_SIZE(56,56), m_bMouseDown(false), m_bGripMouseDown(false) { };
+ virtual ~CBox1() {
+ MSG_HIGH("Remove CBox1");
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ evas_object_del(selector_pot[i]);
+ evas_object_del(event_pot[i]);
+ }
+ evas_object_del(this->sel_rotate);
+ evas_object_del(select_rect);
+ };
+ void OnMouseDown(int x, int y)
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Mouse down XY(%d,%d)", x, y);
+ SetState(PRESS);
+ m_bMouseDown = true;
+ }
+ void OnMouseMove(int px, int py, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ // Inform changes to parent.
+ if ( m_bMouseDown == false ) return;
+ int dx, dy;
+ dx = cx - px;
+ dy = cy - py;
+ MSG_HIGH("Mouse move XY(%d,%d) -> XY(%d,%d)", px, py, cx, cy);
+ if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
+ return;
+ };
+ if ( m_rect.Left() + dx < m_bound.Left() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Left bound");
+ dx = m_bound.Left() - m_rect.Left();
+ }
+ if ( m_rect.Right() + dx > m_bound.Right() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Right bound");
+ dx = m_bound.Right() - m_rect.Right();
+ }
+ if ( m_rect.Top() + dy < m_bound.Top() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Top bound");
+ dy = m_bound.Top() - m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ if ( m_rect.Bottom() + dy > m_bound.Bottom() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Bottom bound");
+ dy = m_bound.Bottom() - m_rect.Bottom();
+ }
+ // Move rect
+ m_rect.MoveBy(dx, dy);
+ evas_object_smart_changed(evas_object_smart_parent_get(select_rect));
+ }
+ void OnMouseUp(int x, int y)
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Mouse up XY(%d,%d)", x, y);
+ SetState(NORMAL);
+ m_bMouseDown = false;
+// evas_object_smart_callback_call(sd->obj, SIG_CHANGED, NULL);
+ }
+ void OnGripMouseUp()
+ {
+ m_bGripMouseDown = false;
+ SetState(NORMAL);
+ }
+ void OnGripMouseDown()
+ {
+ m_bGripMouseDown = true;
+ SetState(HOLD);
+ }
+ void OnGripMouseMove(eGripType grip, int px, int py, int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ if ( m_bGripMouseDown == false ) return;
+ int dx = cx - px;
+ int dy = cy - py;
+ if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
+ return;
+ };
+ if ( GetRatio() != 0.0f )
+ {
+ _GripMovePreserve(grip, dx, dy);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _GripMove(grip, dx, dy);
+ }
+ MSG_HIGH("New Rect %d,%d,%d,%d", m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top(), m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height());
+ evas_object_smart_changed(evas_object_smart_parent_get(select_rect));
+ }
+ void _GripMove(eGripType grip, int dx, int dy) {
+ const int min_size = EVENT_GRIP_SIZE;
+ CRect rect = m_rect;
+ int X1 = rect.Left(), Y1 = rect.Top() ,X2 = rect.Right(), Y2 = rect.Bottom();
+ if ( grip & GRIP_LEFT )
+ {
+ X1 = rect.Left() + dx;
+ if ( X1 < m_bound.Left() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Left bound");
+ X1 = m_bound.Left();
+ }
+ if ( rect.Width() - dx < min_size )
+ {
+ X1 = rect.Right() - min_size;
+ MSG_HIGH("X1 = %d (%d,%d)", X1, rect.Left(), rect.Right());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( grip & GRIP_TOP )
+ {
+ Y1 = rect.Top() + dy;
+ if ( Y1 < m_bound.Top() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Top bound");
+ Y1 = m_bound.Top();
+ }
+ if ( rect.Height() - dy < min_size )
+ {
+ Y1 = rect.Bottom() - min_size;
+ MSG_HIGH("Y1 = %d B=%d", Y1, rect.Bottom());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( grip & GRIP_RIGHT )
+ {
+ X2 = rect.Right() + dx;
+ if ( X2 > m_bound.Right() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Right bound");
+ X2 = m_bound.Right() ;
+ }
+ if ( rect.Width() + dx < min_size )
+ {
+ X2 = rect.Left() + min_size;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( grip & GRIP_BOTTOM )
+ {
+ Y2 = rect.Bottom() + dy;
+ if ( Y2 > m_bound.Bottom() )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Bottom bound");
+ Y2 = m_bound.Bottom();
+ }
+ if ( rect.Height() + dy < min_size )
+ {
+ Y2 = rect.Top() + min_size;
+ }
+ }
+ m_rect = CRect(X1, Y1, X2 - X1, Y2 - Y1);
+ };
+ void _GripMovePreserve(eGripType grip, int dx, int dy) {
+ const int min_size = EVENT_GRIP_SIZE;
+ CRect rect = m_rect;
+ int X,Y,W,H;
+ double ratio = GetRatio();
+ MSG_HIGH("Dx=%d Dy=%d Ratio=%f", dx, dy, ratio);
+ enum eDominantDirection
+ {
+ Direction_X,
+ Direction_Y
+ } ;
+ eDominantDirection dir = Direction_X;
+ int mov_dist;
+ if(abs(dx) < abs(dy))
+ {
+ dir = Direction_Y;
+ mov_dist = dy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mov_dist = dx;
+ }
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_LEFT) || (grip & GRIP_TOP) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() - mov_dist;
+ H = W * ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() - mov_dist;
