path: root/lib-contact/ct-detail/src/CtInputViewRelationItem.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib-contact/ct-detail/src/CtInputViewRelationItem.h')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib-contact/ct-detail/src/CtInputViewRelationItem.h b/lib-contact/ct-detail/src/CtInputViewRelationItem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4310c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib-contact/ct-detail/src/CtInputViewRelationItem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "CtInputViewGenlistItem.h"
+#include "CtDetailDataBase.h"
+#include "CtInputDataTypeCtxPopup.h"
+#include "CtInputDataTypeCustomPopup.h"
+#include "CtInputViewControl.h"
+#include "CtData.h"
+#include "CtPath.h"
+#include "ContactsCommon.h"
+class CtInputViewRelationItem : public CtInputViewGenlistItem
+ CtInputViewRelationItem( CtInputViewControl* control, std::shared_ptr<CtData>& inputData, contacts_record_h record, const char* oldVal,
+ const std::function<void ()>& itemChangedCb,
+ const std::function<void (Elm_Object_Item* deleteItem, bool isChanged, contacts_record_h record )>& itemDeletedCb,
+ const std::function<void (Evas_Object*, Elm_Object_Item* )>& activateNextEntryCb)
+ : CtInputViewGenlistItem(oldVal)
+ {
+ __control = control; __inputData = inputData; __record = record;
+ __itemChangedCb = itemChangedCb; __itemDeletedCb = itemDeletedCb; __activateNextEntryCb = activateNextEntryCb;
+ };
+ virtual ~CtInputViewRelationItem() { WHIT(); }
+ virtual Elm_Genlist_Item_Class* getItemClassStatic() {
+ static Elm_Genlist_Item_Class itc = {};
+ if( itc.item_style )
+ return &itc;
+ itc.item_style = "input.relationship";
+ itc.func.content_get = __getContentRelation;
+ itc.func.del = WGENLIST_ITEM_DEL();
+ return &itc;
+ }
+ virtual const char* getEntryObjPartName()
+ {
+ return "elm.icon.entry";
+ }
+ static Evas_Object* __getContentRelation(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
+ {
+ WHIT();
+ CtInputViewRelationItem *item = (CtInputViewRelationItem*)data;
+ //
+ if (0 == strcmp(part, "elm.icon.entry")) {
+ WEditfield *editfield = item->createEditField(obj, V_("IDS_PB_OPT_RELATIONSHIP_ABB2"), false);
+ Evas_Object *entry = editfield->getEntry();
+ elm_entry_input_panel_layout_set(entry, ELM_INPUT_PANEL_LAYOUT_EMAIL);
+ evas_object_smart_callback_add(entry, "changed", __relationshipChangedCb, item);
+ evas_object_smart_callback_add(entry, "preedit,changed", __relationshipChangedCb, item);
+ evas_object_smart_callback_add(entry, "activated", __activatedCb, item);
+ if (INPUT_ADDED_ITEM_INDEX_RELATIONSHIP == item->__control->getAddedIndex()) {
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(entry, EVAS_CALLBACK_SHOW, __entryShowCb, NULL);
+ }
+ const char *address = item->__inputData->getRelationshipRelationship(item->__record);
+ setEntryText(entry, address);
+ return editfield->getEvasObj();
+ }
+ else if (0 == strcmp(part, "elm.icon.2")) {
+ Evas_Object *btn_minus = elm_button_add(obj);
+ elm_object_style_set(btn_minus, "icon_expand_delete");
+ evas_object_smart_callback_add(btn_minus, "clicked", __relationshipDeleteCb, item);
+ return btn_minus;
+ }
+ else if (0 == strcmp(part, "elm.icon.1")) {
+ Evas_Object *btn_type = elm_button_add(obj);
+ elm_object_style_set(btn_type, "custom_dropdown");
+ evas_object_show(btn_type);
+ int relationshipType = item->__inputData->getRelationshipType(item->__record);
+ std::string typeStr;
+ item->__inputData->getRelationshipTypeStr(item->__record, relationshipType, typeStr);
+ elm_object_text_set(btn_type, typeStr.c_str());
+ evas_object_smart_callback_add(btn_type, "clicked", __dataTypeClickedCb, item);
+ return btn_type;
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(part, "elm.icon.3")) {
+ Evas_Object *image = elm_image_add(obj);
+ const std::string edjPath = ContactsCommon::getAppEdjePath(DETAIL_LAYOUT_EDJ);
+ elm_image_file_set(image, edjPath.c_str(), GROUP_BTN_IC_MULTIPLE);
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(image, ContactsCommon::getScaledWidth(CONTACTS_BTN_ICON_SIZE), ContactsCommon::getScaledHeight(CONTACTS_BTN_ICON_SIZE));
+ evas_object_propagate_events_set(image, EINA_FALSE);
+ evas_object_smart_callback_add(image, "clicked", __relationshipSelectContact, item);
+ return image;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static void __activatedCb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ CtInputViewRelationItem* item = (CtInputViewRelationItem*)data;