+ W = H / ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_RIGHT) || (grip & GRIP_BOTTOM) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() + mov_dist;
+ H = W * ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() + mov_dist;
+ W = H / ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_RIGHT) && (grip & GRIP_TOP) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() + mov_dist;
+ H = W * m_ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() - mov_dist;
+ W = H / m_ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Left();
+ Y = m_rect.Bottom() - H;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (grip & GRIP_LEFT) && (grip & GRIP_BOTTOM) )
+ {
+ if ( dir == Direction_X )
+ {
+ W = rect.Width() - mov_dist;
+ H = W * m_ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ H = rect.Height() + mov_dist;
+ W = H / m_ratio;
+ X = m_rect.Right() - W;
+ Y = m_rect.Top();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( W < min_size || H < min_size)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( X < m_bound.Left() || Y < m_bound.Top() ||
+ X + W > m_bound.Right() || Y+H > m_bound.Bottom() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_rect = CRect(X,Y,W,H);
+ }
+ void _LoadImage() {
+ Evas_Load_Error err;
+ evas_object_image_file_set(select_rect, CROP_SELECT_PATH, NULL);
+ err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(select_rect);
+ if (err != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("could not load image '%s'. %s", CROP_SELECT_PATH, evas_load_error_str(err));
+ }
+ evas_object_image_border_set(select_rect, 19, 18, 18, 18);
+ evas_object_show(select_rect);
+ const char *szPot[] = {
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ evas_object_image_file_set(selector_pot[i], szPot[i], NULL);
+ err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(selector_pot[i]);
+ if (err != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("could not load image '%s'. %s", szPot[i], evas_load_error_str(err));
+ }
+ evas_object_image_scale_hint_set(selector_pot[i], EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC);
+ evas_object_show(selector_pot[i]);
+ }
+ /*evas_object_image_file_set(sel_rotate, CROP_ROTATE_PATH, NULL);
+ err = evas_object_image_load_error_get(sel_rotate);
+ if (err != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("could not load image '%s'. %s", CROP_ROTATE_PATH, evas_load_error_str(err));
+ }
+ evas_object_image_scale_hint_set(sel_rotate, EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC);
+ evas_object_show(sel_rotate);*/
+ };
+ virtual void SetState(eState state) {
+ CSelectBox::SetState(state);
+ _LoadImage();
+ };
+ void Create(Evas_Object *obj) {
+ Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(obj);
+ select_rect = evas_object_image_filled_add(e);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(select_rect, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _selector_mouse_down, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(select_rect, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _selector_mouse_up, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(select_rect, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _selector_mouse_move, this);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(select_rect, obj);
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ /* Create image icon (pot) */
+ selector_pot[i] = evas_object_image_filled_add(e);
+ evas_object_image_scale_hint_set(selector_pot[i], EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(selector_pot[i], obj);
+ /* Create event object above image icon (pot) */
+ event_pot[i] = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
+ evas_object_color_set(event_pot[i], 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(event_pot[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _pot_mouse_down, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(event_pot[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _pot_mouse_up, this);
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(event_pot[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _pot_mouse_move, this);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(event_pot[i], obj);
+ evas_object_show(event_pot[i]);
+ }
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[0], "grip_type",(void *)GRIP_LEFT);
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[1], "grip_type",(void *)GRIP_RIGHT);
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[2], "grip_type",(void *)GRIP_TOP);
+ evas_object_data_set(event_pot[3], "grip_type",(void *)GRIP_BOTTOM);
+ sel_rotate = evas_object_image_filled_add(e);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(sel_rotate, obj);
+ _LoadImage();
+ };
+ void Draw() {
+// Check bound.
+ if ( m_bound.Inside(m_rect) == false )
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("Out of bound region. Rect(%d,%d,%d,%d) Bound(%d,%d,%d,%d)", m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top(), m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height(),
+ m_bound.Left(), m_bound.Top(), m_bound.Width(), m_bound.Height());
+ }
+ MSG_HIGH("Rect. %d,%d,%d,%d", m_rect.Left(), m_rect.Top(), m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height());
+ const int margin_l = -10;
+ const int margin_r = -1;
+ const int margin_t = -1;
+ const int margin_b = -9;
+ int mx, my, mw, mh;
+ mx = m_rect.Left() + margin_l;
+ my = m_rect.Top() + margin_t;
+ mw = m_rect.Width() - margin_l - margin_r;
+ mh = m_rect.Height() - margin_t - margin_b;
+ evas_object_move(select_rect, mx, my);
+ evas_object_resize(select_rect, mw, mh);
+// Event handle.
+ evas_object_resize(event_pot[0], EVENT_GRIP_SIZE, EVENT_GRIP_SIZE * 2);
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[0], m_rect.Left() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2), m_rect.Top() + m_rect.Height() / 2 - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE )); // Left
+ evas_object_resize(event_pot[1], EVENT_GRIP_SIZE, EVENT_GRIP_SIZE * 2);
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[1], m_rect.Right() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2), m_rect.Top() + m_rect.Height() / 2 - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE )); // Right
+ evas_object_resize(event_pot[2], EVENT_GRIP_SIZE * 2, EVENT_GRIP_SIZE);
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[2], m_rect.Left() + m_rect.Width() / 2 - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE ), m_rect.Top() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2)); // Top
+ evas_object_resize(event_pot[3], EVENT_GRIP_SIZE * 2, EVENT_GRIP_SIZE);
+ evas_object_move(event_pot[3], m_rect.Left() + m_rect.Width() / 2 - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE ), m_rect.Bottom() - ( EVENT_GRIP_SIZE / 2)); // Bottom
+ // Pot
+ const int lw = 4;
+ const int lh = 4;
+ int w, h;
+ w = POT_SIZE.Width();
+ h = POT_SIZE.Height();
+// L
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[0], w, h);
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[0], m_rect.Left() - w / 2 + lw, m_rect.Top() + m_rect.Height() / 2 - h / 2 );
+// R
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[1], m_rect.Right() - w / 2 -lw, m_rect.Top() + m_rect.Height() / 2 - h / 2 );
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[1], w, h);
+// T
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[2], m_rect.Left() + m_rect.Width() / 2 - w / 2 , m_rect.Top() - h / 2 + lh);
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[2], w, h);
+// B
+ evas_object_move(selector_pot[3], m_rect.Left() + m_rect.Width() / 2 - w / 2, m_rect.Bottom() - h / 2 - lh);
+ evas_object_resize(selector_pot[3], w, h);
+ evas_object_move(sel_rotate, m_rect.Right() - w / 2 - lw , m_rect.Top() - h / 2 + lh);
+ evas_object_resize(sel_rotate, w, h);
+ };
+ Evas_Object *select_rect; // Center rect
+ Evas_Object *event_pot[4];
+ Evas_Object *selector_pot[4];
+ Evas_Object *sel_rotate;
+ bool m_bMouseDown;
+ bool m_bGripMouseDown;
+const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description CEvasSmartObject<CScissorBox>::_signals[] = {
+Evas_Object *CScissorBox::CreateObject(Evas_Object *parent) {
+ CEvasSmartObject<CScissorBox>::CreateObject(parent);
+ evas_object_smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(GetObject(), _signals);
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ m_opaque[i] = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(parent));
+ evas_object_color_set(m_opaque[i], 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_DIM_BG_ALPHA);
+ evas_object_smart_member_add(m_opaque[i], GetObject());
+ evas_object_repeat_events_set(m_opaque[i], EINA_TRUE);
+ }
+ m_box = new CBox();
+ m_box->Create( GetObject() );
+ m_parent = parent;
+ MSG_HIGH("Scissorbox created");
+ return GetObject();
+void CScissorBox::remove()
+ MSG_HIGH("Destroy ScissorBox. m_box=0x%08x", m_box);
+ if ( m_target )
+ {
+ UnRegisterCB();
+ m_target = NULL;
+ }
+ m_parent = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_POT_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ evas_object_hide(m_opaque[i]);
+ evas_object_del(m_opaque[i]);
+ }
+ if ( m_job )
+ {
+ ecore_job_del(m_job);
+ m_job = NULL;
+ }
+ delete m_box;
+ delete this;
+void CScissorBox::SetOpaque(bool bOpaque)
+#if 0
+ // Determine whether BG is drawn or not.