+ item->__activateNextEntryCb( obj, item->getElmObjectItem() );
+ }
+ static void __entryShowCb(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ WHIT();
+ elm_object_focus_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
+ evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_SHOW, __entryShowCb);
+ }
+ static void __dataTypeClickedCb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ WHIT();
+ CtInputViewRelationItem* item = (CtInputViewRelationItem*)data;
+ //
+ std::string typeStr;
+ if( item->__inputData->getRelationshipType( item->__record) == CONTACTS_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_CUSTOM)
+ {
+ item->__inputData->getRelationshipTypeStr( item->__record, CONTACTS_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_CUSTOM, typeStr);
+ }
+ CtInputDataTypeCtxPopup* popup = new CtInputDataTypeCtxPopup(elm_object_item_widget_get(item->getElmObjectItem()), obj, _contacts_relationship._uri, typeStr.c_str());
+ popup->setOnSelectCb( [popup,item,obj](int type){
+ {
+ item->__showDataTypeInputPopup();
+ return;
+ }
+ item->__inputData->setRelationshipType( item->__record, type, NULL);
+ std::string typeStr;
+ item->__inputData->getRelationshipTypeStr( item->__record, type, typeStr);
+ elm_object_text_set( obj, typeStr.c_str());
+ popup->destroy();
+ });
+ item->attachToView( popup );
+ }
+ void __showDataTypeInputPopup()
+ {
+ CtInputDataTypeCustomPopup* popup = new CtInputDataTypeCustomPopup();
+ popup->setOnResultCb([this](const char* text){
+ __inputData->setRelationshipType( __record, CONTACTS_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_CUSTOM, (char*)text );
+ elm_genlist_item_fields_update( getElmObjectItem(), "elm.icon.1", ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_FIELD_CONTENT);
+ });
+ attachToView( popup );
+ }
+ static void __relationshipChangedCb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ CtInputViewRelationItem* item = (CtInputViewRelationItem*)data;
+ char *text = NULL;
+ text = ctCommonMarkupToUtf8(elm_entry_entry_get(obj));
+ item->__inputData->setRelationshipRelationship(item->__record, text);
+ item->updateChangeState(text);
+ item->__itemChangedCb();
+ SAFE_FREE(text);
+ }
+ static void __relationshipDeleteCb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ CtInputViewRelationItem* item = (CtInputViewRelationItem*)data;
+ item->updateChangeState(NULL);
+ item->__itemDeletedCb( item->getElmObjectItem(), item->getIsChanged(), item->__record );
+ elm_object_item_del( item->getElmObjectItem() );
+ }
+ static void __relationshipSelectContact(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ {
+ APP_CONTROL_DATA_TYPE_ID, __contactPickCb, data);
+ }
+ static void __contactPickCb(app_control_h request, app_control_h reply, app_control_result_e result, void *data)
+ {
+ CtInputViewRelationItem *item = (CtInputViewRelationItem*)data;
+ char **personIds = NULL;
+ int count = 0;
+ int ret = app_control_get_extra_data_array(reply, APP_CONTROL_DATA_SELECTED, &personIds, &count);
+ if (ret == APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE && personIds && personIds[0]) {
+ contacts_record_h record = NULL;
+ char *displayName = NULL;
+ int err = contacts_db_get_record(_contacts_person._uri, atoi(personIds[0]), &record);
+ WPWARN(err != CONTACTS_ERROR_NONE, "contacts_db_get_record() failed(%d)", err);
+ err = contacts_record_get_str_p(record, _contacts_person.display_name, &displayName);
+ WPWARN(err != CONTACTS_ERROR_NONE, "contacts_record_get_str_p() failed(%d)", err);
+ ctCommonRemoveNewline(displayName);
+ item->__inputData->setRelationshipRelationship(item->__record, displayName);
+ elm_genlist_item_fields_update(item->getElmObjectItem(), "elm.icon.entry", ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_FIELD_CONTENT);
+ contacts_record_destroy(record, true);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ free(personIds[i]);
+ }
+ free(personIds);
+ }
+ CtInputViewRelationItem();
+ CtInputViewControl* __control;
+ std::shared_ptr<CtData> __inputData;
+ contacts_record_h __record;
+ std::function<void ()> __itemChangedCb;
+ std::function<void (Elm_Object_Item* deleteItem, bool isChanged, contacts_record_h record )> __itemDeletedCb;
+ std::function<void (Evas_Object*, Elm_Object_Item*)> __activateNextEntryCb;