+ if ( bOpaque == m_bOpaque )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+| m_opaque[0] |
+| ___________________________ |
+| ---- |
+| m_opaque[3] |bg | m_opaque[1] |
+|_______________----___________ |
+| |
+| m_opaque[2] |
+ if ( bOpaque == true )
+ {
+ evas_object_show(m_opaque[0]);
+ evas_object_show(m_opaque[1]);
+ evas_object_show(m_opaque[2]);
+ evas_object_show(m_opaque[3]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ evas_object_hide(m_opaque[0]);
+ evas_object_hide(m_opaque[1]);
+ evas_object_hide(m_opaque[2]);
+ evas_object_hide(m_opaque[3]);
+ }
+ m_bOpaque = bOpaque;
+void CScissorBox::SetPreserveRatio(bool bPreserveRatio)
+ m_bPreserveRatio = bPreserveRatio;
+ if ( m_bPreserveRatio == true )
+ {
+ CRect rect = m_box->GetRegion();
+ if ( rect.Width() != 0 )
+ {
+ MSG_HIGH("Set to preserve ratio");
+ m_box->SetRatio((double)rect.Height() / rect.Width());
+ }
+ }
+void CScissorBox::SetRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ MSG_HIGH("Set Region(%d,%d,%d,%d)", x, y, w, h);
+ m_box->Move(x,y);
+ if ( m_bPreserveRatio == true )
+ {
+ m_box->SetRatio((double)h / w);
+ }
+ m_box->Resize(w,h);
+ m_bSetRegion = true;
+ evas_object_smart_changed(GetObject());
+void CScissorBox::SetBound(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ MSG_HIGH("Set Bound(%d,%d,%d,%d)", x, y, w, h);
+ CRect rect(x, y, w, h);
+ m_box->SetBound(rect);
+ evas_object_smart_changed(GetObject());
+void CScissorBox::SetBoxType(eType type)
+// Remove old one and reload
+ if ( m_boxtype != type )
+ {
+ // Load again
+ if ( m_box )
+ {
+ const CRect &bound = m_box->GetBound();
+ const CRect &region = m_box->GetRegion();
+ double ratio = m_box->GetRatio();
+ delete m_box;
+ m_box = NULL;
+ if ( type == IMAGE_VIEW )
+ {
+ m_box = new CBox;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_box = new CBox1;
+ }
+ m_box->Create( GetObject() );
+ m_box->SetBound(bound);
+ m_box->Move(region.Left(), region.Top());
+ m_box->Resize(region.Width(), region.Height());
+ if ( m_bPreserveRatio == true )
+ {
+ m_box->SetRatio(ratio);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_boxtype = type;
+const CRect &CScissorBox::GetRegion() const
+ return m_box->GetRegion();
+void CScissorBox::Attach(Evas_Object *obj)
+ MSG_HIGH("Attach client! obj=%s", evas_object_type_get(obj));
+ if ( m_target )
+ UnRegisterCB();
+ m_target = obj;
+ RegisterCB();
+ SetOpaque(true);
+ OnTargetChanged();
+void CScissorBox::draw()
+ if ( m_box == NULL ) return;
+ if ( m_bOpaque == true)
+ {
+ const CRect &box_rect = m_box->GetRegion();
+ if ( box_rect != CRect::Zero )
+ {
+ int x, y, w, h;
+ evas_output_viewport_get(evas_object_evas_get(GetObject()), &x, &y, &w, &h);
+ MSG_LOW("Evas View port Output : %d,%d,%d,%d", x,y,w, h);
+ evas_object_move(m_opaque[0], x, y);
+ evas_object_resize(m_opaque[0], w, box_rect.Top());
+ evas_object_move(m_opaque[1], box_rect.Right(), box_rect.Top());
+ evas_object_resize(m_opaque[1], w - box_rect.Right() , box_rect.Height() );
+ evas_object_move(m_opaque[2], x, box_rect.Bottom());
+ evas_object_resize(m_opaque[2], w , h - box_rect.Bottom() );
+ evas_object_move(m_opaque[3], x, box_rect.Top());
+ evas_object_resize(m_opaque[3], box_rect.Left() , box_rect.Height() );
+ }
+ }
+ m_box->Draw();
+void CScissorBox::OnTargetChanged()
+ if ( m_job )
+ {
+ ecore_job_del(m_job);
+ }
+ m_job = ecore_job_add(_OnChangedJob, this);
+void CScissorBox::ApplyChanges()
+ int x, y, w, h;
+ int lcd_x, lcd_y, lcd_w, lcd_h;
+ evas_object_geometry_get(m_parent, &lcd_x, &lcd_y, &lcd_w, &lcd_h);
+ MSG_HIGH("LCD size (%d,%d,%d,%d)", lcd_x, lcd_y, lcd_w, lcd_h);
+ double lcd_ratio = (double)lcd_h/lcd_w;
+ if ( m_target == NULL )
+ {
+ x = 0;
+ y = 0;
+ w = lcd_w;
+ h = lcd_h;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ evas_object_geometry_get(m_target, &x, &y, &w, &h);
+ }
+ // evas_object_geometry_get is not corret when image loaded before show effect ended
+ if(lcd_ratio > (double)h/w)
+ {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x = (lcd_w - w)/2;
+ }
+ MSG_HIGH("Target Changed (%d,%d,%d,%d)->(%d,%d,%d,%d)", tRect.Left(), tRect.Top(), tRect.Width(), tRect.Height(), x, y, w, h);
+ if ( w == 0 || h == 0 )
+ {
+ MSG_WARN("Size does not changed");
+ return;
+ }
+ CRect bound(x,y,w,h); // Boundary size is same as target
+ m_box->SetBound(bound);
+ MSG_HIGH("Set Bound rect(%d,%d,%d,%d)", bound.Left(), bound.Top(), bound.Width(), bound.Height() );
+ if ( m_bSetRegion == false )
+ {
+ int nW = w / 2;
+ int nH = h / 2;
+ m_box->Move(x + (w - nW) / 2, y + (h - nH) / 2 );
+ m_box->Resize(nW, nH);
+ MSG_HIGH("Region is not set yet. BoxRegion(%d,%d,%d,%d)", x + (w - nW) / 2, y + (h - nH) / 2, nW, nH);
+ evas_object_smart_changed(GetObject());
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( tRect.Width() == 0 || tRect.Height() == 0 )
+ {
+ MSG_WARN("First time");
+ tRect = CRect(x,y,w,h);
+ return;
+ }
+ double zRatio = (double)w / tRect.Width();
+ const CRect &box_rect = m_box->GetRegion();
+// Convert to rect on image;
+ int ix = box_rect.Left() - tRect.Left();
+ int iy = box_rect.Top() - tRect.Top();
+ int rx = ix * zRatio;
+ int ry = iy * zRatio;
+ int rw = box_rect.Width() * zRatio;
+ int rh = box_rect.Height() * zRatio;
+ m_box->Move(rx + x, ry + y);
+ m_box->Resize(rw, rh);
+ MSG_HIGH("%d,%d %d,%d,%d,%d", ix, iy, rx, ry, rw, rh);
+ tRect = CRect(x,y,w,h);
+ const CRect &box_rect = m_box->GetRegion();
+ if ( bound.Inside(box_rect) == false )
+ {
+ MSG_ERROR("Out of bound region. Rect(%d,%d,%d,%d) Bound(%d,%d,%d,%d)", box_rect.Left(), box_rect.Top(), box_rect.Width(), box_rect.Height(),
+ bound.Left(), bound.Top(), bound.Width(), bound.Height());
+ int ph, pw;
+ ph = (box_rect.Height() * bound.Width()) / box_rect.Width();
+ if (ph > bound.Height())
+ {
+ pw = (box_rect.Width() * bound.Height()) / box_rect.Height();
+ ph = bound.Height();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pw = bound.Width();
+ }
+ pw = pw / 2;
+ ph = ph / 2;
+ MSG_ERROR("New WH(%d,%d)", pw, ph);
+ m_box->Move(bound.Left() + (bound.Width() - pw ) / 2, bound.Top() + (bound.Height() - ph) / 2 );
+ m_box->Resize(pw , ph);
+#if 0
+ // Reset Rect
+ int nW = bound.Width() / 2;
+ int nH = bound.Height() / 2;
+ if ( nW > nH )
+ {
+ nW = bound.Width() / 2;
+ nH = bound.Height() / 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nW = bound.Width() / 2;
+ nH = bound.Height() / 2;
+ }
+ m_box->Move(bound.Left() + (bound.Width() - nW) / 2, bound.Top() + (bound.Height() - nH) / 2 );
+ m_box->Resize(nW, nH);
+ }
+ evas_object_smart_changed(GetObject());